
SSRS and PowerShell: Get report as Excel

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-12 11:55:14
问题 I'm trying to make PowerShell send a web request to our SSRS server and capture the results. I've hit a wall using the rs:FORMAT=EXCEL parameter in the SSRS url string. I have the following: First, init the credentials: $User = "MYDOMAIN\MyUser" $PWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "WooHooStringP$W0rd" -AsPlainText -Force $c = New-Object –TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential –ArgumentList $User, $PWord Now, request a report: Invoke-WebRequest ` -UserAgent ([Microsoft

Create a dataset which is a subset of another dataset in SSRS

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-12 11:25:31
问题 In my SSRS report, I already have a dataset A(by running a SQL script), and parameter P1 use all the records in A. Now I want to get a subset of A, and use another parameter P2 to refer to it. Is it possible that get the whole and the subset of the dataset at the sametime and only run the script once? I guess creating a shared dataset is a possible way, but the dataset A is just for locally use and shouldn't be shared. 回答1: Short answer No, it is not possible. Alternative You can modify your

SSRS Format calculated timespan in dd:hh:mm:ss

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-12 05:19:53
问题 I have a report and one of the fields calculates a timespan in an expression e.g =Fields!Date1.Value-Fields!Date2.Value I would like to display in the format dd:hh:mm:ss so days,hours,minutes and seconds. If i just leave the expression it sort of works but i get milliseconds which i don't want and if there are no days then that value disappears. I've seen lots of examples using formatting to get HH:mm:ss but not on how to do the days. 回答1: Try: =Floor(DateDiff("s",Fields!Date1.Value,Fields

Combining the Information from two datasets in SSRS R2 2008

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-12 04:47:25
问题 I am fairly new to ssrs r2 2008. What I am trying to do is create a funnel chart which displays the combined revenue information from two tables in different databases but on the same server. Doing my own research, I have found that I could use the lookup function, but I am not sure where I would implement this function. I have done research, but I haven't found any documentation which explicitly explains how and where lookup can be implemented. What I have so far is two datasources which

SSRS - Show only top 50 rows

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-12 04:19:23
问题 I am using SSRS 2014 version. I have below SSRS report and I wanted to display only first 50 rows (Supplier), How can I do this please? MY SQL code is, SELECT s.[CusNo] Supplier, RTRIM(CAST(s.[Customer] AS VARCHAR(50)) ) AS Name, s.[ConcessionNo] Concession, RTRIM(CAST(s.[ConcessionName] AS VARCHAR(50)) ) AS ConcessionName, sum(case when s.Date between convert(date,dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0) - 1) and convert(date,dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0) + 5) then s

Something like Data Driven Subscriptions SSRS Standard Edition 2008

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-12 03:45:17
问题 I'm fairly new to MSSQL and SSRS. I'm trying to create a data driven subscription in MSSQL 2008 Standard SSRS that does the following: I need to send out/email which includes report to my users just in case the report has data in it. This would use the list of recipients and must work for multiple results with multiple email address's. The way I'm thinking of doing this is making a subscription based on result of the query. If query doesn't return any result then email wouldn't go out. But if

Need to set a date parameter on an SSRS subscription

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-12 03:38:54
问题 I have a report in SSRS that takes a single date as a parameter. What I want is for that report to have a subscription that uses the Saturday of two weeks ahead as the date (i.e., Monday 7/4 would give Saturday 7/16). How can I do this in the subscription? Looks like I can't do a formula in the parameter. 回答1: You have to set the default parameter value in the report, not in the subscription. An expression to use in the default for the date parameter would look something like this. There both

Extend(wide) or Narrow titles by listing them in SSRS 2008

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-12 03:36:59
问题 I have a table in SSRS 2008 like: Zone NumOfPeople Zone1 50 Zone2 30 Zone3 20 What I want is to change the table into: Zone NumOfPeople + AllZones 100 When I click + sign, I expect to see something like: Zone NumOfPeople - AllZones Zone1 50 Zone2 30 Zone3 20 And clicking - sign should return the table to its first display. So I want to wide or narrow a table by clicking +/- like that. I could not find a related page that tells how to do it. I appreciate if anyone helps me to understand.

Deploying SSRS RDL files from VB.Net - Issue with shared datasources

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-12 03:34:52
问题 I am currently developing a utility to help automate our report deployment process. Multiple files, in multiple folders, to multiple servers. I am using the reportservice2010.asmx web service, and I am deploying my files to the server - so most of the way there. My issue is that I have shared data sets and shared data sources, which are deployed to individual folders, separate to the report folders. When the deployment occurs the web service looks locally for the data source rather than in

SSRS Report Query Not Working, but does when hardcoded parameters

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-12 03:33:21
问题 I have an SSRS report that has 3 parameters: @start (datetime) @end (datetime) @plantid (string from an external query) When I run the report regularly, it times out. When i run it in the designers query builder, it times out. However, when I hardcode the parameters into the query builder, it works. The whole thing works fine in Management Studio Why is it when I provide the parameters in the query within query designer, it runs, but when i fill in the parameters via the report it does not?