
Alternating row color expression in SSRS matrix not working correctly

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-02 11:22:44
问题 In the only row group I am trying to get a alternate row color with the following expression: Expression for background color : =IIf( RunningValue (Fields!SP.Value, CountDistinct, Nothing) MOD 2, "White", "blue") SQL code: select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DataDate) AS SSRSRowNumber ,datepart(dw,datadate) SSRSDateFilter ,DataDate ,SP ,sum(TMI) as TotalCI from table where DataDate>GETDATE()-20 group by DataDate,SP order by 1, 2 The result is the picture below, what's wrong in the expression

Fill empty dates in a matrix SSRS

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-02 08:21:40
I am trying to find a way to fill dates that have no data in a matrix. What I have right now is below But I want to show all the dates in between as well. I have tried several different iif statements but I either get errors or no change. SELECT ee.No, TTMain.CustFn, me.Date_Opened AS [I Open], me.Date_Closed AS [I Sch Close], TTMain.ttfn00, ee.Cls_Date AS [Actual Close Date], ee.Open_Date, TTMain.Project FROM GreatAmerican_Data.dbo.Marketing_Escrow AS me INNER JOIN GreatAmerican_Data.dbo.Escmst_Escrow AS ee ON me.File_Number = ee.No INNER JOIN ttMain AS TTMain ON ee.No = TTMain.ZeroZerottfn

SSRS Expression will not affect chart title visibility

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-02 07:48:16
I'm trying to use an expression in the visibility tab of the Chart title properties window to hide the chart title based on a Boolean parameter. parameter will hide other parts of the chart, but will not hide the chart title. I've tried using both switches, and IIF statements to verify that my code was working in other parts of the chart. I can hide the body, legend, and even the entire chart. Nothing I do will affect the chart title, however. =IIF(Parameters!Visible.Value = FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) The chart title should no longer be visible, but instead remains visible and unaffected. One work

Adding values to a Report when there is no Data in query SSRS

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-02 06:30:53
问题 I have a query that returns Sales representatives number, Category, Sales. The result is something like this: There are 4 categories called G1,G2,G3,G4 . As you can see the Sales representative 11 sold 10 each category (Yellow rows). But Representative 12 sold only for category G3 and G4 . The idea is to show in the report all the categories and populate with 0 all those who did not sell on that particular category. It must be grouped by Sales Representative so if you make a tablix grouping

Using CASE in WHERE Statement when parameter has multiple values

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-02 06:15:13
I have a problem which I think relates to having a multiple value parameter. In my TblActivity there are two fields TblActivity.ActivityServActId and TblActivity.ActivityContractId which I want to include in my WHERE statement. Filtering by these is optional. If the user selects 'Yes' for the parameter @YESNOActivity , then I want to filter the query looking for rows where TblActivity.ActivityServActId matches one of the options in the parameter @ServiceActivity . The same goes for the @YESNOContract , TblActivity.ActivityContractId and @Contract respectively I managed to get to this: WHERE

Exporting Conditional Borders to Excel in SSRS

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-02 04:04:05
I have a simple SSRS report with a Tablix and various groupings (1 column grouping, row groupings below) Groupings: Group 1 -- Group 2 ---- Group 3 ------ Group 4 -- Adjacent Group 2 ---- Adjacent Group 3 I am trying to implement a conditional border and while it works exactly as intended in Dev, after deployment and even exporting to PDF however, when I export to excel (where it needs to be) it does the following: The first Group1 grouping displays the border in the correct position (between group 4 and Adj Group 3) however, when exported this is the only grouping that appears correctly. The

Add ssrs report description

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-02 03:07:50
Anyway I can add a ssrs report description that displays in the report before execution? I Googled and most people said its not possible but there has to be a way to tweak it right? For anyone who still needs to add a report description that users can read before executing the report, I have seen this feature in both SSRS versions I have used (2008 and 2016). The Report Properties has a Description field, which users can read when accessing the web portal in either view (Tiles or Details/List). You administrate the Description field configuration from various locations-- web portal, Report

How do I align the width of chart with the width of Tablix in SSRS 2008 R2 ? OR how to use DynamicWidth Property?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-02 02:26:41
I am in a mid of creating a SSRS report, the report consists of a tablix and a chart, both depicts same data i.e. same database query. The actual number of columns of the Tablix is dynamically decided by the number of rows returns by the query. We are displaying records in a COLUMN-WISE manner. Example: If 5 records are returned by the query then 5 columns will be displayed in Tablix... If 8 records are returned by the query then 8 columns will be displayed in Tablix... The number of records returned by the query is dynamic, hence the width of Tablix is dynamic. Now about the chart, the width

Adding values to a Report when there is no Data in query SSRS

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-02 02:00:29
I have a query that returns Sales representatives number, Category, Sales. The result is something like this: There are 4 categories called G1,G2,G3,G4 . As you can see the Sales representative 11 sold 10 each category (Yellow rows). But Representative 12 sold only for category G3 and G4 . The idea is to show in the report all the categories and populate with 0 all those who did not sell on that particular category. It must be grouped by Sales Representative so if you make a tablix grouping by Sales Representatives you will have something like this: But you want something like this: Is there

I want Datetime Parameter in DDMMYYYY Format in ssrs report

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-01 20:39:48
I want to change the Datetime parameter to DDMMYYYY format.its default value is MMddYYYY.when user will select date from date picker the date should be display in ddmmyyyy format. I tried all expression like =Format(Parameters!DateFrom.Value, "dd/MM/yy") =cdate(format(DateAdd("d", -61, now),"dd/MM/yyyy")) =cdate(format(DateAdd("d", -61, now),"dd/MM/yyyy")) but all doesnt work. Necromancing. Yes, you can - sort of. First, notice that SSRS takes the date format from the language that is specified in your browser. So you could just change the language of the browser. Obviously, you don't wanna