
Reporting parameter saving

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-01 12:12:32
In SSRS, User wants his report parameters selection should be remembered.That is for the first time user will select parameters and somehow next time onward it should remember parameters. Is it possible to achieve this in any way?? Anybody has any thought on this? The My Reports feature allows users to build and save their own reports on the server. It also allows them to create linked reports that have parameter defaults set up the way they want. That's the only built-in feature that might get you what you want. It is pretty limited, though, to be honest. On the other hand, you could build a

SSRS Security add many users

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-01 11:22:28
I have a list of over 300 users I want to add to SSRS Security as "Browsers". I was wondering, is there a way to do this programmatically and not by doing New Role Assignment for each and every user? Assuming these users have an Active Directory profile: Create a AD group "SSRSBrowsers". Add the 300 to that group (preferably before the Persians arrive). Create an SSRS browse-only security entry for DOMAIN\SSRSBrowsers. Profit. 来源:

SSRS Security add many users

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-01 07:42:37
问题 I have a list of over 300 users I want to add to SSRS Security as "Browsers". I was wondering, is there a way to do this programmatically and not by doing New Role Assignment for each and every user? 回答1: Assuming these users have an Active Directory profile: Create a AD group "SSRSBrowsers". Add the 300 to that group (preferably before the Persians arrive). Create an SSRS browse-only security entry for DOMAIN\SSRSBrowsers. Profit. 来源:

Reporting parameter saving

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-01 07:40:33
问题 In SSRS, User wants his report parameters selection should be remembered.That is for the first time user will select parameters and somehow next time onward it should remember parameters. Is it possible to achieve this in any way?? Anybody has any thought on this? 回答1: The My Reports feature allows users to build and save their own reports on the server. It also allows them to create linked reports that have parameter defaults set up the way they want. That's the only built-in feature that

SSRS Format to display as percent

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-01 04:46:23
I've gone through quite a few examples on here and I apologize if I'm asking a repeat question, as far as I can tell, I am not. I have an SSRS report made that shows gross sales for certain aspects of our sales departments. They are broken down, in row, by "cost, gross profit, gross profit %, order count, total sales." The columns are the aspects of our sales. Web sales, phone sales, etc.... In the tablix I can format a text box to display the results as numbers, but as you can see, I have also Percentage and Count in there. I don't know how to format those within the context of the original

Vertical merge in SSRS Tablix

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-30 17:13:10
Is there any chance to do vertical merge of fields in tablix? I am working few years on SSRS, but only saw horizontal merge of cells, vertical not. Increase the row height to cover what you need. Insert a table to cover the non-merged cells. It's a little tricky to get the alignment right, but it works. Edit 07/08/2014: Added steps and images. If you add a row group , it allows vertical merging on the left side of the table. There will be two dotted lines separating the row header and detail. Everything to the left of dotted lines is vertically merged. If you look at the images from technet

Vertical merge in SSRS Tablix

久未见 提交于 2019-11-30 16:30:37
问题 Is there any chance to do vertical merge of fields in tablix? I am working few years on SSRS, but only saw horizontal merge of cells, vertical not. 回答1: Increase the row height to cover what you need. Insert a table to cover the non-merged cells. It's a little tricky to get the alignment right, but it works. 回答2: Edit 07/08/2014: Added steps and images. If you add a row group , it allows vertical merging on the left side of the table. There will be two dotted lines separating the row header

SSRS 2012 Report Models

安稳与你 提交于 2019-11-29 14:25:05
I am preparing a SSRS 2008 R2 commercial demo for my company, using Report Model to produce a kind of "BO Universe" data model to use with Report Builder, to show how users can produce their own reports by using a data model already created by a developer. I found out that Report Models are deprecated in SSRS 2012, is there any new tool to create a data model to deploy on report server, usable by users to produce reports? Thanks in advance, Daniele Semantic modeling language (SMDL) report models are deprecated. Although you can you continue to use existing report models as data sources in SQL

Force SSRS 2008 to use SSRS 2005 CSV rendering

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-29 11:40:38
We are upgrading our report server from SSRS 2005 to SSRS 2008 R2. I have an issue with CSV export rendering for SSRS 2008 where the SUM of columns are appearing on the right side of the detail values in 2008 instead of the left side like in 2005 as shown in the below blocks. 117 and 131 are the sums of Column2 and Column3 respectively. SSRS 2005 CSV Output Column2_1,Column3_1,Column2,Column3 117,131,1,2 117,131,1,2 117,131,60,23 117,131,30,15 117,131,25,89 SSRS 2008 CSV Output Column2,Column3,Column2_1,Column3_1 1,2,117,131 1,2,117,131 60,23,117,131 30,15,117,131 25,89,117,131 I understand

Need help in calculation using two Datasets using Expression SSRS

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-28 14:14:39
I am creating an SSRS report where In Dataset15, I have value Jan - 100 & Feb - 110 in Dataset16, I have value Jan - 80 & Feb - 100 Now I want to calculate same thing in a line chart using expression - Jan - 80/100 which should be 80% & Feb - 100/110 - 91% When I am trying to find out individual monthly number 100, 110 I am getting 210 which is the summation of Both - Sum(Fields!Total.Value, "DataSet15") . Kindly help me out how can I get individual Numbers. Hannover Fist You would need to restrict your dataset to the desired month and then sum the results. LookupSet is used to retrieve data