Exporting Conditional Borders to Excel in SSRS

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-02 04:04:05

I am still interested in a solution to this problem but to meet deadlines I used a workaround.

If anyone has a problem like this what I had to do was to make an adjacent group to group 4 that was a duplicate of this group i.e. group 4 and the new adjacent group had the same grouping expression. Then I set the border to solid on the bottom of this new group and altered the visibility of both groups to hide/show the necessary rows. In other words, make a group solely for the row that required the border.

I faced a similar issue where in I was defining conditional borders as Solid /None and the "None's" were also showing up as solid when exporting to excel. I changed the borders to all Solid (Default = Solid) and instead changed the border color to White where I wanted Border to be None and Black where I wanted it to be Solid and it seemed to work pretty fine, even with excel export ( I didn't check it with other exporting formats though). Let me know if it helps.
