
Why MySQL completely reformat the VIEW query text?

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-16 21:08:37
问题 Using Firebird and SQL Server, when I create an VIEW the query text remain exactly as I wrote. No matter if I use SQLDBX, IbExpert, FlameRobin or SSMS, it extracts the same query text. But when it comes to MySQL, it COMPLETELY changes the query text. And when I extract it to a script, the carefully indented query text converts in a one BIG line of text. It's indifferent if using an ODBC application (SQLDBX) or MySQL WorkBench, it's absolutely annoying. After said that: There's some reasoning

Why MySQL completely reformat the VIEW query text?

为君一笑 提交于 2021-02-16 21:08:27
问题 Using Firebird and SQL Server, when I create an VIEW the query text remain exactly as I wrote. No matter if I use SQLDBX, IbExpert, FlameRobin or SSMS, it extracts the same query text. But when it comes to MySQL, it COMPLETELY changes the query text. And when I extract it to a script, the carefully indented query text converts in a one BIG line of text. It's indifferent if using an ODBC application (SQLDBX) or MySQL WorkBench, it's absolutely annoying. After said that: There's some reasoning

Why MySQL completely reformat the VIEW query text?

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-16 21:07:18
问题 Using Firebird and SQL Server, when I create an VIEW the query text remain exactly as I wrote. No matter if I use SQLDBX, IbExpert, FlameRobin or SSMS, it extracts the same query text. But when it comes to MySQL, it COMPLETELY changes the query text. And when I extract it to a script, the carefully indented query text converts in a one BIG line of text. It's indifferent if using an ODBC application (SQLDBX) or MySQL WorkBench, it's absolutely annoying. After said that: There's some reasoning

Any way to edit data on MS-Access form using SQL View with two tables

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-05 06:11:26
问题 From what I've read it should be possible to edit data described by a view if the data being modified represents only one table and a unique identifier field is included in the data. According to Microsoft Any modifications must reference columns from only one base table Has anyone had any luck creating an MS-Access form that is editable when the underlying recordset is based on a view or stored procedure merging data from two tables? My form only used the secondary table to join a code table

create view with select *

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-01-28 06:41:03
问题 I've created a view with CREATE VIEW dbo.myView AS SELECT * FROM dbo.myTable . myView does not select new columns when I add columns to dbo.myTable . Is there a way I can make my view select all columns from a table even after I add columns without having to update the view? 回答1: No. You have to update the view either by recreating it or using sp_refreshview. This is documented in CREATE VIEW: If a view is not created with the SCHEMABINDING clause, sp_refreshview should be run when changes

SQL views, grouping by most sold items and customers who purchased most

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-01-06 04:52:28
问题 This is my table: Using this query, I am getting most sold items: SELECT [Purchased Item], SUM([Overall Quantity purchased] ) FROM ReportDraft GROUP BY [Purchased Item] ORDER BY SUM([Overall Quantity purchased] ) This returns items and total quantity purchased by customer. Can I somehow create a table like ItemName | Total quantity purchased | Customer who purchased most | Customer quantity bought Pie--------|---------11------------|---------------ALEX----------|--------3------------| Thank

Can a where clause on a join be used in a view

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-01-05 07:56:17
问题 I'm attempting to create an SQL view that consolidates a number of separate select queries. I've encountered some difficulty putting clauses from the individual select statements into the database view. A simplified version of my view is: create or replace view TestView as select A.Name, B.Subscription, C.Expiry from TestTableA as A left outer join TestTableB as B on A.ID = B.A_ID left outer join TestTableC as C on A.ID = C.A_ID; I've got two problems with the view: On the frist join how can

How can I create a view from more than one table?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-05 06:42:42
问题 I have to create a view from more than one table in an MS SQL Server database, but I am not able to get the correct syntax for the same. 回答1: You'll have to provide more information about how you are looking to return data from more than one table. Typically you use JOINs: CREATE VIEW your_view_vw AS SELECT * FROM TABLE_A a JOIN TABLE_B b ON b.pk = a.fk ...where fk stands for "Foreign Key", and pk stands for "Primary Key" - assuming these constraints are in place. Maybe you need to use a

SQL Trigger for View

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-26 15:06:34
问题 I need help with creating a view and then triggers for the following: update salesperson commission(10% of sale), inventory quantity, and customer balance when each invoice line item is entered. This is what I have right now for the view: I got it working but it shows me that i have error in line 8: CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (CUSTOMER_ID DECIMAL(2,0) PRIMARY KEY, CUSTOMER_NAME CHAR(25), CUSTOMER_ADDRESS CHAR(15), CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE DECIMAL(5,0), CUSTOMER_CITY CHAR(15), CUSTOMER_STATE CHAR(2),

SQL Trigger for View

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-26 15:06:14
问题 I need help with creating a view and then triggers for the following: update salesperson commission(10% of sale), inventory quantity, and customer balance when each invoice line item is entered. This is what I have right now for the view: I got it working but it shows me that i have error in line 8: CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (CUSTOMER_ID DECIMAL(2,0) PRIMARY KEY, CUSTOMER_NAME CHAR(25), CUSTOMER_ADDRESS CHAR(15), CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE DECIMAL(5,0), CUSTOMER_CITY CHAR(15), CUSTOMER_STATE CHAR(2),