
If you try 9n**9n**9n in Chrome's console, Chrome breaks (it resembles an infinite loop). Why does this happen?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-08-22 04:35:46
问题 If you try 9n**9n**9n in Chrome's console, Chrome breaks (it resembles an infinite loop). Does the V8 engine lack the implementation for this case? I mean, if you try 9**9**9 it will return Infinity , which is kind of nice. Why doesn't V8 return Infinity as well in the former case? And why does it seem to go into an infinite loop? I tried this in Firefox too, and this problem doesn't exist, because currently there's no BigInt implementation in SpiderMonkey. Thanks! 回答1: As was said already,


末鹿安然 提交于 2020-07-27 23:16:38
要想才为神,必须撑握AST 学习: 参考: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000016231512?utm_source=tag-newest AST:对象文档: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/Parser_API#Node_objects 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/2285087/blog/4300524

How to convert Javascript code to human-readable opcodes or asm?

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-05-28 09:55:02
问题 As far as I know, Javascript code can either result in JS bytecode or asm instructions (if the internal JIT-compiler was able to convert the code directly to machine instructions). Is there any way to convert Javascript code to human-readable JS byte code (or asm instructions) - depending on how the V8 engine converts it? 回答1: You can run d8 or node with --print-bytecode --print-opt-code to print both bytecode and optimized assembly code to stdout when it is generated. You can use --print

How to convert Javascript code to human-readable opcodes or asm?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-05-28 09:51:47
问题 As far as I know, Javascript code can either result in JS bytecode or asm instructions (if the internal JIT-compiler was able to convert the code directly to machine instructions). Is there any way to convert Javascript code to human-readable JS byte code (or asm instructions) - depending on how the V8 engine converts it? 回答1: You can run d8 or node with --print-bytecode --print-opt-code to print both bytecode and optimized assembly code to stdout when it is generated. You can use --print

手机淘宝短视频业务「哇哦视频」迁移上 FaaS 笔记公开

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-02-26 14:56:49
作者 | 刘子健(繁易) 阿里巴巴高级前端工程师 前言 2019 年,在阿里巴巴集团内部技术论坛上对于 Serverless 和 FaaS 的讨论非常火热。 在看了那么多“技术原理/顶层设计/平台建设”相关的文章之后,我相信你对 FaaS 肯定产生过跃跃欲试的感觉,但也肯定存在诸多疑惑,例如: FaaS 在业务中能落地吗? FaaS 能帮助前端同学实现能力升级吗? …… 而这些疑惑对于刚开始接触 FaaS 的我而言,只会多不会少。恰好,我所负责的“哇哦视频”业务是淘系第一个基于 Node FaaS 开发的线上业务,在线上已经稳稳当当的跑了 4 个月,这期间不仅接手了 Java 同学的工作,同时也顺利的承接了日常与双十一需求。 关于上面的这些疑惑,经过了这四个月的考验,我想我已经有了自己的答案。接下来我将会向大家分享我这四个月的历程,带大家一起看看,在一名一线业务同学的眼中,FaaS 究竟会给前端同学带来什么? 背景 哇哦视频是在手淘首页的短视频导购业务,业务核心目标如下: 打造围绕“人用物”为核心有 “温度”的短视频;引导更多的商家视频,商家模板化生产;增加首页分发效率,让用户快速的且容易定位到自己想看的视频内容。 而其作为手淘的导购业务,具有“三高”的特点: 由于是身处手淘首页的业务,其流量相对于普通业务而言是比较高的,属于大流量业务。而流量高的特点也带来了稳定性高的要求


感情迁移 提交于 2020-02-26 07:03:18
摘要 您能解释JavaScript中封装的匿名函数的语法背后的原因吗? 为什么这样做: (function(){})(); 但这不是: function(){}(); ? 我知道的 在JavaScript中,将创建一个命名函数,如下所示: function twoPlusTwo(){ alert(2 + 2); } twoPlusTwo(); 您还可以创建一个匿名函数并将其分配给变量: var twoPlusTwo = function(){ alert(2 + 2); }; twoPlusTwo(); 您可以通过创建一个匿名函数来封装代码块,然后将其包装在方括号中并立即执行: (function(){ alert(2 + 2); })(); 在创建模块化脚本时,这很有用,以避免因潜在冲突的变量而使当前范围或全局范围混乱(例如Greasemonkey脚本,jQuery插件等)。 现在,我明白了为什么这样做了。 方括号将内容括起来,仅显示结果(我敢肯定有一种更好的描述方式),例如 (2 + 2) === 4 。 我不明白的 但是我不明白为什么这不能同样有效: function(){ alert(2 + 2); }(); 你能跟我解释一下吗? #1楼 即使这是一个古老的问答,它仍然讨论了一个主题,该主题至今仍使许多开发人员陷入困境。

Typedef redefinition (C2371) for uint32 in two 3rd-party libraries

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-13 18:58:51
问题 In my application I am using Box2D and Spidermonkey. Both libraries are defining the type uint32, which obviously gives me a compiler-error when using both in the same compilation unit. b2settings.h (Box2D): typedef unsigned int uint32; jsotypes.h (Spidermonkey): typedef unsigned long uint32; Is there any way to resolve this collision without needing to change the headers of the 3rd-party libraries? I am thankful for every hint! 回答1: You can do this hack: #define uint32 Box2D_uint32 #include

Typedef redefinition (C2371) for uint32 in two 3rd-party libraries

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-13 18:58:06
问题 In my application I am using Box2D and Spidermonkey. Both libraries are defining the type uint32, which obviously gives me a compiler-error when using both in the same compilation unit. b2settings.h (Box2D): typedef unsigned int uint32; jsotypes.h (Spidermonkey): typedef unsigned long uint32; Is there any way to resolve this collision without needing to change the headers of the 3rd-party libraries? I am thankful for every hint! 回答1: You can do this hack: #define uint32 Box2D_uint32 #include