
Snapchat download all memories at once

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-12-25 04:50:45
问题 Over the years on snapchat I have saved lots of photos that I would like to retrieve now, The problem is they do not make it easy to export, but luckily if you go online you can request all the data (thats great) I can see all my photos download link and using the local HTML file if I click download it starts downloading. Here's where the tricky part is, I have around 15,000 downloads I need to do and manually clicking each individual one will take ages, I've tried extracting all of the links

Snapchat download all memories at once

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-12-25 04:50:11
问题 Over the years on snapchat I have saved lots of photos that I would like to retrieve now, The problem is they do not make it easy to export, but luckily if you go online you can request all the data (thats great) I can see all my photos download link and using the local HTML file if I click download it starts downloading. Here's where the tricky part is, I have around 15,000 downloads I need to do and manually clicking each individual one will take ages, I've tried extracting all of the links

Pinch, Pan, and Rotate Text Simultaneously like Snapchat [SWIFT 3]

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-06-07 09:32:42
问题 I'm trying to make a TextView that you can move around like snapchat does. I have made something similar to it, although when you try and scale while rotates, it tends to stretch horizontally infinitely and dragging can be a little buggy at times. I have this: func panGesture(pan: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { print("Being Dragged") if pan.state == .began { textViewOrigin = pan.location(in: textView) }else { let location = pan.location(in: view) // get pan location textView.frame.origin = CGPoint

How to pass code_challenge and code_verifier for Snapchat API

孤人 提交于 2020-04-16 02:33:18
问题 I have tried absolutely everything to get the code_verifier to work, to no avail. Everything else seems to be fine. In the code sample provided (PHP), my first method (get_snapchat_auth_url() ) creates the authentication URL. That seems to work fine and it generates a callback URL with a code and a state. Then the second method (get_access_token() ) is called with the code passed to it as a parameter. This also seems to work fine. It constructs the header and fields using my app's callback

How to share image to Snapchat from my android app?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-02-05 03:55:07
问题 I'm adding share feature in my app, and everything works fine except sharing to Snapchat. When I send "SEND" intent Snapchat only opens it own camera preview and my picture is lost. I tried different things, but nothing helps. Also when I share via standard Android sharing screen, Snapchat successfully opens it. So here is my code: var tempFile = File(filePath) val sharingIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND) sharingIntent.type = "image/jpg" sharingIntent.flags = Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI

Snapchat like buttons over different view controllers

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-01 06:26:09
问题 The 3 main snapchat buttons are on the bottom on the screen, but as you swipe and move between different view controllers, they stay in the same position. Not only that, they also shrink and grow depending on which view you are in. I'm trying to do something similar. I have a button at the top of my vc, and when I segue to another one I would like it to stay it there and still be functional. 回答1: One possible way of going about this would be using a UIPageViewController and setting it up to

Snapchat-like swipe navigation between views in Xcode 6 and Swift)

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-20 08:19:13
问题 I've been trying to implement swipe navigation between View Controllers in my app using the Swipe Gesture Recognizer and embeded Navigation Controller, but it doesn't look even close to the Snapchat's nav. What would be the most efficient and appropiate way to implement such functionality? I'm quite a newbie to Swift and programming really, and I would appreciate every helpful comment. 回答1: The short version is to use a container view controller with a scrollview inside the controller. You

Snapchat Url load issue

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-13 22:01:25
问题 I have integrated Follow us on Snapchat in my Android application and for that am displaying URL in my default web view. This works fine in the Google Chrome but fails to load in the default browser of the device. Here is the error which am getting on trying in the web view - "Uncaught TypeError: Array.from is not a function", source: I have tried in the several devices and found the same, but