

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-04-07 05:53:03
《卫报》:我们正面临着第六次大灭绝吗? 毛西 2018-12-23 1.今日导读 “在把其他物种推向灭绝的过程中,人类也在忙着锯断自己栖息的那根树枝。”——《大灭绝时代》。自从人类诞生在这个地球上,就不断推进着地球的演变。人类的扩张与发展消耗着地球资源,也毁坏着自然的生态平衡,我们却寄希望于大自然的自我康复。然而,科学家最近公布了史上最大灭绝事件的原因,这和目前人类行为造成的后果不谋而合。这样的警示能够带给我们怎样的思考?一起来看今天的新闻吧。 2.带着问题听讲解 Q1: 地球曾经经历过几次大灭绝事件? Q2: 史上最大的灭绝事件背后有怎样的原因? Q3: 此次研究发现留给人类怎样的警醒? 3.新闻正文(中英文对照) The 'great dying': rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, report says “大灭绝”:报告称,气候极速变暖曾导致有史以来最大的灭绝事件 Rapid global warming caused the largest extinction event in the Earth’s history, scientists have found. The mass extinction, known as the “great dying”, occurred around 252m

Adobe is previewing an R&D feature for After Effects

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 06:02:43
Adobe is previewing an R&D feature for After Effects that can automatically track human movements and apply them to animations. The body tracker detects human body movement in source videos to generate track points for 18 joints across the arms, torso, and legs, which can then be transferred to the character that’s being animated. Similar to how Adobe’s Character Animator can track facial expressions, the feature could be a quick way to create 2D body animations. The feature can also create a contour mask around the body, which can be used in a variety of ways, like video color grading and