

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-07-28 12:41:29
随着人们生活质量的提高,汽车越来越多的出现在普通家庭,成为人们日常生活的一部分, 统计显示,人一生当中在车中度过的时间长达3年,那么我们该如何更加愉悦舒适的度过车内时光,就显得尤为重要,而作为现代汽车大脑的车载操作系统更是重中之重,车载操作系统如何让我们的生活更加便捷和安全? 车载操作系统的发展现状及趋势是什么?下面将从如下四点进行分析。 1、车载操作系统发展现状 在刚刚结束的谷歌I/O全球开发者大会上,奥迪展示的概念产品运用了全集成式安卓操作系统,开启了新视野,将在很大程度上加速谷歌智联服务的发展。但这仅仅是概念产品,距离真正的生产还有一段路要走。而且普通价位的车型配置的车载操作系统功能很少,仅仅是导航或者音乐等功能;高价位车型如宝马、特斯拉等配置的车载操作系统可以调节和操控驾驶模式、娱乐系统、空调、座椅加热、天窗行李厢开关、充电设定、总电源开关等,与联通的深度合作也使之能够轻松通过 3G/4G 上网,同时还能方便地到联通营业厅充电。 51CTO开发者交流群(以下简称Q群)恩威 表示,目前汽车的中控屏主要功能:娱乐、导航、收音、后视。 现在车载导航系统能干的仅仅这些,远不能满足人们舒适便捷的需求。车载操作系统和PC操作系统一样,有着不同的性能及优劣之分,目前市面上都有哪些主要的操作系统,哪些又适合车载操作系统那? 奥迪Q8驾驶舱 2、操作系统盘点 市面上主要的操作系统如下表:

QNX驱动开发——中断处理 http://www.cnblogs.com/splovecyk/p/4383162.html的描述

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-29 05:32:04
中断处理程序、中断上下文中处理延时及一些函数的调用规则(调IIC中断驱动有感) http://blog.csdn.net/samantha_sun/article/details/6790492 1,中断处理程序中不能使用有睡眠功能的函数,如ioremap,kmalloc,msleep等,理由是中断程序并不是进程,没有进程的概念,因此就没有休眠的概念; 2,中断处理程序中的延时可以用忙等待函数来代替,如ndelay,udelay,mdelay等,这些函数在实现上本质是根据CPU频率进行一定 次数的循环;最好不要使用mdelay,因为毫秒延时对内核来说已经是非常大了。而在中断处理程序中使用msleep却绝对不行。(见linux设备驱动开发详解第二版p210页) 3,printk函数在中断处理函数中可以使用,但是会占用较多时间,降低效率。在调IIC驱动的时候,由于IIC读取写入处理时必须进行一定延 时,在我没有使用udelay的时候,竟然用printk就使IIC中断正常运行,当时在调试的时候,发现有些printk加上程序就正常,去掉就不正 常,当时真是匪夷所思,但现在明白了,因此printk占用时间比较大,正好充当了IIC延时的功能。最后我把printk全部去掉,在需要延时的地方加 入udelay,才使程序正常运行。 4,使用for和while等的空循环在中断处理函数中进行延时操作

How to add passwd command to system builder project?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-01-07 01:52:12
问题 I have a system builder project to make a QNX OS image that needs to be accomplished. The problem is it is not currently supporting passwd command. I mean when I write the image and try passwd root command, I get this output: /bin/passwd[1]: root::0:0:Superuser:/root:/bin/sh: cannot execute - No such file or directory /bin/passwd[2]: bin:x:1:1:Binaries: cannot execute - No such file or directory /bin/passwd[3]: daemon:x:2:2:System: cannot execute - No such file or directory /bin/passwd[4]:

How to get CPU load / RAM usage out of QNX?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-03 05:38:10
问题 I'm currently trying to get information about the CPU load and RAM usage out of an PowerPC with QNX running on it. The idea is to write that information in a text file with a time stamp over a certain amount of time, but this ain't my problem here once I have the information as a "standard value". My programm will be in C++ and I already did this kind of program for Windows (via PDH API). Maybe you have page like this but for QNX? Probably I'm looking for the wrong keywords. Can you help me

How to write a CanOpen stack?

久未见 提交于 2020-01-02 20:03:28
问题 I have a similar problem with this. How to program a simple CANopen layer . I read the answers but I have to program a CANopen layer on my own I cannot get a commercial one. So are there any basics of writing a CANopen stack (or layer I'm not certain about the difference)? I don't know even where to start.. If it's required here's some information : My master device is a beagle bone black with QNX. QNX has a generic CAN library I think but not specific to CANopen. And my slave is a

How to develop app for QNX from scratch with proper GUI?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-25 04:36:49
问题 I was wondering around Internet for proper article regarding how to develop a good UI app for QNX . I was able to find things like - We can use jamaicaVM to port our code developed on java to c . Following are my questions : On what platform should i develop the app for QNX . The app should have proper UI. This might even help other beginner . 回答1: Now that Qt 5 has support on QNX 6.6, I would suggest using it. With Qt you can either develop your GUI in either in native C++ (Qt Widgets) or

How to detect screen resize events coming from ncurses in QNX?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-24 03:25:37
问题 I can not configure to receive events about changing the size of the terminal using ncurses QNX Momentics. I am using Putyy as a terminal and data is transmitted through the COM port. My question is how to realize the reception of screen change events when using a remote terminal? FILE* fcons = fopen("/dev/ser1", "r+"); SCREEN* term = newterm("xterm-r5", fcons, fcons); int y = 0, x = 0; //if(y < 24 || x < 80) // resizeterm(24, 80); flushinp(); main_scr = newwin(24, 80, 0, 0); head_scr =

Can I use std:fixed or std::setprecision() with >> operator?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-24 00:46:37
问题 std::istringstream loses precision when converting a string to long double. Can I use something similar to std::fixed or std::setprecision() ? I am using c++ 11 and targeting QNX platform. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> int main(){ long double convertedNumber; std::string numberString ("5.94865747678615882510631e+4931"); //From string to long double std::istringstream iss(numberString); iss >> convertedNumber; std::cout<< std::setprecision(30) <<

How do you install an ssh server on qnx?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-21 04:22:25
问题 I'm working on a qnx device, and I want to be able to ssh into it. Does anyone have a primer on getting something like openSSH up and running? 回答1: Depending on whether it's 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4 you will actually go about it in a different manner. 6.2 has "Installer" or "Install Software from QNX" in Photon, a GUI program that lets you download and install it kind of like Fedora's Pup, YaST or the likes. The command-line equivalent is cl-installer. 6.3 does not have the 6.2 package filesystem, but

make: install: Command not found

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-20 03:53:16
问题 While I'm trying to install git from its source on qnx , I get the following error (note that pound is a prompt for sudo in qnx ): # ./configure --without-iconv --with-perl=/usr/pkg/bin/perl --with-python=/usr/qnx650/host/qnx6/x86/usr/bin/python # make all # make install GEN perl/PM.stamp SUBDIR gitweb SUBDIR ../ make[2]: `GIT-VERSION-FILE' is up to date. GEN git-instaweb SUBDIR git-gui SUBDIR gitk-git SUBDIR perl SUBDIR git_remote_helpers SUBDIR templates install -d -m 755 '/usr/local/bin'