

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-04-20 18:31:36
课程目标 微职位课程是51CTO学院针对在职人群推出的高端IT培训品牌,Unity游戏开发QQ群:384298778。 适用人群 Untiy游戏开发爱好者|Untiy游戏开发从业者 课程简介 个人18年书籍《Unity3D/2D游戏开发从0到1(第二版)》 一:51CTO学院推荐微职位公开课: 《2018微职位公开课_Unity研发工程师高薪就业》 二:游戏开发热门专题(套餐) A:《Lua热更新从0到1全套课程》 B:《Untiy客户端框架设计专题》 C:《Unity编程之C#编程从基础到实战系列视频课程套餐》 D: 《MMOARPG地下守护神—单机版实战专题》 三: 热更新系列(技术含量:中高级): 4:《Lua热更新技术视频课程(中级篇)》 5:《热更新框架设计之Xlua基础视频课程》 6:《热更新框架设计之热更流程与热补丁视频课程》 7:《热更新框架设计之客户端热更框架(上)视频课程》 8:《热更新框架设计之客户端热更框架(中)视频课程》 9:《热更新框架设计之客户端热更框架(下)视频课程》 四:框架设计系列(技术含量:中级): A:《游戏UI界面框架设计系列视频课程》 B:《Unity客户端框架设计PureMVC篇视频课程(上)》 C:《Unity客户端框架设计PureMVC篇视频课程(下)》 D:《AssetBundle框架设计_框架篇视频课程》 五


亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-04-17 12:40:29
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> Laya版本:2.5.0 这里用puremvc作为第三方库来做例子 一 加入Puremvc第三方库文件 现有puremvc库文件 将puremvc.min.js放入项目目录bin/libs下 将puremvc.d.ts放入项目目录libs下 Laya的UI编辑器下,F9,勾选puremvc.min.js 这样代码中可以使用puremvc框架了 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4280983/blog/3238107

puremvc c++ simple demo

百般思念 提交于 2020-03-03 17:56:10
(1)puremvc 流程简述: core: model,view,control patterns:Mediator,Proxy,Observer,Facade,Command 核心和模型的纽带:Mediator (2)使用一个简单的登陆窗口模拟puremvc的使用(vs2005) 分三步:1.初始化puremvc实例 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/107574/blog/198112

What's your recommendation for architecting GWT applications? MVC, MVP or custom messaging solution?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-18 10:20:01
问题 I just started a new GWT project for a client and I'm interested in hearing people's experience with various GWT MVC architectures. On a recent project, I used both GXT MVC, as well as a custom messaging solution (based on Appcelerator's MQ). GXT MVC worked OK, but it seemed like overkill for GWT and was hard to make work with browser history. I've heard of PureMVC and GWTiger, but never used them. Our custom MQ solution worked pretty well, but made it difficult to test components with JUnit.

Upgrading to Flex 4.6 from Flex 4.5

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-11 11:01:01
问题 The Background I'm in the process of updating an AIR app that was built with Flex 4.5 and AIR 2.6 to Flex 4.6 and AIR 3.3. I'm doing this to take advantage of the native JSON class and to get ready for AIR 3.4 and Actionscript Workers, both things I plan to make use of. I'm also using PureMVC 2.0.4. The actual updating process went fine. I downloaded the Flex 4.6 SDK and overlaid the AIR 3.3 SDK on top of it. So far so good. I was using the JSON class in as3corelib so I had to make some

Flex best practices? [closed]

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-03 12:47:48
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. I have the feeling that is easy to find samples, tutorials and simple examples on Flex. It seems harder to find tips and good practices based on real-life projects. Any tips on how to : How to write maintainable actionscript code How to ensure a clean

What's your recommendation for architecting GWT applications? MVC, MVP or custom messaging solution?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-11-29 21:07:48
I just started a new GWT project for a client and I'm interested in hearing people's experience with various GWT MVC architectures. On a recent project, I used both GXT MVC , as well as a custom messaging solution (based on Appcelerator's MQ ). GXT MVC worked OK, but it seemed like overkill for GWT and was hard to make work with browser history. I've heard of PureMVC and GWTiger , but never used them. Our custom MQ solution worked pretty well, but made it difficult to test components with JUnit. In addition, I've heard that Google Wave (a GWT application) is written using a Model-View

in MVC/MVP/MVPC where do you put your business logic?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-29 19:54:06
in the MVC/MVP/MVPC design pattern where do you put your business logic? No, I do not mean the ASP.NET MVC Framework (aka "Tag Soup"). Some people say you should put it in the "Controller" in MVC/MVPC or "Presenter". But, others think it should be part of the Model. What do you think and why? This is how I see it: The controller is for application logic; logic which is specific to how your application wants to interact with the domain of knowledge it pertains to. The model is for logic that is independent of the application. i.e. logic that is valid in all possible applications of the domain

in MVC/MVP/MVPC where do you put your business logic?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-28 15:40:38
问题 in the MVC/MVP/MVPC design pattern where do you put your business logic? No, I do not mean the ASP.NET MVC Framework (aka "Tag Soup"). Some people say you should put it in the "Controller" in MVC/MVPC or "Presenter". But, others think it should be part of the Model. What do you think and why? 回答1: This is how I see it: The controller is for application logic; logic which is specific to how your application wants to interact with the domain of knowledge it pertains to. The model is for logic