
Performance of Cloning (either by Cloneable Interface or Copy Constructor) a object vs Creating a new object in Prototype Pattern

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-04 08:12:59
问题 Recently, while learning about Design Patterns, I learnt that the Prototype Pattern is very useful and performance efficient in scenarios where huge number of Object creation is needed. Prototype Pattern also minimizes the expense of too many object creations by making use of Cloneable interface or Copy Constructor in Prototype Pattern. But, I would like to know how does cloning or copying an object more efficient than creating a new object. A JVM level explanation would be great. Is this the

What's the point of the Prototype design pattern?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-20 08:17:07
问题 So I'm learning about design patterns in school. Today I was told about the 'Prototype' design pattern. I must be missing something, because I don't see the benefits from it. I've seen people online say it's faster than using new but this doesn't make sense; at some point, regardless of how the new object is created, memory needs to be allocated for it. Doesn't this pattern run in the same circles as the 'chicken or egg' problem? Since the Prototype pattern essentially is just cloning objects

Prototype Pattern in Java - the clone() method

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-18 04:42:15
问题 So, I've been reading on Design Patterns and the Prototype Patterns confuses me. I believe one of the points of using it is avoiding the need for using the new operator. Then I look at this example: First, Their idea of Prototype implements a clone() method, which is weird. Wikipedia also says I need a pure virtual method clone to be implemented by subclasses (why?). Doesn't Java already provide such a method, doing exactly what we need

Use prototype pattern or not

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-07 12:55:01
问题 I have a question. I need to create a little thing to do with products. Now I can have say 7 different types of products. Some are subtypes of others e.g. Cars - Vans - petrol - diesel - City - Hatchback - Saloon - Estate - petrol - diesel Now, for the sake of the argument all my City, Hatchback and Saloon cars are hybrid/gas/whatever and I do not plan to sell petrol and diesel ones. However there is a possibility that I may have petrol and diesel saloon cars sometime in the future, but it's

Use prototype pattern or not

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-06 00:30:51
I have a question. I need to create a little thing to do with products. Now I can have say 7 different types of products. Some are subtypes of others e.g. Cars - Vans - petrol - diesel - City - Hatchback - Saloon - Estate - petrol - diesel Now, for the sake of the argument all my City, Hatchback and Saloon cars are hybrid/gas/whatever and I do not plan to sell petrol and diesel ones. However there is a possibility that I may have petrol and diesel saloon cars sometime in the future, but it's not like I am going to have 20+ types of products. If it is going to go up I will have probably 2-3

Spring prototype following prototype design pattern

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-04 23:37:29
问题 Spring provides bean scope as "Prototype". Means whenever bean is required in application, Spring container will create a fresh/new instance of bean. Does is follow prototype design pattern also? Does it create object only once and in subsequent request calls clone() method on created object to create new object? Also if someone can provide example of prototype in JDK, Spring, Hibernate or any J2EE framework. 回答1: No spring does not use cloning to create prototype scoped instances. Below is

Questions about the Prototype Pattern

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-11-30 06:13:11
问题 I am learning about the different design patterns and I have a strong feeling I am missing an essential piece (or pieces) in understanding this particular pattern. In all the websites I have viewed and in the GoF book, I see the clone method. From what I understand, we have some type of object that we can clone when we need varying versions of that object, but we don't want to have to manually create each one using the "new" command (as in Java). This can hide its concrete implementation. So

delphi prototype pattern

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-29 22:09:45
问题 I was wondering, is there anything in the RTTI of Delphi that will do the same as MemberwiseClone does in C# for the simple implementation of the prototype pattern. I saw some Delphi implementations of this pattern where a new object is being created (TMyObject.Create) and it's properties assigned with values from the prototyping object. I might be wrong, but I don't see the benefit of the pattern if we the objects are created in that same basic manner. Thank you. 回答1: There's nothing built

Questions about the Prototype Pattern

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-11-28 15:39:42
I am learning about the different design patterns and I have a strong feeling I am missing an essential piece (or pieces) in understanding this particular pattern. In all the websites I have viewed and in the GoF book, I see the clone method. From what I understand, we have some type of object that we can clone when we need varying versions of that object, but we don't want to have to manually create each one using the "new" command (as in Java). This can hide its concrete implementation. So when we clone, we can tweak the clone just a little bit and make it what we need without having to