问题: I am developing a payment processing app for Android, and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources, assets or source code from the APK file. 我正在开发 适用 于Android的 付款处理应用程序 ,并且我想防止黑客访问 APK 文件中的任何资源,资产或源代码。 If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets, and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler, they can also access the source code. 如果有人将.apk扩展名更改为.zip,那么他们可以将其解压缩并轻松访问应用程序的所有资源和资产,并且使用 dex2jar 和Java反编译器,他们还可以访问源代码。 It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file - for more details see Stack Overflow