I am using https://github.com/amalChandran/trail-android
this library in my android project. The animation was working perfectly fine. But, after enabling R8, the animation is not working. The library does not have any Proguard
suggestion. I added the following block in one of my method,
googleMap.setOnMapLoadedCallback(() -> {
Route normalOverlayPolyline = new Route.Builder(mRouteOverlayView)
map.setOnCameraMoveListener(() -> mRouteOverlayView.onCameraMove(map.getProjection(), map.getCameraPosition()));
Where I have two global variables defined,
public Route route;
public RouteOverlayView mRouteOverlayView;
Now, I have some details in my usage.txt
public void onCameramove(com.google.android.gms.maps.GoogleMap,com.obhai.polyline.trail.RouteOverlayView)
Is there any way to write something in proguard-rules.pro
so that R8 doesn't remove this part?
Thanks to @sgjesse for his hint. I finally got my narrowed down proguard rule to keep my feature functioning.
-keep class com.amalbit.trail.AnimationRouteHelper { *;}
adding this rule served my purpose.