
Migrating trigger from Oracle 11g to Postgresql 8.4

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-08 09:27:11
问题 My trigger in Oracle looks like this… CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER example$example BEFORE UPDATE OR DELETE ON example FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO example$ VALUES ( :old.key,, :old.describe seq.nextVal ); END; I thought I could simply translate to Postgresql with this… CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER example$example BEFORE UPDATE OR DELETE ON example FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO example$ VALUES ( OLD.key,, OLD.describe, NEXTVAL('seq') ); END; I'm getting an error at the end of

How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-05 19:23:01
问题 I have a select query running very long. How will I get a status of that query, like how long will it be running? Whether it is accessing a data from the tables or not. Note : As per pg_stat_activity the query state is shown as active and not in a waiting state. Like in Oracle, we can see the source/target and processing status of a query - is there something like this in postgresql? 回答1: Based on @Anshu answer I am using: SELECT datname, pid, state, query, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start)

How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-05 19:16:25
问题 I have a select query running very long. How will I get a status of that query, like how long will it be running? Whether it is accessing a data from the tables or not. Note : As per pg_stat_activity the query state is shown as active and not in a waiting state. Like in Oracle, we can see the source/target and processing status of a query - is there something like this in postgresql? 回答1: Based on @Anshu answer I am using: SELECT datname, pid, state, query, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start)

How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-05 19:11:59
问题 I have a select query running very long. How will I get a status of that query, like how long will it be running? Whether it is accessing a data from the tables or not. Note : As per pg_stat_activity the query state is shown as active and not in a waiting state. Like in Oracle, we can see the source/target and processing status of a query - is there something like this in postgresql? 回答1: Based on @Anshu answer I am using: SELECT datname, pid, state, query, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start)

How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-05 19:10:51
问题 I have a select query running very long. How will I get a status of that query, like how long will it be running? Whether it is accessing a data from the tables or not. Note : As per pg_stat_activity the query state is shown as active and not in a waiting state. Like in Oracle, we can see the source/target and processing status of a query - is there something like this in postgresql? 回答1: Based on @Anshu answer I am using: SELECT datname, pid, state, query, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start)

How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-05 19:09:23
问题 I have a select query running very long. How will I get a status of that query, like how long will it be running? Whether it is accessing a data from the tables or not. Note : As per pg_stat_activity the query state is shown as active and not in a waiting state. Like in Oracle, we can see the source/target and processing status of a query - is there something like this in postgresql? 回答1: Based on @Anshu answer I am using: SELECT datname, pid, state, query, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start)

How to save results of postgresql to csv/excel file using psycopg2?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-05-24 20:01:09
问题 I use driving_distance in postgresql to find distances between all nodes, and here's my python script in pyscripter, import sys #set up psycopg2 environment import psycopg2 #driving_distance module query = """ select * from driving_distance ($$ select gid as id, start_id::int4 as source, end_id::int4 as target, shape_leng::double precision as cost from network $$, %s, %s, %s, %s ) ;""" #make connection between python and postgresql conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user =

How to save results of postgresql to csv/excel file using psycopg2?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-05-24 20:00:48
问题 I use driving_distance in postgresql to find distances between all nodes, and here's my python script in pyscripter, import sys #set up psycopg2 environment import psycopg2 #driving_distance module query = """ select * from driving_distance ($$ select gid as id, start_id::int4 as source, end_id::int4 as target, shape_leng::double precision as cost from network $$, %s, %s, %s, %s ) ;""" #make connection between python and postgresql conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user =

How to dump PostgreSQL database structure (each object in separate file)

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-04-16 02:35:46
问题 I'm using Postgres 8.4 and I want to dump database structure (no data). Is is possible to get each object (table, view, function etc.) in a separate file, NOT EVERYTHING in one file??? 回答1: Use newer version of pg_dump (at least version 9.1) and you can dump to a directory using --format=directory This will create a directory with one file for each table and blob being dumped 来源:

How to log data change in postgresql?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-22 15:13:24
问题 This question may seem to be a possible duplicate of some other questions that are related to this topic. I've found some similar questions(some questions were asked years back and discussion on the topic seemed to be almost over). But no feasible solutions were found for my problem. I've a database with plenty of tables with huge amount of data in it. I need to log each and every changes that is happening to the datas that are stored in the tables of the particular database. For example, I