EMNLP2020录取率出炉,main conference+Findings共37.9%
其中主会22.4%,Findings15.5%,总体录取率为37.9%。 其中对于今年的新事物Findings,从官网描述来看,总体还是评价比较高的,甚至拿出了往年的相关顶会录取率(30-40%),也引用了Noah Smith的话: " I'm optimistic about "Findings of EMNLP" and other similar plans to add publication capacity to NLP conferences. Reputation and prestige are social constructs. In NLP, we are constructing them. What it "means" to have a paper published in EMNLP vs. Findings is something we get to decide. Findings will be a respected venue if strong, citation-worthy work is published there. Good, useful, informative work has been getting rejected under the old model, and that slows everyone