
导出设计文档总结 plantUML Graphviz jacob

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-03 14:35:22
plantUML C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe Dot Executable:null No dot executable found Dot

Is it possible to use custom images for UML items in plantUML?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-03 12:12:18
PlantUML is very powerful when you would like to create standard UML diagrams. But I currently think about using PlantUML to document EIP routes (like the routes on these images: ). This would be pretty easy if you could specify another image instead of normal boxes for a class. Something like an SVG or WMF image or a shape script as in Sparx Enterprise Architect. The only custom images I found in the documentation where those tiny sprites... Curt Snellgrove From PlantUML's Language Reference Guide 11.6 Legacy HTML Some

PlantUML different layouts

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-03 02:30:12
I am using PlantUML API to generate Activity Diagram. I have used GraphViz before and used rank parameter to define layout rank=LR [for left to right] I am trying to find similiar thing in PlantUML where I can change its orientation to "Left to Right" instead of existing layout i.e. "Top to Bottom". No, you cannot with current version (7876). You can use the following command with State, Class, Component or Usecase diagrams: left to right direction (see ) However, this feature will be added in next version. 来源:

plantUML 实操

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-03 02:12:58
工具: 在线编译工具 自动检测类并输出uml文件脚本 1 def genUML(cs,outfile="d://test.uml"): 2 3 ignoredNames=['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__','__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__','__dict__','__module__','__weakref__'] 4 5 s='' 6 s+='

plantUML 安装

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-03 01:26:06
plantUML 安装 资源 步骤 idea中安装plantUML插件 安装graphviz(如果不安装的话只能使用序列图) GRAPHVIZ 下载 配置环境变量GRAPHVIZ_DOT # 注意环境变量必须配置为GRAPHVIZ_DOT,目标必须是dot.exe,不能是其所在文件夹。 GRAPHVIZ_DOT = E:\mozq\chengxu\graphviz-2.38\bin\dot.exe 错误配置:E:\mozq\chengxu\graphviz-2.38\bin\ @startuml testdot @enduml 来源:

PlantUml define relative position of components

二次信任 提交于 2019-11-30 17:30:20
I'm actually trying to generate a component diagram with PlantUml . Is it possible to define the relative position of the different components? What want to define is: ComponentB is left from ComponentA. ComponentC is below ComponentA, ... A typical approach is to mark a line as hidden . One thing to keep in mind is that hidden is only supported for left-to-right -> , and top-to-bottom --> lines, so you need to place the left and right side accordingly (syntax X <[hidden]- Y doesn't seem to be supported). @startuml class ComponentA ComponentB -[hidden]> ComponentA ComponentA -[hidden]->

PlantUml define relative position of components

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-11-30 16:27:28
问题 I'm actually trying to generate a component diagram with PlantUml . Is it possible to define the relative position of the different components? What want to define is: ComponentB is left from ComponentA. ComponentC is below ComponentA, ... 回答1: A typical approach is to mark a line as hidden. One thing to keep in mind is that hidden is only supported for left-to-right -> , and top-to-bottom --> lines, so you need to place the left and right side accordingly (syntax X <[hidden]- Y doesn't seem

How to correct PlantUML Line Path

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-11-27 16:02:20
问题 I created this diagram using the following code. But as you can see, the lines going from (Cancel Order) and (Place Order) to (Publisher) decide to take a terribly rounded path to get their, instead of going straight to the right and then down to publisher. I tried using manual direction commands like "-down" but none of them seemed to help. Does anybody know how to fix this? And here is my code. I appreciate any help. Thank you. @startUML EBook Use Case Diagram left to right direction Actor


久未见 提交于 2019-11-27 02:32:56
背景 状态图:对象的所有状态,以及基于事件发生的状态改变的过程; 活动图:用例的工作流程; 部署图:系统的软硬件物理体系结构; 状态图 基本语法 元素 语法 说明 开始和结束状态 [*] 标识开始和结束状态 箭头 --> 添加箭头 隐藏描述区域 hide empty description 隐藏描述区域 合成状态 state 合成状态名字{ 增城的状态定义语法} 可以嵌套状态图 状态声明 state 状态名字 : 备注 声明状态 fork,join state state名字 分开,合并状态 并发状态 -- or 或者双竖线 状态是并发改变的 箭头方向 top down left right 可以控制箭头的方向 单行注释 note 方位 of 状态名 : 单行注释 单行注释 多行注释 note 方位 of 状态名 换行 单行注释 换行 end note 多行注释 登录状态图 @startuml hide empty description left to right direction [*]-->NotLogin:首次打开app state NotLogin: 没有登录 state LoginSuccess: 登录成功 state LoginFail: 登录失败 NotLogin -->LoginSuccess: 登录 NotLogin -->LoginFail:登录 state


我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-26 20:27:29
PlantUML类图 雨客 2016-04-08 11:38:03 浏览796 评论0 摘要: 类之间的关系 PlantUML用下面的符号来表示类之间的关系: 泛化,Generalization:<|-- 关联,Association:<-- 组合,Composition:*-- 聚合,Aggregation:o-- 实现,Realization:<|.. 依赖,Dependency:<.. 以上是常见的六种关系,--可以替换成..就可以得到虚线。 类之间的关系 PlantUML用下面的符号来表示类之间的关系: 泛化, Generalization : <|-- 关联, Association : <-- 组合, Composition : *-- 聚合, Aggregation : o-- 实现, Realization : <|.. 依赖, Dependency : <.. 以上是常见的六种关系, -- 可以替换成 .. 就可以得到虚线。另外,其中的符号是可以改变方向的,例如: <|-- 表示右边的类泛化左边的类; --|> 表示左边的类泛化右边的类。 例如,下面的是 -- : @startuml Class01 <|-- Class02:泛化 Class03 <-- Class04:关联 Class05 *-- Class06:组合 Class07 o-- Class08