
How to generate a legend with colors in PlantUML?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-13 08:18:06
问题 I want to color classes in my class diagram, based on a certain criteria, and then display a legend, that would look roughly like: If I could add an HTML table within PlantUML's legend and endlegend , I could achieve this by changing the cell backgrounds. However, adding the HTML <table> doesn't work. I also tried using PlantUML's salt to insert a table, but I couldn't find any way to color the cells of the table. Is there any way to achieve this? 回答1: This is not perfect, but you can use a


╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-01-07 01:42:51
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> plantuml 如果我们想通过后台来生成uml图,那么可以使用plantuml+graphviz 推荐文章: plantuml下载地址: umllet: jude: 来源: oschina 链接:

PlantUML different layouts

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-20 11:14:08
问题 I am using PlantUML API to generate Activity Diagram. I have used GraphViz before and used rank parameter to define layout rank=LR [for left to right] I am trying to find similiar thing in PlantUML where I can change its orientation to "Left to Right" instead of existing layout i.e. "Top to Bottom". 回答1: No, you cannot with current version (7876). You can use the following command with State, Class, Component or Usecase diagrams: left to right direction (see


余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-18 09:49:41
作业5——多线程电梯 设计框架——UML 协作 时序图 (想看大图的话 crtl+滚轮 比较方便) 我为什么不用UML协作图(Communication Diagram),而是用UML时序图(Sequence Diagram)。 一方面,这样横平竖直的图更加直观美观。另一方面,使用Eclipse的plantUML插件能够比较方便地生成时序图。虽然从二者的区别上看: 时序图主要侧重于对象间消息传递在时间上的先后关系, 而协作图表达对象间的交互过程及对象间的关联关系。 协作图似乎能够更好地描述线程之间的协作关系,但是我发现有些软件是可以自动由时序图生成协作图的,这说明二者本质上描述的东西是一样的,只不过传达的角度有所侧重。相信聪明的你一定能够多角度看问题嘿嘿嘿~ 【插播一则 eclipse的plantUML插件安装和使用方法】—— 摘自 1. 安装: PlantUML for Eclipse 插件主要用于在 Eclipse 中使用 PlantUML。在 Eclipse 的插件市场中安装,点击 Help --> Install new software --> add --> 起个帅气的name,location中输入网址:

How to write typedef and alias in plantuml

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-08 07:33:45
问题 For example my cpp implementation looks like: class B { int value; } typedef MyB B; class A { MyB b; } My plantuml code: class B { int value; } class A { MyB b; } A o-- B How to represent this alias in plantuml. How it should be done in right way. I can't find this in plantuml tutorial. 回答1: Aliases are merely referred to in the UML specs along with imports (though aliases may be used in namespaces as well). P. 30 gives an example which also addresses your 2nd issue with typedef : In Figure 7

How to write typedef and alias in plantuml

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-06 16:08:23
For example my cpp implementation looks like: class B { int value; } typedef MyB B; class A { MyB b; } My plantuml code: class B { int value; } class A { MyB b; } A o-- B How to represent this alias in plantuml. How it should be done in right way. I can't find this in plantuml tutorial. Aliases are merely referred to in the UML specs along with imports (though aliases may be used in namespaces as well). P. 30 gives an example which also addresses your 2nd issue with typedef : In Figure 7.8, the ElementImport is combined with aliasing, meaning that the DataType Types::Real will be referred to


我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-05 14:41:25
背景 当下的软件开发人员,不可避免的需要输出一些软件设计文档,作为一个软件工程专业毕业的工程师,最常用的设计工具就是UML,使用UML工具绘制一些软件相关的图,是必备技能,也是输出的技术文档中的重要组成部分。不关注逆向工程,这里只关注快速的绘制对应的图,plantuml是一款比较不错的工具。本节先初步熟悉用例图和时序图。 plantuml介绍 官网主页 功能介绍: 支持快速绘制 时序图 用例图 活动图 类图 组件图 状态图 对象图 部署图 定时图 还支持非UML图: 架构图 甘特图 思维导图 ER图 以及不常用的的图: SDL(规范描述语言) 线框图形界面 Ditaa 数学公式 画完图之后,可以生成PNG,SVG,Latex格式的图片; 业务场景 x项目的用户后端服务,包括用户登录,用户积分模块; 用例图 用户角度描述系统功能 语法 基本对象 语法 说明 用例 usecase 详细名称 as 简称 定义一个用例 用例带自描述 usecase 详细名称 as “详细描述可分行” 定义一个用例并详细描述 角色 actor :角色全称: as 角色简称 定义一个角色 角色和用例建立联系并设置关系 角色简称-->usercase简称:关系名称 建立角色和用例的关系 继承 角色<竖线--角色 或者 用例<竖线用例 描述角色跟角色之间的继承关系或者用例跟用例之间的继承关系 单行注释 note


泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 14:18:06
IDE支持 在Plugins中 安装 PlantUML integration 插件 到 网站下载 graphviz.exe 并安装(这个软件可以支持更多的UML语法)或者使用 将graphviz安装目录下的 dot.exe 路径添加到PlantUML的设置中 文档地址: 详细讲解 1.安装插件 file->settings->plugins 2.安装graphviz.exe 下载地址 ,下载安装后记住安装的地址,第三步要用 3.将graphviz安装目录下的 dot.exe 路径添加到PlantUML的设置中 File -> Settings -> Other Settings -> PlantUML 安装成功 新建文件选择plantUML File 即可创建 效果图 注意 :   如果不安装graphviz.exe,出现一下效果    来源:

How to generate a legend with colors in PlantUML?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-05 01:41:45
I want to color classes in my class diagram, based on a certain criteria, and then display a legend, that would look roughly like: If I could add an HTML table within PlantUML's legend and endlegend , I could achieve this by changing the cell backgrounds. However, adding the HTML <table> doesn't work. I also tried using PlantUML's salt to insert a table, but I couldn't find any way to color the cells of the table. Is there any way to achieve this? This is not perfect, but you can use a creole table. (see ) @startuml class foo legend |= |= Type | |

Is it possible to use custom images for UML items in plantUML?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-04 17:43:21
问题 PlantUML is very powerful when you would like to create standard UML diagrams. But I currently think about using PlantUML to document EIP routes (like the routes on these images: This would be pretty easy if you could specify another image instead of normal boxes for a class. Something like an SVG or WMF image or a shape script as in Sparx Enterprise Architect. The only custom images I found in the documentation where