

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:15:02
官方文档地址 docker pull docker tag #把镜像copy到其他节点 docker save -o dashboard.tar scp dashboard.tar #在其他node节点导入镜像 docker load -i dashboard.tar docker image ls|grep [root@master ~]# wget


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:09:02
如果更新k8s版本会默认更新证书 检查证书有效期(一部分10年一部分1年) openssl x509 -in apiserver.crt -text -noout 1、go 环境部署 wget tar -zxvf go1.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local mv go /usr/local/ vi /etc/profile export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin source /etc/profile 2、下载源码 git clone kubeadm version #查看当前版本 [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# pwd /root/kubernetes git checkout -b remotes/origin/release-1.15.0 v1.15.0 #修改至当前版本 3、修改 Kubeadm 源码包更新证书策略 查看开发者手册 vim staging/src/

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:42:01
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 ssl证书,要弄这个路径,不让带www xxxx.txt 能正常访问 xxx.txt 不行。 nginx处理一下 server { } 可以了,数据就能取到了。虽然是自动跳转,但是实际也是返回数据了嘛。 文章来源:

How does one access the raw ECDH public key, private key and params inside OpenSSL's EVP_PKEY structure?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-02 20:42:17
I'm using OpenSSL's c library to generate an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key pair, following the first code sample here . It glosses over the actual exchange of public keys with this line: peerkey = get_peerkey(pkey); The pkey variable and the return value are both of type EVP * . pkey contains the public key, private key, and params generated earlier, and the return value only contains the peer's public key. So this raises three questions: How would get_peerkey() actually extract just the public key from pkey for sending to the peer? How would the code extract the private key and

OpenSSL Version V3 with Subject Alternative Name

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-02 18:14:10
I'm using the OpenSSL command line tool to generate a self signed certificate. It seems to be working correctly except for two issues. I can't get it to create a .cer with a Subject Alternative Name (critical) and I haven't been able to figure out how to create a cert that is Version 3 (not sure if this is critical yet but would prefer learning how to set the version). Has anyone done this successfully? The default config (.cfg) file has seemingly clear documentation (seen below): " This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname. Import the email address. subjectAltName=email:copy "

Newly created file becomes 0 kb (data gets overwritten to nothing) on reboot in Linux

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-02 16:35:14
问题 I'm having a strange problem that's driving me crazy! The task in hand is to start one set of files during the first login of "root" user and another set of files during the second login of the same user. I decided to use the ".profile" and ".bashrc" files and to reload the ".bashrc" file towards the end of the task happening during the first login. During the first login, I create a private key and certificate signing request, and call an API to get the certificate. I store this certificate


冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-02 13:23:11
1.安装规划: pod分配IP: cluster分配地址段: CoreDNS: 统一安装路径:/data/apps 主机名 ip地址 组件 集群 master1 Kube-apiserver 、kube controller-manager、kube-scheduler、etcd、kube-proxy、kubelet、flanneld、docker、keepalived、haproxy VIP: master2 master2 node1 kubelet、kube-proxy、flanneld、docker node2 Kubernetes 主要由以下几个核心组件组成: 1.etcd 保存了整个集群的状态; 2.kube-apiserver 提供了资源操作的唯一入口,并提供认证、授权、访问控制、API 注册和发现等机制; 3.kube-controller-manager 负责维护集群的状态,比如故障检测、自动扩展、滚动更新等; 4.kube-scheduler 负责资源的调度,按照预定的调度策略将 Pod 调度到相应的机器上;

Newly created file becomes 0 kb (data gets overwritten to nothing) on reboot in Linux

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-02 12:37:54
I'm having a strange problem that's driving me crazy! The task in hand is to start one set of files during the first login of "root" user and another set of files during the second login of the same user. I decided to use the ".profile" and ".bashrc" files and to reload the ".bashrc" file towards the end of the task happening during the first login. During the first login, I create a private key and certificate signing request, and call an API to get the certificate. I store this certificate and private key in a file location and then modify the ".bashrc" to invoke the second set of files,

Tomcat SSL: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 19:36:00
I'm trying to access an url in my application, but I'm getting this error. 1771426 [http-bio-8180-exec-15] ERROR gadget.GadgetValidatorServlet - wsdl.exception.WSInvokerException: wsdl.exception.WSInvokerException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target 1771426 [http-bio-8180-exec-15] ERROR gadget.GadgetPortalValidatorServlet - gadget.exception.GadgetValidatorException:

OpenSSL ECDSA signatures longer than expected

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-01 18:48:22
I am attempting to generate "raw", unencoded ECDSA signatures for use with a cryptographic chip. The goal is to sign something on the host pc, then send it to the chip to be validated. However, I am running into a little problem. My understanding is that the ECDSA signature should be 64 bytes (for secp256v1). And, when I use the chip to generate a signature, it is indeed 64 bytes in length. However, when I use openssl, the signature is 71 bytes in length. The beginning of the signature seems to be some kind of prefix, but I can't find any data about what that is. Here is how I am trying to do