
Pyqt get pixel position and value when mouse click on the image

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-18 13:32:21
问题 I would like to know how i can select a pixel with a mouse click in an image (QImge) and get pixel position and value. Thanks 回答1: self.image = QLabel() self.image.setPixmap(QPixmap("C:\\myImg.jpg")) self.image.setObjectName("image") self.image.mousePressEvent = self.getPos def getPos(self , event): x = event.pos().x() y = event.pos().y() 回答2: First you have to draw the image. You can do this my making a QLabel widget and call setPixmap . You need to convert your QImage to QPixmap before

How to load a pixel struct into an SSE register?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-18 12:25:21
问题 I have a struct of 8-bit pixel data: struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) pixels { char r; char g; char b; char a; } I want to use SSE instructions to calculate certain things on these pixels (namely, a Paeth transformation). How can I load these pixels into an SSE register as 32-bits unsigned integers? 回答1: Unpacking unsigned pixels with SSE2 Ok, using SSE2 integer intrinsics from <emmintrin.h> first load the thing into the lower 32 bits of the register: __m128i xmm0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*

Get the percentage usage of every colour in an image

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-18 10:57:26
问题 I have this one working but it is so damn slow on jpeg images and also needs some changing. I need to know the individual colours in an image (with a tolerance of +/- 1 for RGB) and the % of the image that is that colour. so if an image was black and white it would say something like White : 74% Black : 26% The code below works like I said but I need to add a tolerance system as well and I have no idea on how I would do that. private Dictionary<string, string> getPixelData(Bitmap image) {

iOS 5 + GLKView: How to access pixel RGB data for colour-based vertex picking?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-18 10:57:19
问题 I've been converting my own personal OGLES 2.0 framework to take advantage of the functionality added by the new iOS 5 framework GLKit . After pleasing results, I now wish to implement the colour-based picking mechanism described here. For this, you must access the back buffer to retrieve a touched pixel RGBA value, which is then used as a unique identifier for a vertex/primitive/display object. Of course, this requires temporary unique coloring of all vertices/primitives/display objects. I

How can I get the color of a screen pixel THROUGH ADB

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-18 10:57:12
问题 I need to get the color information of a specific point on screen of my android phone. Is there a way to do that through ADB? I am now using the build-in command screencap to capture the whole screen and then read the color of the specific point. However, it is too slow. 回答1: I will post an answer to my own question. The answer maybe device-specified (nexus7 2013), and you can adjust it to your own devices. 1.Firstly, I find out that the command screencap screen.png is quite slow because it

Rendering pixels from array of RGB values in SDL 1.2?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-18 08:59:33
问题 I'm working on a NES emulator right now and I'm having trouble figuring out how to render the pixels. I am using a 3 dimensional array to hold the RGB value of each pixel. The array definition looks like this for the 256 x 224 screen size: byte screenData[224][256][3]; For example, [0][0][0] holds the blue value, [0][0][1] holds the green values and [0][0][2] holds the red value of the pixel at screen position [0][0] . When the vblank flag goes high, I need to render the screen. When SDL goes


喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-18 08:48:11
  最近一直在做移动端的页面,发现很多的坑,这里做一下总结,填填坑…… css常见的问题(一) 一、iOS键盘首字母自动大写   IOS的机子,默认英文输入法状态下,首字母是自动大写的,有时候挺烦人的。   在iOS中,默认情况下键盘是开启首字母大写的功能的,如果业务不想出现首字母大写,可以这样: <input type="text" autocapitalize="off" /> 二、iOS输入框默认内阴影和样式问题   在iOS上,输入框默认有内部阴影,但无法使用 box-shadow 来清除,如果不需要阴影,可以这样关闭,不过加了上面的属性后,iOS下默认还是带有圆角的,不过可以使用 border-radius属性修改: input, textarea { border: 0; -webkit-appearance: none; } 三、andriod输入框type = "number"存在样式问题 去除input[type=number]的默认样式 input[type=number] { -moz-appearance:textfield; } input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance:

Vb.Net Check If Image Existing In Another Image

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-18 06:49:39
问题 I Tried To Check If Part Of Image Existing In Another Image Explanation: full image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/526/part1g.png/ second part of image that i want to check if he existing in the full image : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/706/part2p.png/ if the second part is Exist then the function return true there is a function that can check if it exist? (if it was only Single pixel then it was verey easy, but i want to check if Part Of Image Existing In Another Image) there

Detect black pixel in image iOS

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-18 03:46:48
问题 As of now I am searching every pixel 1 by 1 checking the color and seeing if it's black... if it isn't I move on to the next pixel. This is taking forever as I can only check approx. 100 pixels per second (speeding up my NSTimer freezes the app because it can't check fast enough.) So is there anyway I can just have Xcode return all the pixels that are black and ignore everything else so I only have to check those pixels and not every pixel. I am trying to detect a black pixel furthest to the

Get pixel colors of tkinter canvas

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-17 20:28:12
问题 I'd like to be able to create and interact with a Tkinter Canvas and, at any time, be able to iterate over each of its pixels and get their RGB values. Setting pixel by pixel is not necessary, just getting. However, methods analogous to Canvas's create_polygon(), create_line(), create_text(), and create_oval() must be available as well for interacting with the image overall. There are a number of restraints: Must work with Python 3 Must work with Linux, Mac, and Windows Must work with