

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-08-06 03:19:26
MQTT推送 最近公司要做推送平台,我接手做这个任务。在使用过程中遇到一些坑,这里分享给大家。 经常大家会收到各种app推送过来的消息,这是怎么做的呢? 今天就和大聊聊mqtt那些事。 一.MQTT协议介绍 推送平台一般是基于轻量级的mqtt协议搭建的。mqtt协议是物联网领域常用的,是实现长链接的一种方式。 先介绍一下http协议,使用http协议发起一次请求的过程是:客户端向服务端发起请求并建立链接,服务端处理客户端的请求并响应给客户端,最后客户端和服务端断开连接;也就是说http协议是请求响应式的,响应完成后则断开连接,是一种短链接。 和http协议相比,mqtt协议是一种长链接,一般是发布(pub)/订阅(sub)模式,需要一个broker服务器作为服务端,多个客户端都可以连接在这个broker服务器上,而且客户端和服务端一直保持连接(心跳)不断开,所以是一种长链接。A客户端向broker的某个topic上发送(pub)一条信息,如果有其他的客户端B1-B3订阅(sub)了这个broker上的这个topic的信息,这些客户端就可以收到A客户端发送的信息。 对于broker服务端来说,由于不同的设备都要和mqtt服务器保持心跳,所以如果客户端的数量达到一定规模,broker服务器的压力会非常大。同时,对于客户端来说,一直要和服务端保持心跳,对客户端的耗电量也有挑战

物联网的基石-mqtt 协议初识

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-08-05 09:11:48
云栖号资讯:【 点击查看更多行业资讯 】 在这里您可以找到不同行业的第一手的上云资讯,还在等什么,快来! 随着 5G 时代的来临,万物互联的伟大构想正在成为现实。联网的 物联网设备 在 2018 年已经达到了 70 亿 1 ,在未来两年,仅智能水电气表就将超过10亿 2 。 海量的设备接入和设备管理对网络带宽、通信协议以及平台服务架构都带来了很大挑战。对于 物联网协议 来说,必须针对性地解决物联网设备通信的几个关键问题:其网络环境复杂而不可靠、其内存和闪存容量小、其处理器能力有限。 MQTT 协议 是基于发布/订阅模式的物联网通信协议,凭借简单易实现、支持 QoS、报文小等特点,占据了物联网协议的半壁江山: MQTT 协议的诞生 MQTT was created by Andy Stanford-Clark of IBM, and Arlen Nipper (then of Arcom Systems, later CTO of Eurotech).^3 据 Arlen Nipper 在一 IBM Podcast 上的自述,MQTT 原名是 MQ TT, 注意 MQ 与 TT之间的空格,其全称为: MQ Telemetry Transport,是九十年代早期,他在参与 Conoco Phillips 公司的一个原油管道数据采集监控系统(pipeline SCADA system)时

Paho MQTT not connecting Android studio to the Mosquitto broker

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-06-23 13:20:12
问题 I hosted Mosquitto MQTT broker on Digital Ocean Cloud. Now, I am trying to connect it to the android studio. But it is not connecting to the MQTT broker. I have printed the throwable exception details so the error could be debugged.Please guide me on how this error could be solved. I tried with the following code. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public MqttAndroidClient CLIENT; public MqttConnectOptions MQTT_CONNECTION_OPTIONS; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle

Paho MQTT not connecting Android studio to the Mosquitto broker

99封情书 提交于 2020-06-23 13:20:11
问题 I hosted Mosquitto MQTT broker on Digital Ocean Cloud. Now, I am trying to connect it to the android studio. But it is not connecting to the MQTT broker. I have printed the throwable exception details so the error could be debugged.Please guide me on how this error could be solved. I tried with the following code. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public MqttAndroidClient CLIENT; public MqttConnectOptions MQTT_CONNECTION_OPTIONS; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle

Paho MQTT not connecting Android studio to the Mosquitto broker

前提是你 提交于 2020-06-23 13:18:58
问题 I hosted Mosquitto MQTT broker on Digital Ocean Cloud. Now, I am trying to connect it to the android studio. But it is not connecting to the MQTT broker. I have printed the throwable exception details so the error could be debugged.Please guide me on how this error could be solved. I tried with the following code. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public MqttAndroidClient CLIENT; public MqttConnectOptions MQTT_CONNECTION_OPTIONS; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle

Mqtt client disconnects when another client connects to the server

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-06-17 09:51:27
问题 I am new to MQTT messaging system, but yet i managed to implement the paho Android service in snapdragon board running AOSP kk-4.4.2 . My service will start at the boot up and it will connect to the public broker of HiveMQ with port 1883 . The problem is after connecting my Android device running my custom AOSP to the server and if i try to connect another client from the android application which is running on a phone. The client in the snapdragon board automatically disconnects from the

Mqtt client disconnects when another client connects to the server

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-06-17 09:51:12
问题 I am new to MQTT messaging system, but yet i managed to implement the paho Android service in snapdragon board running AOSP kk-4.4.2 . My service will start at the boot up and it will connect to the public broker of HiveMQ with port 1883 . The problem is after connecting my Android device running my custom AOSP to the server and if i try to connect another client from the android application which is running on a phone. The client in the snapdragon board automatically disconnects from the

Mosquitto vs eclipse paho client library

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-06-14 04:07:08
问题 I'm just looking into the details of Eclipse PAHO and Mosquitto client libraries (MQTT C++ libraries). It looks like the PAHO uses the mosquitto MQTT broker but provides its own MQTT client libraries. Also the Mosquitto library provides a way to implement client libraries for Mosquitto MQTT broker. I would like to understand what's the main difference between these two client libraries. Here it is discussed but that does not answer my question. Which is preferred over another and why? and why

Mosquitto vs eclipse paho client library

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-06-14 04:06:57
问题 I'm just looking into the details of Eclipse PAHO and Mosquitto client libraries (MQTT C++ libraries). It looks like the PAHO uses the mosquitto MQTT broker but provides its own MQTT client libraries. Also the Mosquitto library provides a way to implement client libraries for Mosquitto MQTT broker. I would like to understand what's the main difference between these two client libraries. Here it is discussed but that does not answer my question. Which is preferred over another and why? and why

小程序入门 MQTT物联网协议 publish 和订阅subscribe onenet 阿里云 百度云 基于GPRS模块(SIM800C/SIM900A/SIM868等)和STM32主控芯片

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-05-02 17:57:19
本文基本公开了如何移植MQTT物联网协议到STM32平台上,并结合GPRS模块(SIM800C/SIM900A/SIM868等)实现publish和订阅topic从onenet,阿里云,百度云等。如果不想移植,可以在如下淘宝链接中直接购买源代码,全部源码+资料300,全部源码+资料包售后500元。 物联网开发板裸板只要168,套餐可自己搭配。 淘宝链接: 配套物联网开发板链接: 当然,也承接定制开发,价格跟需求难度及开发周期相关,具体可小窗博主或淘宝咨询。 一、代码适用范围 1. 设备端: 主控芯片为STM32F103C8T6,但是兼容所有STM32芯片中。 通信模块为sim800c或sim868,代码兼容,868多个GPS 使能代码和获取GPS信息及解析代码。 主控与通信模块连接4个引脚:GPS使能,GPRS使能,及串口3 TXD和RXD。串口3用于通信。 2. 服务器: 支持onenet 支持aliyun 支持baiduyun 3.