
How to implement pagination in Firebase using JavaScript?

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-07 21:03:10
问题 I am working on Firebase pagination using JavaScript. I have implemented a soft delete feature where the record is not deleted in Firebase but deleted in the web display. So when a soft delete is being done, the visible flag in Firebase becomes false. I want to display on my web form, the contacts whose visible flag is true using JavaScript ( with the NEXT and PREV buttons ). Since I am new to this, I would love to get suggestions and help!! A Snapshot of Firebase is as follows: My code of

How to implement pagination in Firebase using JavaScript?

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-07 21:00:07
问题 I am working on Firebase pagination using JavaScript. I have implemented a soft delete feature where the record is not deleted in Firebase but deleted in the web display. So when a soft delete is being done, the visible flag in Firebase becomes false. I want to display on my web form, the contacts whose visible flag is true using JavaScript ( with the NEXT and PREV buttons ). Since I am new to this, I would love to get suggestions and help!! A Snapshot of Firebase is as follows: My code of

jQuery EasyUI 详解

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-05 09:57:02
EasyUI 简介 easyui 是一种基于 jQuery 的用户界面插件集合。 easyui 为创建现代化,互动,JavaScript 应用程序,提供必要的功能。 使用 easyui 你不需要写很多代码,你只需要通过编写一些简单 HTML 标记,就可以定义用户界面。 easyui 是个完美支持 HTML5 网页的完整框架。 easyui 节省您网页开发的时间和规模。 easyui 很简单但功能强大的。 官网地址: 文档地址: 中文文档 英文文档 快速入门 弹出对话框 demo 第一步: 下载 Jquery EasyUI 你在使用和进行开发时,请遵守官方相应的条款,尊重他们的知识版权。 目前官方最新版本是:jQuery EasyUI 1.5,官方提供了两个版本供下载,GPL 版本和商业版本,你根据自己的需要下载 GPL 版本 GPL 版本在 GPl 协议下有效,你能在任何遵循 GPl 协议的项目下使用它。 商业版本 商业版在 Commercial 协议下有效,你能在任何非 GPL/专有的协议下使用。 第二步:创建 html 文件,并添加相关引用 创建项目的文件夹 easydemo // 项目根目录 ├── index.html // 我们的测试页面 └── lib // 第三方组件 └── jquery-easyui

PHP pagination set pages on view custom PHP MVC

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-04 16:47:15
问题 Here is my method im getting all posts correctly and i can switch over them from url exemple simply posts/1 or posts/2 etc.. How can i set set a paginator on my view in this case ? Here is the controller : namespace fordev\app\controllers; use fordev\app\core\Controller; class Home extends Controller { public function manage($page = NULL) { \Session::checkNotIsset('logged','/pfe/login'); $model = $this->model('home')->getAllPosts($page); $this->view()->renderWithAdditionalHeaderAndFooter(

PHP pagination set pages on view custom PHP MVC

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-04 16:46:57
问题 Here is my method im getting all posts correctly and i can switch over them from url exemple simply posts/1 or posts/2 etc.. How can i set set a paginator on my view in this case ? Here is the controller : namespace fordev\app\controllers; use fordev\app\core\Controller; class Home extends Controller { public function manage($page = NULL) { \Session::checkNotIsset('logged','/pfe/login'); $model = $this->model('home')->getAllPosts($page); $this->view()->renderWithAdditionalHeaderAndFooter(

Pagination in Flutter with Firebase Realtime Database

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-04 14:07:56
问题 I am trying to paginate in Flutter with firebase realtime databse. I have tried this in Firestore and it works fine there but I want this with realtime database. I am fetching data for the first time like this. Widget buildListMessage() { return Flexible( child: StreamBuilder( stream: _firebase.firebaseDB .reference() .child("chats") .child("nsbcalculator") .orderByChild('timestamp') .limitToFirst(15) .onValue, builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<Event> snapshot) { if (!snapshot.hasData) {

稳定易用的 Django 分页库,完善分页功能

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-02 16:28:29
作者: HelloGitHub-追梦人物 文中所涉及的示例代码,已同步更新到 HelloGitHub-Team 仓库 在 通过 Django Pagination 实现简单分页 中,我们实现了一个简单的分页导航。但效果有点差强人意,我们只能点上一页和下一页的按钮进行翻页。比较完善的分页效果应该像下面这样,但想实现这样一种效果,Django Pagination 内置的 API 已无能为力。接下来我们将通过拓展 Django Pagination 来实现下图这样比较完善的分页效果。 分页效果概述 一个比较完善的分页效果应该具有以下特性,就像上图展示的那样,很多网站都采用了类似这种的分页导航方式。 始终显示第一页和最后一页。 当前页码高亮显示。 显示当前页码前后几个连续的页码。 如果两个页码号间还有其它页码,中间显示省略号以提示用户。 分页思路 如果需要自己来实现分页效果,我们会怎么做呢?先来分析一下导航条的组成部分,可以看到整个分页导航条其实可以分成 7 个部分: 第 1 页页码,这一页需要始终显示。 第 1 页页码后面的省略号部分。但要注意如果第 1 页的页码号后面紧跟着页码号 2,那么省略号就不应该显示。 当前页码的左边部分,比如这里的 3-4。 当前页码,比如这里的 5。 当前页码的右边部分,比如这里的 6-7。 最后一页页码前面的省略号部分

How to do custom pagination on a data gridview control with custom attributes mapped to a down grid

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-29 20:13:30
问题 I have a windows application where on the click of a button it fetches data from a Oracle query and when binding the gridview datasource to a datatable it takes almost 5 mins to load for 3500 records . The final gridview looks like this which is again dependent on data in the down form .on the click of any row in the first grid the second grid data should also change but now it takes huge time and seems like it is kind of doing any background task which am unable to get as am pretty new to

How to determine xpath for pagination?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-01-29 19:01:08
问题 Given below the HTML code of next button (pagination), kindly suggest xpath for pagination <li class = "pagination-link next-link"> <a data-aa-region="srp-pagination" data-aa-name="srp-next-page" <span>next</span> </a> 回答1: Try following xpath . //li[@class='pagination-link next-link']/a[./span[text()='next']] OR //li[@class='pagination-link next-link']/a[@data-aa-name='srp-next-page'] /span[text()='next'] 回答2: wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10) element =wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable(

How to do custom pagination on a data gridview control with custom attributes mapped to a down grid

戏子无情 提交于 2021-01-29 16:38:45
问题 I have a windows application where on the click of a button it fetches data from a Oracle query and when binding the gridview datasource to a datatable it takes almost 5 mins to load for 3500 records . The final gridview looks like this which is again dependent on data in the down form .on the click of any row in the first grid the second grid data should also change but now it takes huge time and seems like it is kind of doing any background task which am unable to get as am pretty new to