
Cannot add node to cluster (elasticsearch)

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-01-29 06:57:47
问题 I'm trying to make the health of my cluster green. According to the following elasticsearch documentation: When you add more nodes to a cluster, it automatically allocates replica shards. When all primary and replica shards are active, the cluster state changes to green. source: So I created 2 elasticsearch instances with the following configuration files: # Config File 1 : PL :

elastic stack elk 学习

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-05-07 21:11:11
filebeat 配置 filebeat output 配置 filebeat filter 配置 filebeat _ es ingest node filebeat module 收集NGINX log Packetbeat Logstash codec Logstash Beats 来自 来源: oschina 链接:

How to configure Packetbeat to sniff “any” devices on Windows?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-12 20:04:32
问题 The documentation for Packetbeat is pretty straightforward and says it very clearly as stated below On Linux, you can specify any for the device, and Packetbeat captures all messages sent or received by the server where Packetbeat is installed. For the configuration packetbeat.interfaces.device: any But has absolutely nothing on how to do the same on Windows. Any idea how? 回答1: Currently, Packetbeat does not support Mulitple interfaces i.e. packetbeat.interfaces.device: any in windows.

Elastic Stack安装 - Metricbeat

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-06 04:54:59
环境: OS: Centos 7.6 JDK: 1.8.0_91 下载地址:

Query docker embedded dns from host

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-05 22:02:26
问题 Does anybody know a way to query the embedded dns server that the docker daemon uses. I'm experimenting with packetbeats and it would be useful if I could replace docker ip addresses with the container names. The only way I can currently think of to achieve this is to create a dns server in a container that can be configured as the dns server for the host to ensure container names can be resolved by the host. Hope that makes sense? Is this the only way or are there other options ? The

Query docker embedded dns from host

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-04 03:36:25
Does anybody know a way to query the embedded dns server that the docker daemon uses. I'm experimenting with packetbeats and it would be useful if I could replace docker ip addresses with the container names. The only way I can currently think of to achieve this is to create a dns server in a container that can be configured as the dns server for the host to ensure container names can be resolved by the host. Hope that makes sense? Is this the only way or are there other options ? The containers I'm trying to query were created using docker-compose. Consul I like using Hashicorp's Consul for

Elastic Stack安装

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-01 20:02:59
环境: OS: Centos 7.6 JDK: 1.8.0_91 下载地址:

ELK beats平台介绍

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-11-28 06:16:22
原文链接: beats是一个代理,将不同类型的数据发送到elasticsearch。beats可以直接将数据发送到elasticsearch,也可以通过logstash将数据发送elasticsearch。 beats有三个典型的例子:Filebeat、Topbeat、Packetbeat。Filebeat用来收集日志,Topbeat用来收集系统基础设置数据如cpu、内存、每个进程的统计信息,Packetbeat是一个网络包分析工具,统计收集网络信息。这三个是官方提供的。后续会慢慢介绍这三个beat。 ELK的目标是建立一个平台,可以很容易的创建新的beats。为了这个目录,开发了libbeat,该Go库包含了所有beats公共部分来处理任务,如批量插入到elasticsearch,安全的发送事件到logstash,logstash和elasticsearch多节点的负载均衡,异步或同步的发送事件模式。该libbeat平台还提供了检测机制,当下游服务器负载高或者网络拥堵,自动的降低发送速率。 架构图如下: 简而言之,libbeat可以将一切事件安全的可靠地有效的发送到logstash和elasticsearch。不仅如此,对于其它事情也兼顾到如配置、CLI标记和日志。因此当你创建新的beat时