
Docker image format

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-03 10:42:13
I would like to build a Docker image without docker iself. I have looked at Packer , but it requiers to have Docker installed on the builder host. I have looked at the Docker Registry API documentation but this information doesn't appear to be there. I guess that the image is simply a tarball, but I would like to see a complete specification of the format, i.e. what exect format is required and whethere there are any metadata files required. I could attempt downloading an image from the registry and look what's inside, but there is no information on how to fetch the image itself. The idea of

What to bake into an AWS AMI and what to provision using cloud-init?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-03 07:28:29
问题 I'm using AWS Cloudformation to setup numerous elements of network infrastructure (VPCs, SecurityGroups, Subnets, Autoscaling groups, etc) for my web application. I want the whole process to be automated. I want click a button and be able to fire up the whole thing. I have successfully created a Cloudformation template that sets up all this network infrastructure. However the EC2 instances are currently launched without any needed software on them. Now I'm trying to figure out how best to get

使用packer 打包nodeegui 应用

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:59:01
packer 是nodegui 团队提供的专门用来打包noodegui 应用程序的工具 yarn 方式安装 yarn add @nodegui / packer 效果 [ fsevents ] Success : "/Users/dalong/Documents/GitHub/nodegui-starter/node_modules/fsevents/lib/binding/Release/node-v72-darwin-x64/fse.node" is installed via remote > @nodegui / nodegui@0 . 1.8 install / Users / dalong / Documents / GitHub / nodegui - starter / node_modules / @nodegui / nodegui > npm - v 6.9 . 0 > @nodegui / qode@1 . 0.4 postinstall / Users / dalong / Documents / GitHub / nodegui - starter / node_modules / @nodegui / qode > node install . js Local Qode 1.0 . 4 archive doesnt exists ...

What to bake into an AWS AMI and what to provision using cloud-init?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-02 22:24:56
I'm using AWS Cloudformation to setup numerous elements of network infrastructure (VPCs, SecurityGroups, Subnets, Autoscaling groups, etc) for my web application. I want the whole process to be automated. I want click a button and be able to fire up the whole thing. I have successfully created a Cloudformation template that sets up all this network infrastructure. However the EC2 instances are currently launched without any needed software on them. Now I'm trying to figure out how best to get that software on them. To do this, I'm creating AMIs using . But some people have instead

Convert Amazon EC2 AMI to Virtual or Vagrant box

你。 提交于 2019-11-29 20:52:32
I'd like to copy the disk image of a running EC2 instance (grab the AMI) and import it into virtual box or eventually have it run using Vagrant. I saw that packer ( ) allows you to create AMI's and corresponding Vagrant boxes to work together, however the running instance I currently have has been running for over two years and would be difficult to replicate. I imagine that this issue is common in the devops community however have not found a solution in my research online. Are there any tools out there that let you accomplish this task? BillMan I just wanted to note

Perl Install PAR:Packer Problems

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-11-29 14:45:32
问题 My perl version is 5.16.2 on my Windows 7 64bit, I failed to install PAR:Packer. I tried active perl and strawberry perl , both got the same error. Can you please give me some suggestion. Below is my experience: I tried ppm install PAR:Packer , version 1.013, But when I use pp, I got the error: Perl lib version (5.16.2) doesn't match executable version (v5.16.0). I also tried cpan install PAR:Packer , version 1.014. But I got the error during installation. The pop up window says: par.exe has


大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-29 04:53:15
一、起因 Blackarch是一个基于archlinux集成了安全工具集的linux发行版。我也是因为遇到一个系统因为存在漏洞需要重现,接解到这个linux发行版。也在一点一点的学习,因此将学习的过程记录下来,方便自已也方便他人。所学习的东西,也是结合自已的知识和理解,如果有不当之处,还请留言指正,不胜感谢! 二、工具分类 按照发行版的资料描述,blackarch中集成了1900种安全工具(没想到有这么多)。安照系统中的工具来看,作者对工作都进行了分类,但是分类都是英文的,没头绪,不知道从哪下手啊!看来第一步,是需要先把工具的分类搞清楚,没办法英语水平不行,还是一查一下比较靠谱! anti-forensic == 反取证 automation == 自动化 automobile == 自动(移动网络),百度翻译是汽车,但个人理解应该是移动网络类顺,暂时先记为这样。 backdoor == 后门类 binary == 二进制类,这个概念也不清楚,应该是针对二进制类文件时行分析的工具分类吧,暂时先记为这样。 forensic == 取证类, 这个与第一个相反,应该是取证类的 bluetooth == 蓝牙类, 这个应该是与蓝牙相关的工具分类 code-audit == 代码审计类,应该代码审查,审计类的工具 cracker == 破解类 crypto == 密码类

Convert Amazon EC2 AMI to Virtual or Vagrant box

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-28 17:03:06
问题 I'd like to copy the disk image of a running EC2 instance (grab the AMI) and import it into virtual box or eventually have it run using Vagrant. I saw that packer ( allows you to create AMI's and corresponding Vagrant boxes to work together, however the running instance I currently have has been running for over two years and would be difficult to replicate. I imagine that this issue is common in the devops community however have not found a solution in my research