
vs2017 编译JRTPLIB

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-02-15 02:28:22
一. JRTPLIB简介   RTP 是目前解决流媒体实时传输问题的最好办法,而JRTPLIB是一个用C++语言实现的RTP库,它完全遵循RFC 1889设计,目前已经可以运行在Windows、Linux、FreeBSD、Solaris、Unix和 VxWorks等多种操作系统上。在使用JRTPLIB之前,需要对其进行编译。 二. 使用的平台与软件 操作系统:windows 7 软件:CMake 3.12.0 + Visual Studio 2017 二. 下载链接 由于要对 jrtplib 进行编译,且 jrtplib 依赖于 jthread ,需要下载以下内容: jrtplib : jthread : cmake : 三. 编译步骤 1.安装 cmake-gui 。 2.将下载的 jrtplib 和 jthread 压缩包进行解压,同时在同目录下创建 jrtplib_build 和 jthread_build 文件夹。 3

How to upgrade postgresql database from 10 to 12 without losing data for openproject

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-12-05 05:48:21
问题 My OpenProject management software is installed with default postgresql 10. Currently the postgresql DB is 12, It is having lot of new features. I want to upgrade my Postgres DB without losing the data in the DB. My system is ubuntu 18.04 and hosted openproject. I searched the internet and could not find a step by step to upgrade postgresql. Can you please guide me to install new DB and all data should be in the new DB. thanks for your help. 回答1: A) First create a backup of all the databases

How to upgrade postgresql database from 10 to 12 without losing data for openproject

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-12-05 05:44:05
问题 My OpenProject management software is installed with default postgresql 10. Currently the postgresql DB is 12, It is having lot of new features. I want to upgrade my Postgres DB without losing the data in the DB. My system is ubuntu 18.04 and hosted openproject. I searched the internet and could not find a step by step to upgrade postgresql. Can you please guide me to install new DB and all data should be in the new DB. thanks for your help. 回答1: A) First create a backup of all the databases

Delphi Code Editor 之 基本操作

Deadly 提交于 2020-11-27 03:02:04
Delphi Code Editor 之 基本操作 毫无疑问,Delphi是高度可视化的。这是使用Delphi进行编程的最大好处之一。当然,任何一个有用的程序中都有大量手工编写的代码。当读者开始编写应用程序的UI部分后,可能会多花些事件来学习Delphi Code Editor。Code Editor有些特性,当大家知道后,一定会喜欢的。 我们将从四个方面进行介绍: 基本的编辑器操作(Basic Editor Operations) 专用编辑器特性(Specialized editor features) Code Editor快捷菜单(The Code Editor context menu) 修改编辑器选项(Changing the editor options) Note Delphi Code Editor允许用户从多种键盘映射配置:Default, IDE Classic, BRIEF,Epsilon,Visual Studio, Visual Basic等中选择一种。如下图,从【Tools | Editor Options…】中的“Key Mappings”中设置。我们默认选择“Default”映射。 编辑器基本操作 对于基本的输入、删除文本、用鼠标加亮显示文本,剪贴、复制、粘贴等等,此处不再介绍了。 Delphi Code Editor是一个典型的代码编辑器


隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-02 20:17:47
一.准备工作 1.下载OpenCV源码 OpenCV源码和扩展模块(opencv_contrib)版本要对应: 1). OpenCV源码下载地址: OpenCV下载地址: 2). OpenCV扩展模块(opencv_contrib)下载地址: 2.下载安装Cmake 二. 编译 分别解压opencv-3.4.5.zip和opencv_contrib-3.4.5.zip到同一个目录下的两个单独文件夹内 在该目录下新文件夹build: 我的目录结构: 打开CMAKE_GUI, Browser Source选择 "...\opencv-3.4.5\opencv-3.4.5" Browser Build选择刚才新建的build目录 "...\opencv3.4.5\build" 点击Configure选择, Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 点击Finish 开始配置 FFmpeg下载失败 可以到这里: 提取码:usy5 下载, 下载完成之后放到 3rdparty 目录下

Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'jquery' openproject

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-05 07:25:27
问题 I tried to install openproject in windows 7 64 bit. I followed the steps mentioned in openproject wiki, but cannot install it successfully, see the error log openproject>bundle exec rake assets:precompile DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle require 'rails/all'... 1.887s Bundler.require... 4.181s *** WARNING: You must use ANSICON 1.31 or higher ( on/) to get coloured output on Windows Application.initialize!... [deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will defa

Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'jquery' openproject

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-05 07:25:08
问题 I tried to install openproject in windows 7 64 bit. I followed the steps mentioned in openproject wiki, but cannot install it successfully, see the error log openproject>bundle exec rake assets:precompile DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle require 'rails/all'... 1.887s Bundler.require... 4.181s *** WARNING: You must use ANSICON 1.31 or higher ( on/) to get coloured output on Windows Application.initialize!... [deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will defa

how to connect gitlab with openProject

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-02 08:55:34
问题 Hello I have a requirement is it posible to connect somehow gitlab with openproject? I have seen this but not sure if it will help somehow with gitlab 回答1: In the past, you could connect most git repositories to a project, so you could also connect those on GitLab. However, the git proper integration seems to be broken for some time now. The GitHub integration plugin you mentioned will not work with GitLab

how to connect gitlab with openProject

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-06 07:33:31
Hello I have a requirement is it posible to connect somehow gitlab with openproject? I have seen this but not sure if it will help somehow with gitlab In the past, you could connect most git repositories to a project, so you could also connect those on GitLab. However, the git proper integration seems to be broken for some time now. The GitHub integration plugin you mentioned will not work with GitLab though, as their web hook APIs will probably differ. You probably should elaborate your question and put it on