
Subsonic support for Oracle ODP.NET?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-05 22:41:14
I'm new to Subsonic and I work primarily with Oracle databases. Can subsonic be used against an Oracle database and does it support the use of Oracle's ODP.NET data provider. If yes, can you point me to a good example? Thanks in advance. Scott runxc1 Bret Ferrier Marve is a little misleading. Subsonic can be used with Oracle but SubSonic 2.x actually uses System.Data.OracleClient . Subsonic 3.0 does not have any .tt files for Oracle yet as no one has stepped forward to do it. I have been using Subsonic 2.2 with Oracle for months now and find that it works very well. SubSonic does indeed work

ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure with ASP.NET

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-05 22:00:18
问题 My development team is experiencing numerous ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure errors using ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.0 against Oracle 11g. These errors are inconsistent as to when they occur, and are generated by numerous applications. This exception happens while calling random stored procedures, packets, and inline SQL statements. The Oracle 11 client is installed on the web server. Some applications use Microsoft System.Data.OracleClient to connect to Oracle, and some use the .NET components

Effects of changing NLS_LANG setting in the registry for Oracle Client

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-05 21:22:46
We are in the process of moving from the .NET Microsoft oracle driver to the ODP.NET driver. One of the problems we have had is this error: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified We were able to stop the error by modifying the registry and changing the setting ( see this question ) In our case we changed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - ORACLE - NLS_LANG which was set to NA to be the same as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - ORACLE - HOME0 - NLS_LANG which was set correctly My question is why would there be different NLS_LANG settings in the registry, and might

Oracle.DataAccess mismatch error

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-05 19:19:30
问题 I installed the odp.net 32 bit installation for Visual Studio 2012. I set a reference to the Oracle.DataAccess.dll and my connection to Oracle seems to be working. When I build the project (.net 4) I get the following error. The project is set to build AnyCPU (my workstation is 64 bit and the server where we will ultimately deploy to is 32bit) 'There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "MSIL" and the processor architecture of the reference Oracle

No Oracle DataSource in Entity Data Model Wizard

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-05 18:18:35
问题 I am using ODP.NET and I need generate ORM from my database. I have installed: Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate ODAC1120250Beta_EntityFramework_x64.zip In Server Expolorer I can see Data Source for Oracle Database and I am able connect to remote oracle server and run queries. When I add ADO.NET Entity Data Model and wanna generate code from database I cannot see Data source for oracle like in Server Explorer. Do you need download some extra stuff to run entity framework with ODP.NET? EDIT: Use

ODP.NET Core - Scaffold DB-Context

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-05 17:32:46
I am working with oracles odp.net core beta 3. Specifically, The dll is Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core.2.12.0-beta3. The project is to create a web api that sits on top of an oracle instance. My question - Is the command "Scaffold-DBContext" supported with this provider. If so what am I doing wrong... I've made the attempt using a connection string similar to the following. Data Source={databasename}/{TNS}.domain.local; User ID={UserName};Password={Password}; And the actual command in the Package Manager terminal Scaffold-DbContext Data Source={databasename}/{TNS}.domain.local; User ID=

Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' - Markup View

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-05 16:02:44
I am having a strange problem since installing the latest version of ODAC, I installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions because I develop applications for both architectures. My computer is Win 7 64-bit. Since installing ODAC and referencing the new 64-bit version of ODP.NET, one of my web application projects in Visual Studio 2010 gives the following warning for all aspx pages and masterpages when I view them in Markup View. ASP.NET runtime error: Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an

ODP.NET error Unable to find the Requested .Net Framework Data Provider

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-05 15:36:17
问题 I am trying to develop an ASP.NET MVC 4.0 application using Oracle 11g Express and the .NET 4.0 framework. I can connect to the DB using the ODP.NET provider and can also generate my EDMX against the database. What I can't do is query the underlying DB using entity framework. When instantiating my DbContext using the connectionString Visual Studio generated, I get the following error: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed However, it is installed

Return Value of Oracle.DataAccess execute non-query (stored proc)

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-05 14:19:57
Return Value For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. For CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements, the return value is 0. For all other types of statements, the return value is -1. That is what microsofts docs states about the return value of that function... Does that mean that if I call a stored proc, it would return a -1? To be clear, what return value should I expect to receive from a successful execution of a stored procedure or if the stored Procedure failed to execute for some reason... I am sure that it would throw me an

Problems with NHibernate and DateTime mappings

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-05 12:13:24
I'm having trouble with a query where I select records within a given timespan. The column I'm selecting from is of type DATE. I have mapped this column as a DateTime property, and the query works but is slow. The generated query looks like: (provided by NHProfiler ) select kifkalende0_.KALENDER_MEDARBEJDER_ID as KALENDER1_119_0_, kifkalende1_.KALENDER_EMNE_ID as KALENDER1_210_1_, kifkalende0_.OPDATERET_TIDSPUNKT as OPDATERET2_119_0_, kifkalende0_.AENDRET as AENDRET119_0_, kifkalende0_.OPDATERET_AF as OPDATERET4_119_0_, kifkalende0_.OPRETTET_AF as OPRETTET5_119_0_, kifkalende0_.OPRETTET