
c# datatypes -> oracle datatypes

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-07 12:40:09
问题 I like to save different c# data types in a Oracle database (int, decimal, double, string, Guid, …). Does anyone have a table showing what oracle data types to use? I have found tables showing what c# data types to use for different oracle data types but not the other way around. 回答1: I'm not sure if this helps or not, but this was taken from the ODP.NET assembly using .NET Reflector: internal static void InsertTableEntries() { s_table.Add(typeof(byte), OracleDbType.Byte); s_table.Add(typeof

Return Value of Oracle.DataAccess execute non-query (stored proc)

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-07 08:26:49
问题 Return Value For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. For CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements, the return value is 0. For all other types of statements, the return value is -1. That is what microsofts docs states about the return value of that function... Does that mean that if I call a stored proc, it would return a -1? To be clear, what return value should I expect to receive from a successful execution of a stored

Having two ODP.NET (ODAC) versions in the same server

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-07 07:22:32
问题 Some months ago, a colleague of mine installed ODAC 11.106.21 in a server using XCOPY and then he developed many applications that use this client without problems (in test and production windows servers). Past week, I developed an application under ODAC When I asked him to install these new ODAC version using XCOPY in a different folder and then include my application in the test server, he answered me that I should use ODAC 11.106.21 because he could have troubles with his

Fluent NHibernate - Configure Oracle Data Provider ODP

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-07 06:14:06
问题 I am brand new to NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate and I am trying to get the following confguration to work. private static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory() { return Fluently.Configure() .Database( OracleDataClientConfiguration.Oracle10.ConnectionString("Data Source=mysource;User ID=myid;Password=mypwd;") ) .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<Program>()) .BuildSessionFactory(); } I have the Oracle.DataAccess assembly referenced. I am using VS 2010 and .Net 4 I get the

Oracle oci.dll in ASP.NET bin directory can't be deleted/doesn't work

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-07 05:54:11
问题 I followed the directions here: http://splinter.com.au/blog/?p=156 in an attempt to use a newer version of ODP.NET without installing the Oracle 11g client. I followed everything, so far, except for restarting IIS. However, this has caused some problems and I'm really curious as to why. If I try to use ODP.NET I'm met with a blank exception thrown when the Oracle connection tries to connect (ConnectExample.Open() for instance). But most curiously: I can't delete oci.dll. It says it's in use.

“ORA-01012” error message when trying to connect to an Oracle database

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-07 04:13:45
问题 Using C# and Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP) I made a long query to the database, then I end the connection on the server side using TOAD. After that, the subsequent calls to the database, even creating a new OracleConnection object, throw the following error: ORA-01012: not logged on Process ID: xxx Session ID: yyy Serial number: zzz Where Process ID and Session ID are the identifiers I used to end the connection. It seems like when I end the connection to the Oracle database on the

oracle odp.net SafeMapping conversion if timestamp with timezone - how to get offset instead of zone name

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-07 02:42:52
问题 From c#, using odp.net, I call an oracle function that returns a cursor. Some of the columns are of type "timestamp with time zone" (TSTZ). If I directly use an OracleDataAdapter, those columns are converted to System.DateTime and the timezone information are lost. This is expected behavior and the recommendation seems to be to use SafeMapping to force conversion to string like: dataAdapter.SafeMapping.Add("column_name", typeof(string)); I then indeed get the TSTZ as a string, but it's using

ODP.NET Connection request timed out

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-07 02:41:04
问题 I have a web application hosted on IIS 7, using Oracle.DataAcess.dll for .NET to perform the connection and queries to the Oracle Data base. In the last week, we suddenly encountered numerous errors thrown by this component, saying: "Connection request timed out.". After few hours of debugging, I saw that the error is really saying that the connection request has timed out, and throwing an error with code number: -1000 (Of oracle.DataAccess, no ORA- error was thrown). At the Oracle Data Base,

Managed Oracle Client with Oracle Advanced Security Options

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-06 16:46:48
On October 14th, Oracle release the latest version of their Oracle Managed Client which was described to support Network Data Encryption. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/tech-info/odac12cr4ds-2704217.pdf https://www.nuget.org/packages/Oracle.ManagedDataAccess/ Although for some reason after trying multiple configuration, we still weren't able to get it to work. We keep getting the infamous ORA-12570: Network Session: Unexpected packet read error exception wrapped in The provider did not return a ProviderManifestToken string . The error in the alert log is the following TNS

Odp.Net - Depending on the client and server

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-06 15:02:48
问题 I have question from theory. My application uses Odp.Net. I add as reference file Oracle.DataAccess.dll version I am using Odp.Net to query database and to registry query notifications . On each computer i install ODAC 11.2 Release 5 ( from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/windows/downloads/utilsoft-087491.html. I would like to know what dependencies are between my Odp.Net version, Oracle Client version (which can be installed on client machine) and Oracle