
Post DbGeography data type in odata v4 api

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-19 06:18:07
问题 What i receive from a DbGeography data type is in Location. { "@odata.context":"http://subdomain.mydomain.me/odata/$metadata#Pois","value":[ { "Id":"d57e6603-5530-4457-b041-6398b7182173","Name":"Demo Home","Address":"Zuidstraat 8 8630 Veurne","Location":{ "Geography":{ "CoordinateSystemId":4326,"WellKnownText":"POINT (51.515574 2.025285)","WellKnownBinary":null } },"TagId":"ec32e8f3-c0b8-4bcc-af6c-7059b1ef1a65","RouteId":null } ] } I have tried multiple POSTS, but none of them seem to succeed

UI5-学习篇-8-本地SAP WEB IDE开发

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-13 07:33:12
1.本地SAP WEB IDE下载   UI5-学习篇-3-Local SAP WEB IDE下载 2.启动Orion服务  解压SAP WEB IDE文件后,双击Orion应用程序启动服务,如下图:      服务启动完成后,打开如下路径,进入SAP WEB IDE开发平台:   http://localhost:8080/webide/index.html 3.创建账号并登录      账号创建成功后登录    进入开发平台:   4.UI5开发实例  4.1创建项目   如上图所示:选择 New Project from Template      项目名称及命名空间      视图名及类型         项目创建完成。     4.2配置数据源   在SAP WEB IDE安装目录下:\config_master\service.destinations\destinations   创建没有后缀名的文件,如下图所示:      文件中配置如下参数(注意替换URL路径及User,Password): 1 # 2 #Tue Feb 19 08 : 34 : 23 UTC 2019 3 Description= GMD HANA 4 Type= HTTP 5 Authentication= BasicAuthentication 6 WebIDEUsage= odata


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-02-12 04:27:49
基于 FPGA 灰度图像的形态学膨胀算法的实现 1 背景知识 腐蚀与膨胀是形态学滤波的两个基本运算,通过腐蚀和膨胀两种运算可以实现多种功能,主要如下: (1) 消除噪声; (2) 分割出独立的图像元素; (3) 在图像中连接相邻的元素; (4) 寻找图像中明显的极大值和极小值区域; (5) 求出图像的梯度。 图 1 腐蚀膨胀示意图 图 1 a 为大小为 448X425 像素的灰度级 X 射线图像; b 使用半径为 2 个像素的圆盘形结构元对图像的腐蚀结果; c 用相同的结构元对图像的膨胀结果。原图有 Lixi 公司提供。 1) 形态学滤波之膨胀 膨胀 (dialate) 就是求局部最大值的操作。 从数学角度来看就是将图像 f 和核(结构元) b 进行卷积的一个过程。 当 b 的原点位于( x,y )处时,用一个平坦的结构元 b 在( x,y )处对图像 f 的膨胀,定义为图像 f 中与 b 重合区域的最大值,即: 为了方便起见,将膨胀操作记为: (x,y) 表示当前输入图像的行列坐标; f(x,y) 表示坐标点( x,y )处的图像像素值; g(x,y) 表示坐标点( x,y )处的滤波结果; ( s,t )表示作用域。 2 matlab 仿真灰度图像的腐蚀与膨胀 Matlab 膨胀源码: %%image dilate clc clear all img_a = imread(


狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-12 00:52:55
1.学习网站:  SAPUI5学习地址:   https://blog.csdn.net/stone0823/article/category/6650292/1?  SAPUI5文档:   https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/demoapps  SAP Build 模型:   https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/build-create-prototype.html  SAPUI5 Blogs:   https://blogs.sap.com/tags/500983881501772639608291559920477/   2.培训内容:  2.1初学导航    UI5-Fiori初学者导航  2.2环境搭建   Eclipse环境:    UI5-学习篇-1-Eclipse开发工具及环境搭建   Local-SAP WEB IDE:    UI5-学习篇-3-Local SAP WEB IDE下载   SCP-SAP WEB IDE:    UI5-学习篇-4-SCP-SAP WEB IDE登录  2.3SAP后端创建OData    UI5-学习篇-5-SAP创建OData服务-Structure UI5-学习篇-6-SAP创建OData服务-RFC     2.4UI5开发   Local-SAP

asp.net core 2.1 Odata How to omit “@odata.type” in response

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-11 13:24:50
问题 I need help to remove from my response the odata type "@odata.type". I read in Odata documentation The odata.type annotation MUST appear if the type cannot be heuristically determined, as described below, and one of the following is true: · The type is derived from the type specified for the (collection of) entities or (collection of) complex type instances, or · The type is for a property whose type is not declared in $metadata. but I cannot figure out how to do it. { "@odata.context":

ODataModel aggregation's getBindingContext() returns undefined [duplicate]

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-11 12:38:06
问题 This question already has answers here : getBindingContext() Returns undefined (2 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I have a sap.m.VBox control, of which the items aggregation is bound to an ODataModel dataset, and as such is being populated by a sap.m.HBox template control containing multiple sap.m.Input controls (which are bound to the respective ODataModel's dataset properties) In code: <VBox items="{/My_ODatamodel_Dataset}"> <items> <HBox> <Input value="{property1} change="doSomething"/>

ODataModel aggregation's getBindingContext() returns undefined [duplicate]

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-11 12:37:52
问题 This question already has answers here : getBindingContext() Returns undefined (2 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I have a sap.m.VBox control, of which the items aggregation is bound to an ODataModel dataset, and as such is being populated by a sap.m.HBox template control containing multiple sap.m.Input controls (which are bound to the respective ODataModel's dataset properties) In code: <VBox items="{/My_ODatamodel_Dataset}"> <items> <HBox> <Input value="{property1} change="doSomething"/>

OData Containment

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-10 05:13:33
问题 I just learn that with the [Contained] attribute I can define a contained collection. This means the collection is no more accessible from my root oData system. Ok fine, but here is my model: I have a user that have addresses The user has invoices Each invoice can have one or two addresses from the user. On which collection should I add the contained attribute? 回答1: The answer to this completely depends on your domain model. The advice I would give is to use OData containment sparingly. It

OData Containment

二次信任 提交于 2021-02-10 05:12:43
问题 I just learn that with the [Contained] attribute I can define a contained collection. This means the collection is no more accessible from my root oData system. Ok fine, but here is my model: I have a user that have addresses The user has invoices Each invoice can have one or two addresses from the user. On which collection should I add the contained attribute? 回答1: The answer to this completely depends on your domain model. The advice I would give is to use OData containment sparingly. It

Legal characters for properties on an open-type entity

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-08 08:56:19
问题 I have implemented a WCD Data Services / OData server, with an entity set as an open type. I am using custom IMetadataProvider, IQueryProvider, etc. I can create my entity, set open properties, retrieve them, update, and search -- mostly. The problem comes when I attempt to search for a property with something like a "dash" in the name This works: GET /Service/Cases?$filter=ABC eq 'ABC' This doesn't work: GET /Service/Cases?$filter=A-BC eq 'ABC' This also doesn't work: GET /Service/Cases?