
Jackson ObjectMapper in Static Method with Generics

寵の児 提交于 2021-01-29 16:57:21
问题 I have a static method that is intended to read JSON and Parse to a Class (specified at runtime) with ObjectMapper. I would like to return an Object of the 'N' type, but I'm getting an error about using Generics. How can I make the following code accomplish this? public static <N, T extends AbstractRESTApplication> N GET_PAYLOAD( T app, String urlString, REQUEST_TYPE requestType) throws JsonProcessingException, MalformedURLException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,

Jooq fetchInto class java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to class

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-28 04:45:41
问题 Giving the last example given in this SO thread. I get this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to class com.example.dtos.UserElement (java.util.LinkedHashMap is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; com.example.dtos.UserElement is in unnamed module of loader 'app') Am I supposed to use a special mapper that jooq will be happy with? Any help is welcome Edit: Jooq version: 3.14.3 Postgres: 11 ctx.select( USERS.ID.`as`("id"), USERS.USERNAME.`as

Android+Java Web+MySQL实现登录注册

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-28 03:41:11
1 前言&概述 这篇文章是基于 此处文章 的更新,更新了一些技术栈,更加贴近实际需要,以及修复了若干的错误。 这是一个前端 Android +后端 Java/Kotlin 通过 Servelt 进行后台数据库( MySQL )交互的详细步骤以及源码实现,技术栈: Android 基础 原生 JDBC +原生 Servlet Tomcat + MySQL ( Docker ) 当然现在的很多 Java 后端开发都使用了 Spring Boot 而不是原生的 Servlet ,所以使用 Spring Boot 实现的可以笔者的 另一篇文章 。 尽管基于 Spring Boot 实现非常的简便,但是使用原生的 Servlet 更能理解底层的原理。另外本篇文章是偏基础向的教程,很多步骤都会比较详细而且附上了图,好了废话不说,正文开始。 2 环境 Android Studio 4.1.2 IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 MySQL 8.0.23 Tomcat 10.0 Docker 20.10.1 服务器 CentOS 8.1.1911 3 环境准备 3.1 IDE 准备 官网安装 Android Studio + IDEA ,这部分就省略了。 3.2 MySQL 3.2.1 安装概述 这里的 MySQL 若无特殊说明指的是 MySQL Community 。 首先,在

Convert JSON record to LinkedHashMap<String,String> using Jackson API

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-01-27 13:56:55
问题 I have a JSON file(it contains an array of JSON objects.) I am trying to read it object by object. Each object I need to convert it to a LinkedHashMap<String,String> where both the key and value are strings. Note that even if the JSON objects contain a non-string value( Integer/Boolean ), I want my LinkedHashMap to contain a string. This is my JSON file ( films.json ): [ { "name": "Fight Club", "year": 1999, } ] Now, this has 1 object. I want to convert it to a LinkedHashMap<String,String> .

Custom BigInteger JSON serializer

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-27 11:50:45
问题 I am trying to implement a custom JSON serializer class to display object BigInteger values as string in the JSON response. I have implememented a custom serializer class public class CustomCounterSerializer extends StdSerializer<BigInteger> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5440920327083673598L; public CustomCounterSerializer() { this(BigInteger.class); } public CustomCounterSerializer(Class<BigInteger> vc) { super(vc); } @Override public void serialize(BigInteger value,

Custom BigInteger JSON serializer

不羁的心 提交于 2021-01-27 11:46:09
问题 I am trying to implement a custom JSON serializer class to display object BigInteger values as string in the JSON response. I have implememented a custom serializer class public class CustomCounterSerializer extends StdSerializer<BigInteger> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5440920327083673598L; public CustomCounterSerializer() { this(BigInteger.class); } public CustomCounterSerializer(Class<BigInteger> vc) { super(vc); } @Override public void serialize(BigInteger value,

jackson json序列化 首字母大写 第二个字母需小写

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-01-21 06:45:08
有这样一个类: @Setter @Getter @JsonNaming(value = PropertyNamingStrategy.UpperCamelCaseStrategy. class ) public class Student { private String bName; } 序列化后,希望首字母大写,如下面的测试代码: @Test public void contextLoads() throws IOException { Student test = new Student(); test.setBName( "234234" ); String s = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(test); Assert.assertEquals( "{\"BName\":\"234234\"}" , s); } 可实际运行后,结果与希望不一样: org.junit.ComparisonFailure: Expected :{"BName":"234234"} Actual :{"Bname":"234234"} jackson在序列化时把第二个大写字母n转成了小写,这是为什么呢? 以下是跟踪源码的过程: 直接找到:com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect

JSON 解析 (三)—— FastJSON与Jackson比较

佐手、 提交于 2021-01-14 06:20:56
一、方便性与性能 调用方便性而言: FastJSON提供了大量静态方法,调用简洁方便 Jackson须实例化类,调用相对繁琐,可通过封装成JSON工具类简化调用 性能而言: FastJSON反序列化的性能略差,对于256k的json字符串,平均700ms Jackson 的 data binding反序列化的性能稍好,对于256k的json字符串,平均600ms 两者的序列化性能基本相同,对于256k的json字符串,平均140ms 相对data binding方式(ObjectMapper.writeValueAsString()),Jackson的流输出方式(JsonGenerator.writeObject())性能稍好,平均130ms 二、其他 1、序列化与反序列化的实现细节 对象在序列化时,通过反射,遍历getter方法(getXXX(),isXXX),从方法名中获取属性名(XXX),并调用getter方法获取属性值,组合在一起,从而完成序列化;在反序列化时,遍历属性名(XXX)并拼接成setter方法(setXXX), 通过反射,查询并调用setter方法,从而完成对象构建。 序列化与反序列化的实现,与具体字段无直接关联,示例如下: public class Product { private String name; private Double price; //

Jackson - How to prevent ObjectMapper from converting escaped unicode?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-01 02:20:44
问题 I'm using Jackson 2.4 in Java to do some JSON legwork. I make a call to a remote server with Apache HttpGet, deserialize the results with Jackson into a POJO, manipulate those results, and then serialize them with Jackson to push back to a remote server with HttpPost. The issue I'm finding is that Jackson is translating unicode literals into unicode characters, which I need it not to do thanks to encoding issues on each end. For example, I might have this in the JSON: "field1": "\u00a2" But

Jackson - How to prevent ObjectMapper from converting escaped unicode?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-01-01 02:14:51
问题 I'm using Jackson 2.4 in Java to do some JSON legwork. I make a call to a remote server with Apache HttpGet, deserialize the results with Jackson into a POJO, manipulate those results, and then serialize them with Jackson to push back to a remote server with HttpPost. The issue I'm finding is that Jackson is translating unicode literals into unicode characters, which I need it not to do thanks to encoding issues on each end. For example, I might have this in the JSON: "field1": "\u00a2" But