What is the full list of number suffixes in PowerShell?
问题 What is the full list of suffixes you can use on PowerShell number literals? So far I have found: ╔════════╦═════════╦════════════════════════╗ ║ Suffix ║ Example ║ Result ║ ╠════════╬═════════╬════════════════════════╣ ║ L ║ 1L ║ Type = Int64 ║ ║ D ║ 1D ║ Type = Decimal ║ ║ KB ║ 1KB ║ 1KB = 1024 ║ ║ MB ║ 1MB ║ 1MB = 1048576 ║ ║ GB ║ 1GB ║ 1GB = 1073741824 ║ ║ TB ║ 1TB ║ 1TB = 1099511627776 ║ ║ PB ║ 1PB ║ 1PB = 1125899906842624 ║ ╚════════╩═════════╩════════════════════════╝ But I can't find