
Non-blocking WS call with CXF

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-08 05:30:22
问题 I need to call a WS that has very large response times (seconds) - without any polling/callback mechanism implemented on their side. I think the most effective way of doing this is using non-blocking io and some kind of callback mechanism when the response received. Since we mostly use Spring and CXF I started a proof-of concept project to test my concept and the configuration itself. Fortunately there is an HttpAsyncClient for cxf and there are good tutorials how to configure it. But at some

How to handle window events while waiting for terminal input?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-08 05:01:23
问题 This question was migrated from Software Engineering Stack Exchange because it can be answered on Stack Overflow. Migrated 6 years ago . I've got a cross-platform (windows and unix+xcb) terminal+graphics_window application and it mostly works ok, until you wait too long at the input prompt, where under heavy load the image may disappear. :( I've got a mainloop (REPL) for the interpreter (postscript interpreter) which calls an event handler function each time around its loop. The event handler

Sockets: What is causing read() to return EINVAL?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-08 04:07:44
问题 A socket client program establishes a connection with the server, writes some bytes and waits for response using the (blocking) read() . But this fails with the error EINVAL ("Invalid argument"). Previous calls to create() , bind() and connect() the socket have been made successfully. My Question What's wrong here? Platform is Linux x64. 回答1: fd is attached to an object which is unsuitable for reading; or the file was opened with the O_DIRECT flag, and either the address specified in buf, the

Chaining of Promises via #flatMap() in Play Controller-Action

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-08 04:00:36
问题 I'd like to ask if what I'm doing is suitable or if there is a better/more efficient/simpler way. Scenario: User logs in with e-mail-address and password, gets routed to the login()-action If the user is already in the DB and has a password hashed, authenticate with the DB-user and return result-promise If user is not in the DB or has no password-hash, do a web-service request with the login-data and parse the status from the response -> return a Status -instance Check the status of the user

Is wait(1) in a non-blocking while(true)-loop more efficient than using wait() and notify()?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-08 03:16:24
Does a while(true) Java loop together with wait(1) use more or less resources than a blocking loop with wait() and notify() ? And do the CPU cores have some special (hardware) implementations to allow wait(1) ? If yes, are there any limitations while working with such non-blocking loops? An example: while(true){ wait(1); //do the job here... } (Just a note: Without the wait(1) a core would go radical 100% in a while(true) loop...) As to the original question of why while (true); takes up more CPU than while (true) { wait(1); } , consider: a modern CPU can perform billions of instructions per

Non-Blocking i/o in c? (windows)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-08 00:57:20
问题 I'm trying to get a non-blocking I/O on a Windows terminal application (windows only, sorry!). What if I want to have a short input time in wich the user can press a button, but if he doesn't the input stops and the program continues? For example: A timer that counts from 1 to whatever that stops when the user presses a certain key: I should have a while loop, but if I do a getch or a getchar function it will stop the program, right? I know I could use kbhit(); , but for the "program" I'm

Fabric in Django .How to solve view waiting for SSH to complete

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 16:36:15
问题 I have a simple view: def test(request): os.system('fab remote_uname -i /path/to/keyfile -H hostname') return HttpResposnse('Complete') In : from fabric.api import * env.user='ubuntu' def remote_uname(): run('uname -a') When I hit the url it waits long to deliver the response. This may confuse user to hit refresh executing remote_uname() again. How can I deliver the view and let the operations complete later? How can I implement concurrency in this case? 回答1: Threads/processes

What is the difference between a blocking and non-blocking read?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-07 15:44:44
问题 Add to the above question the concept of a wait/no wait indicator as a parameter to a ReadMessage function in a TCP/IP or UDP environment. A third party function description states that: This function is used to read a message from a queue which was defined by a previous registerforinput call. The input wait/no wait indicator will determine if this function will block on the queue specified, waiting for the data to be placed on the queue. If the nowait option is specified and no data is

Check that write()/send() can process whole buffer without block, fail otherwise (no partial write)

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-07 09:40:22
问题 I am using SOCK_SEQPACKET connection, and it is critical for me to ensure that whole buffer is sent with single write()/send() call. I am also operating with device driver that is designed to handle a complete block of data with single call. At the same time I want to handle the situation when write()/send() blocks due to buffer overflow, i.e. I want to have a feedback whether current implementation gets a bottleneck here. I'm working with glibc, Linux 2.6. I need to implement a method that

Python Alarm Clock

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-07 06:57:52
问题 I've made this little alarm clock with a little help from my brother. I tried it last night, with out the nonBlockingRawInput and that worked fine, but with the nonBlockingRawInput it didn't work. Today I've tried it but neither of them work! I will post the code with the nonBlockingRawInput and the "non" file. If you want the code without nonBlockingRawInput , just ask. Thanks in advance. alarm : import time import os from non import nonBlockingRawInput name = input("Enter your name."