
Nodejs Streams - Help find my memory leak

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-04-17 18:56:50
问题 So I have a process that selects from a table. I partition my select programmatically into 20 sub-selects. I then go through each on of those select and stream its data to an indexing client (solr). Every select memory jumps up and holds until I get an OOM. I logged when each query went off and can be seen in in the following charts: These correlate with each jump in the this memory graph: 14 of 20 queries ran before I oomed. I see this behavior with code that is similar but with a delta that

GraphQL & Pulling Data from Oracle DB: Query Responds with the Resultset and Doesn't Come to The Graphql resolver Window

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-25 01:19:17
问题 I am new to GraphQL. Started developing an GraphQL app to pull the data from oracle database. It is very simple application. The query responds with the resultset and can be seen results in console.log ; however, it doesn't come to the graphql window (response/resolver window). It throws the error Cannot return null for non I tried the promise in the oracle connection. Not sure, why it is not showing the data in GraphQL. UserType.js module.exports = new GraphQLObjectType({ name:

node-oracledb error when executing stored procedure NJS-012

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-24 08:07:07
问题 I'm running Node 8.9.4, Hapi 17.4, and Oracledb 2.2. When attempting to call a stored procedure, I get the error "NJS-012: encountered invalid bind data type in parameter 2". Nothing I've been able to do seems to fix the issue. The code that calls the procedure is: async function getSavedViews(req, h, server) { let connection = await; let bindVars = { P_USER_NAME: req.payload.user_name, P_CONTENT_TYPE: req.payload.content_type, P_PROJECT_NUMBER: req.payload

How to resolve “Unable to resolve some modules oracledb”?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-23 16:25:07
问题 I've setup a meteor project and imported the oracledb node package. But after starting the project via meteor run I get a console build error. Stating that Unable to resolve some modules . Machine setup: Windows 7 x64 node v6.9.1 x64 npm 3.10.9 x64 instaclient sdk and basic x86 C++ redistributables To debug the issue I've: Followed the debug steps in this issue - Unable to resolve some modules in Meteor checked that the package exists in node_modules which it does: Question: How can

How to insert multiple records into oracle db using node js

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-11 00:52:32
问题 I am able to insert one record into a table, but i want to insert multiple records at once into the table- My Code is below- var doinsert_autocommit = function (conn, cb) { var query="INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id,:name)"; var values=[{1,'rate'},{5,'ratee'}]; If i use [1,'rat']- its working for inserting one row. conn.execute( "INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id,:name)", values, // Bind values { autoCommit: true}, // Override the default non-autocommit behavior function(err, result) { if (err) {