I've setup a meteor project and imported the oracledb node package.
But after starting the project via meteor run
I get a console build error. Stating that Unable to resolve some modules
Machine setup:
Windows 7 x64
node v6.9.1 x64
npm 3.10.9 x64
instaclient sdk and basic x86
C++ redistributables
To debug the issue I've:
- Followed the debug steps in this issue - Unable to resolve some modules in Meteor
- checked that the package exists in node_modules which it does:
How can you resolve "Unable to resolve some modules oracledb" during a meteor run?
Environment Variables are set and directory exists:
OCI ENV vars -
Path var-
Directory location of Oracle instaclient
Error log during meteor run
$ meteor run
[[[[[ C:\Users\derp\Documents\Projects\dmo-progam-site ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
=> A patch (Meteor for your current release is available!
Update this project now with 'meteor update --patch'.
=> Started MongoDB.
Unable to resolve some modules:
"../build/Release/oracledb" in
"../build/Debug/oracledb" in
=> Started your app.
=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
Check that basic node-oracledb examples run outside Meteor. This will confirm that node-oracledb is installed and able to find the Oracle client libraries and MS VS Redistributable. Make sure the architectures (32-bit or 64-bit) of Node, Oracle client libraries, and the Redistributable all match.
We had someone report this before but I couldn't reproduce. Please look through the steps I used here to see if they help: https://github.com/oracle/node-oracledb/issues/516#issuecomment-267480686