
OpenRes 4: Modularity的神经科学相关研究

a 夏天 提交于 2020-04-28 08:03:48
1 Modularity的神经科学相关paper [1] Clune J, Mouret J B, Lipson H. The evolutionary origins of modularity [J]. Proceedings of the Royal Society b: Biological sciences, 2013, 280(1755): 20122863. [pdf] [2] Meunier D, Lambiotte R, Bullmore E T. Modular and hierarchically modular organization of brain networks [J]. Frontiers in neuroscience, 2010, 4: 200. [3] Sporns O, Betzel R F. Modular brain networks [J]. Annual review of psychology, 2016, 67: 613-640. [4] Sternberg S. Modular processes in mind and brain [J]. Cognitive neuropsychology, 2011, 28(3-4): 156-208. 2 贴点比较受启发的论述 Overall, this paper supports

OpenRes 2: Modularity 相关paper赏析(2)

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-04-24 11:15:00
直接接着上一篇Blog: [7] Routing networks: Adaptive selection of non-linear functions for multi-task learning (2017) Routing networks and the challenges of modular and compositional computation (2019) Conclusion :这篇文章和PathNet面对的问题比较接近,都是Multi-Task Learning,然后都是选择不同层不同的module,最大的区别就是使用RL来训练这个routing network,实际上和前面做VQA的文章方法类似。所以对于这篇文章,从大的方法论上我没有看到足够创新的地方,只能说其在RL的设计上有一些创新。有个问题是这篇文章一直觉得自己最大的不一样是选择一个module而不是选多个,很奇怪。实际上和mixture of experts没有本质区别。其实专门弄一个routing network并不是多好的事情,因为routing network本质上并没有和module有直接交互,只是大致学会每一个module是什么功能然后做出指派。 [8] Learning modular neural network policies for multi-task and multi

OpenRes 1: Modularity 相关paper赏析(1)

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-04-23 10:04:53
1 前言 Modularity模块化是实现generalization泛化性的方法之一。科学家对大脑的研究已经发现大脑的不同区域具备完全不同的功能,以此同时不同区域的大脑又具有相同的网络结构。在以前吴恩达的机器学习课程中就有提到过: 我们大脑通过训练可以使用舌头来实现视觉感知,这很神奇。 为了探索Generalization的奥秘,在这一次paper reading中,我们将分析当前Modularity的相关研究。 ​ 相关paper列在git中的Modularity部分。 [1] Adaptive mixtures of local experts (1991) Introduction :这篇文章来自Hinton,是对Mixture of Experts的改进。核心思想是融合了Competitive Learning。 一般的Mixture of Experts 是这样的: Motivation :所有不同的expert network 加权输出最后的结果。这样的处理存在一个问题是不同的expert是互相影响的,只要一个expert发生变化,整个梯度就会发生改变,所有的expert也会跟着更新。除了让expert network互相合作

Circular interpolation in Python

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-14 19:13:50
问题 I have two systems, each of which has a direction sensor (0-360 degrees), but the sensors can provide wildly different values depending on the orientation of each system and the linearity of each sensor. I have a mechanical reference that I can use to generate a table of where each system is actually pointing. This yields a table with three columns: Physical SystemA SystemB -------- ------- ------- 000.0 005.7 182.3 005.0 009.8 178.4 ... ... ... From just the data shown, we can see that

Mixed Modular and Non-Modular Development in Eclipse using Java 11

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-04 14:03:15
问题 It's been a while since I do Java programming and I am surprised to come back to it with the entire landscape being foreign to me post project jig-saw. I have trouble using Eclipse (2018-09, 4.9.0) standard Java project with mixed modular and non-modular environment. Specifically, I am attempting to combine JavaFX 11 (modularized) and Apache POI 4.1 (non-modularized) using Eclipse platform (base Java project without Gradle or Maven). In my I have the following, module myapp {

C++ program design

久未见 提交于 2019-12-30 07:13:12
问题 How to effectively design a C++ modular program? How to learn? 回答1: For a beginner, you may want to take the "brute force" process: 1. Write a simple main function in one file. 2. Add some functionality, compile then test. 3. Refactor (use this keyword in Google). Here are some guidelines for refactoring (not all of them may apply at the same time): Repetitive functionality should be separated into another function. Repetitive functions should be put into a separate source file and shared.

How do I subtract 11 from a list and mod 121 the same list all at once?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-25 21:24:10
问题 This is for prime number theory. This theory which actually shows up as an axiom factors numbers like 2^n-1 where n=11 or n=23 or n=29. Of course it would not factor n=7 or n=31 when those are Mersenne prime numbers. Hopefully I can get help here I wish to do this all at once. I have this list below. I want to -11 from the entire list and then in the next instance mod 121 the list right after the subtraction while maintaining the enumerated list at the same time. Can this be done? I'm getting

How do I subtract 11 from a list and mod 121 the same list all at once?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-25 21:24:03
问题 This is for prime number theory. This theory which actually shows up as an axiom factors numbers like 2^n-1 where n=11 or n=23 or n=29. Of course it would not factor n=7 or n=31 when those are Mersenne prime numbers. Hopefully I can get help here I wish to do this all at once. I have this list below. I want to -11 from the entire list and then in the next instance mod 121 the list right after the subtraction while maintaining the enumerated list at the same time. Can this be done? I'm getting

Modular design patterns for non-object oriented code?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-24 09:28:20
问题 I am looking for an article or other articles about a form of modular design. Unfortunately I didn't fully read the article before I lost it so this might be kind of vague but I will try to be as specific as I can be and explain what I am trying to do so that someone might be able to suggest other articles. The article (blog post) in question was by a programmer who said in his experience the best way to design software was in a sort of modular or component based approach so that different

Adding elements of two big arrays in java

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-23 04:58:05
问题 I have to come up with an algorithm that adds elements of two big arrays(size of each array is 10⁹ of integers that can go up to 10⁹). When declaring two arrays in java with size of 10⁹ each, I get a memory exception! The problem statement: 回答1: by analyzing the input constraints you can see that you can get 2*10^5 * 10^9 array accesses in the worst case if you implement the solution using two arrays of ints. So that approach will not do. If you somehow solve your MLE