1 Modularity的神经科学相关paper
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2 贴点比较受启发的论述
Overall, this paper supports the hypothesis that selection to reduce connection costs causes modularity, even in unchanging environments. The results also open new areas of research into identifying connection costs in networks without physical connections (e.g. genetic regulatory networks) and investigating whether pressures to minimize connection costs may explain modularity in human-created networks (e.g. communication and social networks).
3 小结
- 神经网络的连接距离connection cost。距离越短,耗能越小。modularity有利于减少连接成本
- modularity有利于让不同的module专业化,即不同模块负责不同的功能,这可以提升generalization,换句话说我们的智能水平由于modularity提升了
- modularity能够有利于快速适应。因为modularity,我们只需要改变某一些模块或者连接就能实现适应
- modularity能够很好的处理catastrophic forgetting,道理和3一样,面对新的输入只要改变部分神经网络,从而保留了原有其他模块的功能。