
在 Linux 中用 Meld以图形方式比较文件和文件夹

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-12-11 19:57:26
如果你使用的是桌面 Linux ,你可以使用 GUI 应用来轻松比较两个文件是否有任何差异。有几个 Linux 中的 GUI 差异比较工具。我将在本周的 Linux 应用亮点中重点介绍我最喜欢的工具 Meld。 如何比较两个相似的文件来检查差异?答案显而易见,就是使用 Linux 中的 diff 命令 。问题是,并不是每个人都能自如地在 Linux 终端中比较文件,而且 diff 命令 的输出可能会让一些人感到困惑。 以这个 diff 命令的输出为例: 这里肯定涉及到一个学习曲线。然而,如果你使用的是桌面 Linux,你可以使用 GUI 应用来轻松比较两个文件是否有任何差异。有几个 Linux 中的 GUI 差异比较工具。我将在本周的 Linux 应用亮点中重点介绍我最喜欢的工具 Meld。 Meld:Linux(及 Windows)下的可视化比较和合并工具 通过 Meld,你可以将两个文件并排比较。不仅如此,你还可以对文件进行相应的修改。这是你在大多数情况下想做的事情,对吗? Meld 还能够比较目录,并显示哪些文件是不同的。它还会显示而文件是新的或是缺失的。 你也可以使用 Meld 进行三向比较。 图形化的并排比较在很多情况下都有帮助。如果你是开发人员,你可以用它来了解代码补丁。Meld 还支持版本控制系统,如 Git、Mercurial、Subversion 等。 Meld

Is there a way to see git diff from origin/master using Visual Studio Code?

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-06-24 03:49:20
问题 Using Visual Studio Code (version 1.11.2), I can see a side-by-side graphical diff of my current changes very easily by clicking the Source Control button in the left panel. But once I commit those changes to my local repository, I am unable to find a way to see the same side-by-side diff from origin/master. In other words, is there a way to the spawn comparison tool of Visual Studio Code (version 1.11.2) to show me what I see when I do git diff origin/master , but in the side-by-side

Is there a way to see git diff from origin/master using Visual Studio Code?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-06-24 03:47:48
问题 Using Visual Studio Code (version 1.11.2), I can see a side-by-side graphical diff of my current changes very easily by clicking the Source Control button in the left panel. But once I commit those changes to my local repository, I am unable to find a way to see the same side-by-side diff from origin/master. In other words, is there a way to the spawn comparison tool of Visual Studio Code (version 1.11.2) to show me what I see when I do git diff origin/master , but in the side-by-side

Is there a way to see git diff from origin/master using Visual Studio Code?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-06-24 03:47:34
问题 Using Visual Studio Code (version 1.11.2), I can see a side-by-side graphical diff of my current changes very easily by clicking the Source Control button in the left panel. But once I commit those changes to my local repository, I am unable to find a way to see the same side-by-side diff from origin/master. In other words, is there a way to the spawn comparison tool of Visual Studio Code (version 1.11.2) to show me what I see when I do git diff origin/master , but in the side-by-side


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-02-26 04:56:48
这经常发生在我身上: 我在一两天内同时处理了几个相关的更改,当需要提交时,我最终忘记了特定文件中的更改。 (这只是一个个人的git repo,所以我可以在提交中有多个更新。) 有没有办法预览我的本地文件(即将签入)和该文件的最后一次提交之间的更改? 就像是: git diff --changed /myfile.txt 它会打印出如下内容: line 23 (last commit): var = 2+2 (current): var = myfunction() + 2 line 149 (last commit): return var (current): return var / 7 通过这种方式,我可以快速查看自上次签入以来我在该文件中所做的工作。 #1楼 如果你想看看你还没有 git add ed: git diff myfile.txt 或者如果您想查看已添加的更改 git diff --cached myfile.txt #2楼 你为 git commit 尝试了 -v (或 --verbose )选项吗? 它在消息编辑器中添加了提交的差异。 #3楼 我认为这是保证GUI的完美用例。 - 虽然我完全理解它在命令行中也可以很好地实现。 就个人而言,我的每一次承诺,我都是从git-gui做的。 如果有意义的话,我可以在其中使用单独的hunks /

Why does my Git mergetool configuration not work?

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-04 06:58:14
问题 I want to set trustExitCode to false and keepTemporaries to true but it does not work... I don't underestand why. Here is my ~/.gitconfig : [merge] conflictstyle = diff3 tool = p4merge [mergetool] keepTemporaries = true keepBackup = true trustExitCode = false [mergetool "p4merge"] trustExitCode = false keepTemporaries = true [mergetool "mymeld"] cmd = meld --diff $BASE $LOCAL --diff $BASE $REMOTE --diff $LOCAL $MERGED $REMOTE trustExitCode = false keepTemporaries = true [mergetool "myp4merge"

Unable to svn diff using meld

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-03 10:22:35
问题 I want to use meld to view the difference between revisions. I installed meld and then executed in the project directory: svn diff -r 2165:2182 --diff-cmd meld but it thows up the following error: Index: app/models/college_friends_count.rb =================================================================== svn: E200012: Process 'meld' failed (exitwhy 2) Can anybody tell me what is going wrong here? 回答1: I believe E200012 means the underlying process (meld) exited with a non-zero exit code.

Unable to svn diff using meld

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-03 10:22:08
问题 I want to use meld to view the difference between revisions. I installed meld and then executed in the project directory: svn diff -r 2165:2182 --diff-cmd meld but it thows up the following error: Index: app/models/college_friends_count.rb =================================================================== svn: E200012: Process 'meld' failed (exitwhy 2) Can anybody tell me what is going wrong here? 回答1: I believe E200012 means the underlying process (meld) exited with a non-zero exit code.


﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-28 18:27:34
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 如果我想找到两个目录树之间的差异,我通常只执行: diff -r dir1/ dir2/ 这准确地输出了相应文件之间的差异。 我有兴趣只获取内容不同的相应文件列表。 我认为这只是将命令行选项传递给 diff ,但我在手册页上找不到任何内容。 有什么建议? #1楼 我使用的命令是: diff -qr dir1/ dir2/ 它与马克的完全相同:)但是他的回答让我困扰,因为它使用了不同 类型 的旗帜,它让我看了两次。 使用Mark的更详细的标志,它将是: diff --brief --recursive dir1/ dir2/ 当其他答案完全可以接受时,我为发布而道歉。 无法阻止自己...努力减少迂腐。 #2楼 我喜欢使用 git diff --no-index dir1/ dir2/ ,因为它可以显示颜色的差异(如果你在git配置中设置了该选项),并且因为它显示了长页面输出中的所有差异“减”。 #3楼 频道同胞'账单'(freenode /#centos成名)与我分享他的方法: diff -Naur dir1/ dir2 包括最终目录正斜杠无关紧要。 此外,似乎 -u 选项在某些较旧/服务器版本的diff上不可用。 差异的差异: # diff -Nar /tmp/dir1 /tmp/dir2/ diff -Nar

Which version of the git file will be finally used: LOCAL, BASE or REMOTE?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-28 01:39:14
问题 When there's a collison during git merge , I open a mergetool called Meld. It opens three files LOCAL, BASE and REMOTE. As I've read LOCAL is my local branch, BASE is common ancestor and REMOTE is the branch to be merged. Now to my question: which version of the file will be finally used? Is it REMOTE? If so, can I edit it as I want, regardless what's in the BASE branch for example? 回答1: It's the one in the middle : BASE . In fact, BASE is not the common ancestor, but the half-finished merge