
How market growth for each product under that particular market would be same?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-12 00:36:52
问题 I have All_Product hierarchy in All_product dimension. strength-->product-->market I want calculation for product growth and market growth on monthly basis((current-prev)/prev). I used scripts to calculate product growth (wrt product) and market growth (wrt market) which working fine but how to show for market growth with respect to each product. eg: market growth for each product under that particular market will be same example: I have market m1 and under market m1 having products p1,p2 and

Fast dynamic named set calculation

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-11 06:23:24
问题 I have a long complex query with a lot of calculations and conditions but the main structure looks like this: WITH MEMBER [Id1] AS [Level].[Level1].CurrentMember.Member_Key MEMBER [Id2] AS [Level].[Level2].CurrentMember.Member_Key MEMBER [Level].[Level1].[FirstSet] AS NULL MEMBER [Level].[Level1].[SecondSet] AS NULL SET [Set 1] AS {some processed set members} SET [Set 2] AS {some other processed set members} SET [Common CrossJoin Set] AS [Level].[Level2].Members MEMBER [Calculated Measure 1]