
Does the first sector (MBR) of a flash drive get executed on insertion into a computer

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-12 02:26:31
问题 Do the first 512 bytes get executed whenever I insert the flash drive into any computer? If yes (which should be the case), then I suppose if I extract and disassemble the MBR and put in a reference that points to a memory location of a stored executable (on the flash drive), even that executable will be executed whenever its plugged in a computer..? How could I do that? I mean, only by doing a simple call <address> won't do it.. I also wanna know more about MBRs of flash drives since they

Why doesn't BIOS load the Linux Kernel directly - why the MBR and all that trouble?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-12 01:29:46
问题 I've recently learned about the boot process for Linux. I can't help but wonder why we go through the trouble of acccessing the MBR after BIOS so that instructions there can, in turn, load the kernel into RAM. Why the middle man - why doesn't BIOS load the kernel directly? 回答1: Because otherwise any time you used a different disk or file system you would need to rewrite the instructions in the BIOS. The MBR is an intermediary that handles that on behalf of the BIOS, knowing where to go to for

How to create file with help of P/Invoke to read boot sector and display .MBR?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 10:50:06
问题 I've browsed through the CreateFile documentation... still wondering how should I use P/Invoke to call CreateFile and to read the boot sector, to display out the .MBR? Any reference code for this portion? Thank you in advance! 回答1: To expand on Baget's answer, you can call CreateFile like this: hFile = CreateFile("\\\\.\\physicaldrive0", GENERIC_READ | FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); 回答2: Maybe this question will help you Basically you need to access a device using this syntax in

Journal of Proteomics Research | 利用混合蛋白质组模型对MBR算法中错误转移鉴定率的评估

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-09 16:10:36
题目:Evaluating False Transfer Rates from the Match-between-Runs Algorithm with a Two-Proteome Model 期刊:Journal of Proteome Research 发表时间:September 23, 2019 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00492 分享人:任哲 内容与观点: 大家好,本次分享的是发表在Journal of Proteome Research上的一篇关于蛋白DDA非标定量中常用技术Match between run(简称MBR)技术的文章,题目是Evaluating False Transfer Rates from the Match-between-Runs Algorithm with a Two-Proteome Model,利用混合蛋白质组模型对MBR算法中错误转移鉴定率的评估,通讯作者是大名鼎鼎的来自哈佛医学院的Steven Gygi教授,他长期从事蛋白质组学的研究,在蛋白质组学定量领域有过很多里程碑式的贡献。 在相互独立的质谱上机之间的随机性一直是困扰蛋白质组学研究的一个难题,这种随机性会带来定量时大规模的肽段定量值的缺失。为了能解决这一问题,研究者开发了一系列计算方法,例如MaxQuant中引入的MBR方法就是其中的佼佼者


人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-08 06:50:48
demo: https://github.com/Hilaver/NtfsResolution/ 先看一张硬盘图片(一个盘面): MBR 主引导记录(MBR,Main Boot Record)是位于磁盘最前边的一段引导(Loader)代码。它负责磁盘操作系统(DOS)对磁盘进行读写时分区合法性的判别、分区引导信息的定位,它由磁盘操作系统(DOS)在对硬盘进行初始化时产生的。 --摘自百度百科 MBR扇区位于物理硬盘的0柱面,0磁头,1扇区,也就是整个硬盘的第一个扇区 (偏移量为0),共占512个字节(即一个扇区),每个物理硬盘只有一个MBR扇区。 MBR扇区由三部分构成:第一部分是446字节的引导代码,也就是上面提到的MBR;第二部分是DPT(Disk Partition Table,硬盘分区表),包含4个表项,每个表项16字节,共占用64字节;第三部分是2个字节的结束标志,0x55AA。其结构如下图: DBR 分区引导扇区也称DBR(DOS BOOT RECORD),是由FORMAT高级格式化命令写到该扇区的内容,DBR是由硬盘的MBR装载的程序段。DBR装入内存后,即开始执行该引导程序段,其主要功能是完成操作系统的自举并将控制权交给操作系统。每个分区都有引导扇区,但只有被设为活动分区才会被MBR装的DBR入内存运行。 --摘自百度百科 在对硬盘分区之后

Basic NASM bootstrap

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-07 22:26:03
问题 I've recently been researching Operating Systems, the boot process, and NASM. On my journeys I ran into a piece of useful bootstrapping code which I partially understand and have tested via a virtual floppy disk. My basic question is to what some of these lines I don't understand do. I've commented what I think the lines do, and any corrections or confirmations would be much appreciated. ; This is NASM BITS 16 ; 16 bits! start: ; Entry point mov ax, 07C0h ; Move the starting address (after

Low-Level-Writing in C

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-07 08:12:43
问题 How can I write to any block on my HDD using the C programming language? There was a question about writing the MBR but it didn't cover the C aspects that much. Since filedescriptors are - as the word says - for files, I guess there is no way to use them in this case. The Low-level I/O included in the C standard library is also implemented with filedescriptors. To put it more precisely: This question is rather about writing HDD blocks than files (OS independent). The answers to the question

How to “read” the MBR (Master Boot Record) in C?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-06 06:14:36
I just want to write a program to analyze MBR in C. I've known some ways to read it through APIs on Windows or commands on Linux. But, can I do it in C without any platform-dependent limitation ? If I can't, is there any reason? Reading the master boot record is platform-dependent, the following code for instance works on Windows (if you have the privileges to do it) #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; short ReadSect (const char *_dsk, // disk to access char *&_buff, // buffer where sector will be stored unsigned int _nsect // sector number,

[CentOS7] 磁盘分区(gdisk, fdisk)

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-05 17:12:43
声明:本文主要总结自: 鸟哥的Linux私房菜- 第七章、Linux 磁碟與檔案系統管理 ,如有侵权,请通知博主 磁盘分区步骤:   1.先找出当前有哪些磁盘lsblk或blkid(也就是确定是sda还是vda等等)   2.再找出分区表类型parted /dev/xxx print(是MBR还是GPT)   3.如果是MBR则采用fdisk /dev/xxx 进行磁盘分区,如果是GPT则采用gdisk /dev/xxx 进行磁盘分区   4.分区后用partprobe更新kernel分区表   5.磁盘进行格式化mkfs 1.先找出当前有哪些磁盘lsblk或blkid(也就是确定是sda还是vda等等) 2.再找出分区表类型parted /dev/xxx print(是MBR还是GPT) 3.如果是MBR则采用fdisk /dev/xxx 进行磁盘分区,如果是GPT则采用gdisk /dev/xxx 进行磁盘分区 4.分区后用partprobe更新kernel分区表 5.磁盘进行格式化mkfs 到此磁盘分区已经结束~ 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/brianyi/p/7927064.html 来源: CSDN 作者: weixin_30404405 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30404405/article

Low-Level-Writing in C

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-05 13:15:15
How can I write to any block on my HDD using the C programming language? There was a question about writing the MBR but it didn't cover the C aspects that much. Since filedescriptors are - as the word says - for files, I guess there is no way to use them in this case. The Low-level I/O included in the C standard library is also implemented with filedescriptors. To put it more precisely: This question is rather about writing HDD blocks than files (OS independent). The answers to the question mentioned above basically suggested using dd (coreutils) on UNIX-Systems. This is why I am asking for a