macOS更新后Git无法正常运行(xcrun:错误:无效的活动开发人员路径(/ Library / Developer / CommandLineTools)
问题: Last night (November 2018) I updated to macOS Mojave, (this will probably work for Catalina too) 昨晚(2018年11月)我更新到了macOS Mojave,(这可能也适用于Catalina) This morning I navigated to my work's code base in Command line on my MacBook pro, 今天早上,我在MacBook Pro的命令行中导航到工作的代码库, typed in "git status" in the repo and received the error: 在仓库中输入“ git status”并收到错误: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun 解决方案: 参考一:更新后Git无法正常运行-xcrun-错误-无效的活动开发人员路径-Library