
Drawing an image on subscreen of nds

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-10 15:18:24
问题 I am totally new to libdns. I try to change the sample Graphics\Backgrounds\256_color_bmp to display the background on the subscreen. Here is my code. Do you have any idea what is missing to display hey_typBitmap on the subscreen? I already managed to display the new image on the top screen. #include <nds.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "drunkenlogo.h" #include "hey_typ.h" int main(void) { videoSetMode(MODE_5_2D); vramSetBankA(VRAM_A_MAIN_BG_0x06000000); videoSetModeSub(MODE_5_2D);