

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-08-16 16:54:01
  当我们学习python的时候,会遇到很多开源框架,这些框架可以实现很多事情,在不同岗位上都具有重要作用。面对python开源框架,你最中意哪一个呢?   1、Django: Python Web应用开发框架,Django是最具代表性之一,许多成功的网站和APP都基于Django。是一个全能型框架,最出名的就是其自动化管理的后台,只需要使用起ORM,做简单的对象定义,它就能自动生成数据库结构、以及全功能的管理后台。   2、Cubes:轻量级Python OLAP框架,是一个轻量级的python框架,包含OLAP、多维数据分析和浏览聚合数据等工具。   3、Kartograph.py:创造矢量地图的轻量级Python框架,是一个python库,用来为ESRI生成SVG地图,目前处于BETA阶段,可以在virtualenv环境下来测试。   4、Pulsar:Python的事件驱动并发框架,一个来自eBay的高扩展性、高可用性、基于事件驱动的开源实时分析平台和流处理框架,它能够实时收集和处理用户行为和业务事件。   5、Tornado:异步非阻塞IO的Python Web框架,Tornado 是一个很好的框架,支持异步处理的功能。   6、Bottle: 微型Python Web框架,Bottle 和 Flask 都属于轻量级的 Web 框架。 来源: oschina 链接:

Error in Kartograph.js

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-25 02:53:29
问题 I'm using Kartograph.js to load svg map. But I get the following error when page loads: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined View.fromXML Kartograph._mapLoaded j k.fireWith x b Here is my Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="raphael-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="kartograph.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function loadMap(){ var map = kartograph

kartograph add symbol coordinates

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-24 21:28:00
问题 I cannot add symbols in my svg map. This is the metadata of my svg: <metadata><views> <view h="720.449987754" padding="0" w="1400"> <proj flip="auto" id="robinson" lon0="-49.8982700875"/> <bbox h="57.01" w="79.24" x="-771.91" y="435.26"/></view></views> </metadata> And this is the js code: var points_of_interest = [ { name: 'Florianopolis', lat: -27.60, lon: -48.55} ]; map.addSymbols({ type: kartograph.LabeledBubble, data: points_of_interest, location: function(d) { return [d.lon, d.lat] },

Kartograph python script generates SVG with incorrect lat/long coords

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-07 04:00:45
问题 I have modified this question to reflect some progress on discovering the problem. I am using the following python code to generate an SVG of the continental USA. The shapefile is irrelevant, as the problem I describe occurs regardless of what shapefile I use. The script is really simple. I basically just take a shapefile for the US and use a bounding box to exclude Hawaii and Alaska. from kartograph import Kartograph K = Kartograph() blah={ "layers": [ { "id":"mylayer", "src":"/Users/austinc

How to generate a world map outlining countries using kartograph

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-06 04:07:43
问题 I have been recently taking a look at kartograph. I understand that we generate the svg with kartograph.py and then use the svg in kartograph.js to render maps in a web interface. I want to generate something like this http://kartograph.org/showcase/animated-symbols/. But using world map instead. The problem is I am very new to mapping and geo data. Its super difficult for me to find how to generate a svg only with country outlines using kartograph.py. There is an example to test kartograph