
How can I use an SVG element created with JSX as an image source in a Canvas?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-08 10:10:40
问题 I have a ReactJS application. I'm dynamically generating SVG images as JSX components. So far, so good -- but now I need to use the SVG as an image source in a Canvas element. This works fine with static SVG files, but how can I get the dynamic SVG into the canvas? A simplified version appears in the snippet. Two approaches to the drawImage call are shown in the componentDidMount method: creating an unmounted SvgSource, and using a ref to one mounted on the page, but they both fail. class App

Error React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child

可紊 提交于 2021-02-07 18:11:29
问题 Not entirely sure what went wrong in my app here. I'm using create-react-app, and I'm trying to render all of my components into the respective root div. Problem is, I'm able to render all of the components onto the page except the very last one, the Score component. I've even tried throwing that component into a div and I'm still getting the following issue: 'React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child'. What exactly does this mean? Here's my App.js structure. render

Error React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-07 18:06:59
问题 Not entirely sure what went wrong in my app here. I'm using create-react-app, and I'm trying to render all of my components into the respective root div. Problem is, I'm able to render all of the components onto the page except the very last one, the Score component. I've even tried throwing that component into a div and I'm still getting the following issue: 'React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child'. What exactly does this mean? Here's my App.js structure. render

How I can render react components without jsx format?

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-07 07:12:17
问题 I try to make my "smart" popup component, which can open inside itself some components, but my realization isn't good, because it doesn't work. I use redux approach for creating popup and action of opening my popup is able to get name of any component for rendering before popup will be open; But I've some problem, after getting parameter, in our case it's nameOfComponent , I need to choose and render component with name nameOfComponent . And my question now, how do It can render component

How I can render react components without jsx format?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-07 07:08:32
问题 I try to make my "smart" popup component, which can open inside itself some components, but my realization isn't good, because it doesn't work. I use redux approach for creating popup and action of opening my popup is able to get name of any component for rendering before popup will be open; But I've some problem, after getting parameter, in our case it's nameOfComponent , I need to choose and render component with name nameOfComponent . And my question now, how do It can render component

How to use template scope in vue jsx?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-06 10:49:01
问题 I define a simple child component(testSlot.vue) like this: <template> <section> <div>this is title</div> <slot text="hello from child slot"></slot> </section> </template> <script> export default {} </script> and we can use it in html template like this <test-slot> <template scope="props"> <div> {{props.text}}</div> <div> this is real body</div> </template> </test-slot> but how can I use it in jsx ? 回答1: After read the doc three times , I can answer the question myself now O(∩_∩)O . <test-slot

How to use template scope in vue jsx?

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-06 10:48:12
问题 I define a simple child component(testSlot.vue) like this: <template> <section> <div>this is title</div> <slot text="hello from child slot"></slot> </section> </template> <script> export default {} </script> and we can use it in html template like this <test-slot> <template scope="props"> <div> {{props.text}}</div> <div> this is real body</div> </template> </test-slot> but how can I use it in jsx ? 回答1: After read the doc three times , I can answer the question myself now O(∩_∩)O . <test-slot


感情迁移 提交于 2021-02-02 21:56:24
闲鱼会玩社区的重要阵地:会玩圈子今年年初已经上线啦~ 作为一款承载着「基于兴趣聚集同好人群」的社区型产品,相较于常规导购型产品来说,在业务复杂度、交互复杂度、性能体验稳定性要求上都要高出许多,像 多角色区分 、 嵌套滚动 、 多形态 Feeds 无限加载 、 颜文字等特殊字符处理 、 页面直开 、 视频播控 等场景都是导购场景很少遇到的。 本文将围绕着会玩圈子的前端设计、开发过程中遇到的典型问题进行介绍。 关键设计 如上图为会玩圈子的设计大图,可以看到整体的业务逻辑相对较为复杂。并且由于应用中存在 多种角色状态 ,不同角色的用户展示界面和操作逻辑也有差异点存在,前端同学进行开发上手的成本较高。 为了降低前端同学在开发过程中对于全局业务理解的成本,减少沟通中信息传递容易遗漏的问题。我们在设计之初首先进行了最小模块的拆分工作。以模块维度来分配相应的工作,将模块间存在数据共享和数据通信行为进行梳理拆解,以最优方式来分配数据状态维护的最小闭环,降低组件间耦合度。 1. 模块拆分 在此处定义的模块不是前端日常开发中所讲的模块组件拆分,而是能够独立闭环自成体系的一个业务单元。这样在项目过程中除了部分组件间数据传递需要做预先约定外,前端同学仅仅只需要专注于自己所负责的交互场景即可。 以圈子模块主页为例,根据设计稿我们将它拆分为了三个独立的业务模块: 圈子信息模块、信息流模块和浮层组件模块,

How check if photoshop brush exist programmatically

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-01-29 05:11:21
问题 I'm trying to create a Photoshop Panel for some actions, but I want to know how can I check if the brush already exist in photoshop and if not exist to call a function to install it before the action can be used, I already know how install it, and how run the actions, but I still got some issues detecting if the brush exist on Mac/Windows environment. Any tips about how do this using Javascript? (JSX) 回答1: You can get lists of brush or tool presets using this AM snippet. Note that several

Using React Router the <Redirect /> Does not redirect anywhere, but why?

北城余情 提交于 2021-01-28 20:23:23
问题 I have been trying to Unsuccesfully redirect a user back ho "/" or "/home" after registration is done inside .then() , eveyrthing inside promise executes EXCEPT the redirection. I used just if(true) to test it, and It does go to that point, because I can get the console.log to display text there, but just Redirect is fruitless.. const createUserWithEmailAndPasswordHandler =(event) => { event.preventDefault(); auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(signUp.email, signUp.pw1).then((authData) =>{