
jqwik pairs of sorted array with some element of it

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-02-25 09:36:29
问题 Following code aims to generate random sorted array, and key as one element of that array. But I do not know the issue, the keys are not in the array? @Provide Arbitrary<Map<Integer, Integer[]>> llstPairs() { // sortedArrayGenerator is generattor that return Arbitrary<Integer[]> sorted values // and it works fine Arbitrary<Integer[]> vals = sortedArrayGenerator(); Integer[] sample = vals.sample(); Arbitrary<Integer> key = Arbitraries.samples(sample); return Arbitraries.maps(key,vals); } Why

jqwik pairs of sorted array with some element of it

北城余情 提交于 2020-02-25 09:34:21
问题 Following code aims to generate random sorted array, and key as one element of that array. But I do not know the issue, the keys are not in the array? @Provide Arbitrary<Map<Integer, Integer[]>> llstPairs() { // sortedArrayGenerator is generattor that return Arbitrary<Integer[]> sorted values // and it works fine Arbitrary<Integer[]> vals = sortedArrayGenerator(); Integer[] sample = vals.sample(); Arbitrary<Integer> key = Arbitraries.samples(sample); return Arbitraries.maps(key,vals); } Why

jqwik pairs of sorted array with some element of it

北慕城南 提交于 2020-02-25 09:33:10
问题 Following code aims to generate random sorted array, and key as one element of that array. But I do not know the issue, the keys are not in the array? @Provide Arbitrary<Map<Integer, Integer[]>> llstPairs() { // sortedArrayGenerator is generattor that return Arbitrary<Integer[]> sorted values // and it works fine Arbitrary<Integer[]> vals = sortedArrayGenerator(); Integer[] sample = vals.sample(); Arbitrary<Integer> key = Arbitraries.samples(sample); return Arbitraries.maps(key,vals); } Why

jqwik - Arbitrary Map - Generate a random number of entries within a Map

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-15 09:52:47
问题 This code works to generate a Single Map entry for elements. But I want to generate a random number of entries from within the Map using generateInputMapElements and pass to the statusReturnedFromApplyingRule() @Property //@Report(Reporting.GENERATED) boolean statusReturnedFromApplyingRule(@ForAll("generateRule") Rule rule, @ForAll("generateInputMapElements") Iterable<Map<String, Object>> elements) { RangeMatchRule rangeMatchRule = new RangeMatchRule(); final RuleIF.Status status =

jqwik - Arbitrary Map - Generate a random number of entries within a Map

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-15 09:51:48
问题 This code works to generate a Single Map entry for elements. But I want to generate a random number of entries from within the Map using generateInputMapElements and pass to the statusReturnedFromApplyingRule() @Property //@Report(Reporting.GENERATED) boolean statusReturnedFromApplyingRule(@ForAll("generateRule") Rule rule, @ForAll("generateInputMapElements") Iterable<Map<String, Object>> elements) { RangeMatchRule rangeMatchRule = new RangeMatchRule(); final RuleIF.Status status =

How to write a jqwik generator method with nested generators

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-11 09:49:55
问题 Using jqwik.net, trying to generate a Rule class with a a nested RuleConfig class inside it. The RuleConfig class has a nested ruleProps which is a Map The statusReturnedFromApplyingRule method always returns an initialized Rule instead of using the @provide method values ?? Returned Rule: rule:Rule{ruleId='null', inputMetricSelector=null, ruleConfig='RuleConfig{ruleType='null', ruleProps={}}'}, elements:[{}] Here is my code: public class RangeMatchRuleTest { @Property @Report(Reporting