

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-02-15 20:33:11
  itunes提供给设备备份的功能,不知道怎么备份的话可以戳一下这个看一下:   首先让我们来认识一下iphone的备份文件。备份完成之后,在资源管理器中输入%appdata%,然后进入\Apple Computer\MobileSync,是不是可以看到一个backup文件夹了?是的,这就是iphone备份文件啦。打开了看一下,里面会有各种文件,见图1    图1   上面这些文件中,由40位字符组成的文件是一些数据库文件,待会儿下面我们要说的短信和联系人数据库就在其中。*.list文件是一些信息文件,打开Info.plist文件来看看其中的一些信息吧,见图2                                        图2   这是什么信息呢?Product Type表示手机设备,图上所示是iphone3,Product Version表示手机设备里的ios版本号,这些信息的用处在于读取数据库文件时可以针对不同的ios号、itunes号等信息做兼容工作,因为不同的ios版本,联系人、短信等数据库也会有相应的变化。   Status.plist文件里面包含了一些诸如备份时间、是否为全量备份等信息的备份状态,见图3信息    图3  


谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-02-04 02:21:17
获取苹果手机的UDID有很多种,比如Xcode,iTunes等等吧,个人比较推荐使用iTunes,因为比较官方,而且苹果电脑自带的有,而且Windows也可以下载安装。 1.下载安装itunes(点击链接即可下载版本为12.5.1) 苹果系统是不用下载的(自带的有),建议更新一下。 苹果版官网下载地址: Windows版官网下载地址: 下载好双击安装就行了,Windows的直接下一步,下一步,开始使用,需要同意一下。 2.连接手机 这个更简单了,最好用苹果自带的数据线链接电脑,就会自动打开iTunes,(不是原装的数据线可能会有问题)只要iTunes能够识别到手机就行,数据线就可以了。 关键的一步就是在手机上需要信任该电脑这个很重要。 3.就是查看UDID了 连接手机的的时候就可以看到iTunes会自动打开


孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-24 19:24:42
蘋果公司(Apple)在電腦操作平台之戰中負於微軟公司 (Microsoft)已經過去很多年了。如今﹐90 %以上的筆記本電腦和台式電腦在使用微軟的Windows操作系統 。 然而近幾年來﹐蘋果公司對Windows主宰的世界發起突然襲擊 ﹐它的武器就是Windows版的iTunes﹐一個免費的媒體管 理、儲存和播放軟件。大多數人以為iTunes只是蘋果公司iPo d音樂及視頻播放器的一個“伴侶”﹐但我認為它是Windows電 腦上最具顛覆性的軟件。這並不是說它會對用戶造成任何不利影響 ﹐或在後台搞什麼小動作﹐而是因為它讓蘋果公司有機會從內部攻破微 軟操作系統的壟斷地位。 原因在於﹐iTunes不僅僅是iPod的配套軟件 ﹐不僅僅是一個媒體播放軟件﹐也不僅僅是蘋果公司在線下載服務的前 台軟件。iTunes就如同一個隱藏在Windows操作系統內的 小平台﹐讓蘋果和其它公司通過一系列硬件和軟件進行在線連接 ﹐創建一個媒體共享網絡﹐而這一切都無需與Windows本身以及 微軟內置的Windows Media Player軟件發生任何交互操作。 蘋果公司銷售了約1億個iPod﹐但iTunes軟件的安裝數量要 遠遠超過這個數字。事實上﹐在2007年6月初的D: All Things Digital大會上(詳情見﹐蘋果公司首席執行官史蒂夫•喬伯斯(Steve

Removing a new app version from iTunes Connect

半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-23 04:17:18
问题 I created a new version of my app in iTunes Connect using the wrong version number. I'd like to remove the new version which is in a "Prepare for Upload" status. How do I do this? There are other question on SO about this, but they do not provide any answers, apply to a version that has a binary already uploaded, or are out of date. I have a question in to Apple on this, but have not received a response yet. 回答1: You cannot remove the new version but you can change its version number, as long

Revert iOS app release to an older version [closed]

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-22 22:31:11
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 7 years ago . Once my new version is proved and release if I want to roll back, is itunes have a functionality where it will restore to the previous version or I should resubmit the old version? Thanks 回答1: Once an app version is approved and released to the App Store, there is no way to remove that version. If you were still

Revert iOS app release to an older version [closed]

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-22 22:30:52
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 7 years ago . Once my new version is proved and release if I want to roll back, is itunes have a functionality where it will restore to the previous version or I should resubmit the old version? Thanks 回答1: Once an app version is approved and released to the App Store, there is no way to remove that version. If you were still


家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-01-16 10:15:31
iPad被停用,安装iTunes提示安装包出错解决办法 今天早上改了锁屏密码,下午就忘了。。。 不甘心试了几次,直接被停用,提示连接iTunes 可是iTunes之前卸载过,安装时在Apple software updater提示安装包出现一个问题,试了各种方法,包括注册表什么的 最后还是靠官网的方法,下载Microsoft安装卸载工具解决的 来源: CSDN 作者: Iv3R_c 链接:

Is iTunes Search API Rate Limit per device or per app?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-15 03:54:11
问题 I want to implement iTunes Search API in my app for my users to search for contents on iTunes My app has about 100,000 users. I understand that there's a Rate Limit of about 20 calls per minute. But is the Rate Limit per device, or per app? If the Rate Limit is per device, then it should be ok. Any one of my users shouldn't be searching for more than 20 times per minute. But if the Rate Limit is

how to reject the submitted binary from new Itunes interface [duplicate]

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-14 05:33:10
问题 This question already has answers here : reject this binary in new itunes connect UI (12 answers) Closed 5 years ago . I just submitted the iOS build to apple after that I realized, there is something wrong and want to remove the existing binary and re-submit the new one. I think today Apple has changed their itunes interface. Any one knows then, please share it here. when I try to submit the binary from Xcode 5.1.1 it shows the following error. Since I need to reject the existing one. 回答1: