
内网部署iOS ota 服务器出现“无法连接到”的问题

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-27 19:41:18
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 自建局域网 OTA 服务器 iOS7.0 以后必须使用 HTTPS 进行,iOS 10 之前的设备,直接安装自签名根证书后就可以安装 iOS 应用,但是在 iOS 10.3 以上的设备上,安装后还需要到“关于本机”那里手动开启信任。 注意这一句:在 iOS 10.3 以上的设备上,安装后还需要到“关于本机”那里手动开启信任 如果怎么弄都一直出现提示“无法连接到”,很有可能这就是根本原因所在了 推荐使用 skytoup/AppServer: 在线下载、安装App的服务器 来一键创建 https 服务器,不需要繁琐的证书配置。我是在 Centos 6 成功部署了,注意需要 python 3.5 以上环境 一开始发现的问题是通过网页端只能上传ipa 文件, 不能上传plist 文件 与 icon 文件,但是我根据它的ipa 下载地址找到了对应的文件夹路径 data/app,data 文件夹下同时还有 icon 和 plist 路径。 这个时候我就把需要的 icon 图片和 plist 文件复制到这两个对应的文件夹中,不过遗憾的是放在 plist 文件夹中的 plist 文件并不能通过网址访问,而 icon 文件夹中的图片是能正常访问的,于是我就把 plist 文件放到 icon 文件夹中 然后根据 ipa

How to re-sign the ipa file?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-27 10:29:48
问题 How do I sign the .ipa file with a provisioning profile after I generate an IPA like the following with a different provision profile? I would like to sign the IPA with an ad-hoc provisioning profile for beta testing, and then re-sign the exact IPA with an app submission provisioning profile for the app store. /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "${RELEASE_BUILDDIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.app" -o "${BUILD_HISTORY_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa" --sign "${DEVELOPER_NAME}" --embed "$

How to re-sign the ipa file?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-27 10:29:14
问题 How do I sign the .ipa file with a provisioning profile after I generate an IPA like the following with a different provision profile? I would like to sign the IPA with an ad-hoc provisioning profile for beta testing, and then re-sign the exact IPA with an app submission provisioning profile for the app store. /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "${RELEASE_BUILDDIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.app" -o "${BUILD_HISTORY_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa" --sign "${DEVELOPER_NAME}" --embed "$

APP逻辑漏洞在渗透测试中 该如何安全的检测

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-26 11:18:49
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> IOS端的APP渗透测试在整个互联网上相关的安全文章较少,前几天有位客户的APP数据被篡改,导致用户被随意提现,任意的提币,转币给平台的运营造成了很大的经济损失,通过朋友介绍找到我们SINE安全公司寻求安全解决方案,防止APP继续被篡改与攻击,针对客户的这一情况我们立即成立安全应急响应小组,对客户的APP以及服务器进行了全面的安全渗透。 首先要了解客户的IOS APP应用使用的是什么架构,经过我们安全工程师的详细检查与代码的分析,采用的是网站语言开发,PHP+mysql数据库+VUE组合开发的,服务器系统是Linux centos版本。 我们搭建起 渗透测试 的环境,下载的客户的最新APP应用到手机当中,并开启了8098端口为代理端口,对APP的数据进行了抓包与截取,打开APP后竟然闪退了,通过抓包获取到客户的APP使用了代理检测机制,当手机使用代理进行访问的时候就会自动判断是否是使用的代理,如果是就返回错误值,并强制APP退出,断掉一切与APP的网络连接。那么对于我们SINE安全技术来说,这都是很简单的就可以绕过,通过反编译IPA包,代码分析追踪到APP代理检测的源代码,有一段代码是单独设置的,当值判断为1就可以直接绕过,我们直接HOOK该代码,绕过了代理检测机制。

0 Entitlements when Exporting App for Enterprise Distribution

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-24 13:22:26
问题 When attempting to export a couple of my iOS apps for Enterprise Distribution, I'm having an issue where the organizer is showing "0 Entitlements" for my App and not choosing a provisioning profile. This does not cause any errors when creating the .IPA file. However, after I place the .ipa and .plist on my site, the app will not successfully install. When I try to install, it starts showing the progress indicator on the app icon while "Loading..." but then it disappears and I get the generic

Upload ipa in google drive

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-24 02:43:22
问题 My requirement is, If I upload an ipa file in google drive or share point then the tester should be able to install the ipa in his device from drive with out using iTunes . Is it possible? I can achieve this by deploying the ipa, plist and index.html file in server. The test able to download it for testing. 回答1: Take a look at this link which explains how to get the public link to the file: link Get the magic number in the link that looks like this: https://drive.google.com/file/d

Provisioning profile has UDID but the ipa doesnt have it, resulting in app not getting installed

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-23 03:44:21
问题 Am Facing a weird situation where in, i have a provisioning profile with a UDID added in it, i tried opening profile through textEdit and i can see the UDID when i generate a build and upload it to https://betafamily.com/supersend i didnt see that UDID in the list provided,and am unable to install the build on that device. I tried generating another provisioning profile and generated a new ipa but no luck, Has any one faced this issues earlier? 回答1: Till Xcode 7.0 GM it was working as

Generate .IPA with Xcode

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-23 01:35:31
问题 I am trying to finalize my iOS application, the problem I encounter is that I can not generate file .IPA file export from the archive that is created. When I deploy the application directly to a device, the application works, as well as in an emulator. I do not have a distributor account on Apple, I use my iTunes account as a developer account. Is there a way to generate the .IPA file so that I can share my application so that others can test it? I thank you in advance :) 回答1: Edit your app


混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-22 22:25:14
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 无需苹果企业证书签名,IPA证书签名,不用签名证书将网页封装成苹果APP,ios证书签名, (此方法只支持网站封装app,原生的用不了) 近期很多朋友问我把网站变成app的方法,原因很多种,有的是灰色的网站产品不能用网页展示,有的是觉得网页太low想开发个app显得高的上。 其实网站变成app很简单,只需要您的网站是H5自适应的或者网站支持手机端访问,就可以,直接打包成APP发布出去。 封装打包生成个app是很简单的,网上一堆app打包工具,app打包服务网站分分钟可以完成。价格也就是几百块钱。 但是。。。你会发现打包出来的app只有安卓能使用,苹果手机使用是需要手机越狱来才可以用,是不是很坑。有几个用户的苹果手机会越狱。 你会遇到苹果的app无法发布的难题。。。 你查了大量的资料,最终发现苹果是收费的,最终发现——只能购买一个苹果开发者账号(99美金),申请苹果ios签名并且要通过苹果电脑才能完成非常复杂和繁琐的上传发布过程! 光繁琐能上架也行啊,可是。。。 你有很大的概率被拒绝,因为各种问题。。 例如前面说的app内容灰色。 你也可以在淘宝上找代理帮你上架appstore,但是,钱钱钱,好多钱! 而且每年都要交维护费啊,尼玛。。 然后你又想,我就不上架苹果应用商店了

Reading JPG into BitmapData in ActionScript 3 (JPG is inside APK file)

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-22 09:49:00
问题 I'm using Adobe AIR to make APK file for my Android phone. Inside the APK package there is a SWF file and in the same folder as the SWF file there is a subfolder named "images", which contains image.jpg. I'm trying to read that image.jpg into the program at runtime but can't get the location of it (the program doesn't seem to find it. Here's what I'm trying: var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); loader.load(new URLRequest(