
iOS9 WKWebView 释放时闪退

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-02-05 03:51:55
0.背景描述 项目里发现,在iOS9系统上打开网页后关闭时,应用会闪退,调试得到日志: 2019-12-18 18:25:37.931 xxx[18873:407888] *** -[XXWebViewController retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x7ffefd68a740 1.问题查找 依次排查了下页面中使用WKWebView的属性,最后发现只要设置了 WKWebView.scrollView.delegate 属性,在页面关闭,WKWebView对象释放时就会闪退。 2.解决办法 只需要在controller的dealloc方法中将 WKWebView.scrollView.delegate 置为nil即可。 来源: CSDN 作者: 奇风 链接:


倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-02-03 23:06:18
1、iPad的分屏功能很重要。 开发者对iPad的分屏功能感到兴奋,并认为其对苹果未来非常重要。电子邮件信息应用Hop创始人艾瑞兹·皮洛索夫(Erez Pilosof)认为,如果苹果如传闻中那样决定推出更大屏幕的iPad,这种分屏模式很关键。 2、应用正变得更高效。 视频消息应用Roger联合创始人兼CTO安德烈亚斯·布里克斯特(Andreas Blixt)称,在iOS 9中,应用程序包比以前小很多,这意味着你无需耗费更多数据就可以更快、更轻松地下载应用。在互联网访问受限地区,这种转变非常重要。 3、iOS 9还无法与第三方键盘完美兼容。 移动应用原生广告网络Appsfire联合创始人兼CEO奥利尔·奥哈永(Ouriel Ohayon)说,开发者和iPhone用户对于苹果改善iOS 9键盘上的shift键感到激动,但依然有很多工作有待改善。在iOS 9的第一种测试版本中,Swype和Swiftkey等第三方键盘无法与其更好地兼容,因此用户必须依赖苹果的内置键盘。奥哈永说:“当发现这个问题没有得到解决时,我感到失望和沮丧。键盘是操作系统中最重要的功能之一。” 4、更大iPad。 许多开发者认为,iOS 9的新功能可能为苹果今年秋末推出新的硬件设计铺平道路。比如,分屏功能对于更大屏幕的iPad非常有必要。 5、期待新iPhone上的Force Touch。 苹果还在iOS

Resume AVAudioPlayer after phone call not working

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-02-03 07:32:30
问题 There are some seemingly similar questions already on SO, but after hours of searching and experimenting with my code, I have been unable to find a clear answer. The closest thing I could find was this answer which alludes to a "known bug" 4 years ago, but does not elaborate on how to address it. I have an audioPlayer class that is playing an audio file with AVAudioPlayer and listening for the AVAudioSessionDelegate methods beginInterruption and endInterruption . I know that endInterruption

angularjs slide transition broken on safari ios 9

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-02-03 04:00:30
问题 I have the following css classes that I use to slide my ng-view left and right at route change start. These all work quite well on most browsers, phones, etc. Until now... Under ios 9 the animation is not quite working, it no longer slides left to right, but the view grows from a small size to full size while sliding, the effect is rather unpleasant. Any help would be welcome! CSS,,, { position: absolute;

allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates in CLLocationManager in iOS9

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-26 08:46:07
问题 I'm using CoreLocation framework in my app in Xcode7(pre-released),and I noticed that there is a newly added property called allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates in CLLocationManager class. What's the relationship between this property and the location updates in the Background Modes of the Capabilities tab. What's the default value of it and does it affect apps running in iOS9? 回答1: This new property is explained in the WWDC session "What's New in Core Location". The default value is NO if you

Based on what, iOS App slicing works? Is there any code or other stuff required for it?

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-24 13:03:06
问题 I have been studying iOS 9 features and went through the concept of App Thinning . I have read from Apple documentation for App slicing (a part of App thinning) saying that: Slicing is the process of creating and delivering variants of the app bundle for different target devices. A variant contains only the executable architecture and resources that are needed for the target device. You continue to develop and upload full versions of your app to iTunes Connect. The store will create and

Based on what, iOS App slicing works? Is there any code or other stuff required for it?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-01-24 13:02:52
问题 I have been studying iOS 9 features and went through the concept of App Thinning . I have read from Apple documentation for App slicing (a part of App thinning) saying that: Slicing is the process of creating and delivering variants of the app bundle for different target devices. A variant contains only the executable architecture and resources that are needed for the target device. You continue to develop and upload full versions of your app to iTunes Connect. The store will create and

Is it possible to use core data (Xcode 8 and Swift 3.0) with both iOS 9 and 10 ?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-24 12:48:33
问题 I want start new app in Swift 3 Xcode 8 and support iOS 8.4/9.x How to deal with Core Data ? 回答1: Yes, it is easily possible. Swift 3 is targeted to run on iOS v8+. You will only be able to use the subset of APIs supported on iOS v8.4 though. The best way to find out the answer to your question though is to create a test project that uses Core Data. You'll find that NSPersistentContainer creates an error. Why? It isn't available on the earlier OSes. Alternatively, create a test project with

Remove border in each table cell in swift

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-23 04:42:24
问题 I would like to remove border bottom line of each Question table rows. Another thing is that I would like to remove the left padding space in each row. How to implement it in swift iOS 9.0 . 回答1: You can remove bottom border by writing this below line in viewdidLoad, self.tblMyTable.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None And Remove left padding by writing this in cellForRow, cell.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero cell.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero Update for Swift 3.0: cell?

Local Notification every specific day of week

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-23 02:38:11
问题 I need to create a local notification for a specific time (example at 18.00) fired every working day of week (not Saturday and Sunday) but I can't find examples or tutorial. I want use with swift2.1. How can I create this notification? My problem is define the firedate correctly of the notification 回答1: You can use NSDateComponents to create the exact date for your local notification. Here is the example, how do we create local notification with exact fire date: NSDate *now = [NSDate date];