
Reactive Spring Query Parameters

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-05-12 05:01:48
问题 My Spring Reactive Web API should be able to filter based on query parameters but I'm struggling to get this right. GET /v1/address?type=business Should return all addresses of type 'business' in the system (just an example since I'm not posting the actual requirements). If the parameter is absent then just return all addresses. [ { "id" : 1, "type" : "business", "street" : "..."}, { "id" : 2, "type" : "business", "street" : "..."}, ... } I'm using Router functions to map the request: public

Update Android UI from a thread in another class

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-01 06:42:06
问题 I've seen a few questions on here asking similar questions, but I've not yet seen a suitable answer. Many people have asked how to update the UI from a thread, but they're almost always in the same class as the UI. What I'm trying to do is update the UI from a thread which has been created in another class. I've seen all of the suggestions, such as async, handlers, runnable, etc... but I've having real trouble implementing them in separate classes. I'm trying to keep my UI class minimal and

Failed to load Image from database

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-24 16:17:19
问题 I have a file upload and download using ajaxFileUploader and 2 handlers. ajaxFileUploader code: $.ajaxFileUpload ( { url: 'AjaxFileUploader.ashx?user=' + userId, secureuri: false, fileElementId: 'uploadControl', dataType: 'json', data: '{}', success: function (mydata) { alert("Image Successfully Uploaded"); $('#imgdefaultphoto').attr('src', 'ImageRetrieval.ashx?user=' + userId); }, error: function () { } } ) AjaxFileUploader.ashx code: public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if

Autohotkey hotkey handlers fall through/continue to lines below

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-24 10:44:31
问题 I’m having some trouble with Autohotkey. I have a script with a few hotkeys but it seems that when a hotkey is pressed, not only does its handler run, but so do all lines below it, including the contents of other hotkey handlers. Below is a demonstrative example. What is the problem? How can I get Autohotkey to execute only the lines specified in the handler? #SingleInstance force ;Main loop While 1 { } ;Hotkeys: ;Quit with Ctrl+Q ^q:: { MsgBox Quitting ExitApp } ^s:: { MsgBox Hotkey1 }

In C#, how can you easily change the name of an event handler?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-22 07:55:31
问题 In VS2008, if I double click on the event handler VS creates a default event handler with a default name, e.g. combobox1_SelectedIndexChanged. Say, for example, i now rename combobox1 to cbStatus. It still has the same event handler, so i now change that to cbStatus_SelectedIndexChanged. Is there a way, where VS can change the initial combobox1_SelectedIndexChange to cbStatus_SelectedIndexChange rather than generate a new cbStatus event handler in addition to the old event handler? Because

Meaning of path attribute on handlers in web.config

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-22 04:24:26
问题 I'm looking at IIS7.5 configuration (system.webServer/handlers). Do you know what is the diference between \*. and \* in the path argument for handlers? Could you use file.* (to match file.txt and file.xml) or abc.a?c (to match abc.abc and abc.asc) ? Can the path argument make reference to the "folder"? like \*\f4\*.txt ? Given a http request like GET \f1\f2.f3\f4\a.b.c?arg1.arg2.arg3=3&arg4.txt=1.4 what is the part the path argument tries to match? 回答1: The * and *. paths aren't really

The logging.handlers: How to rollover after time or maxBytes?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-20 09:19:24
问题 I do struggle with the logging a bit. I'd like to roll over the logs after certain period of time and also after reaching certain size. Rollover after a period of time is made by TimedRotatingFileHandler, and rollover after reaching certain log size is made by RotatingFileHandler. But the TimedRotatingFileHandler doesn't have the attribute maxBytes and the RotatingFileHandler can not rotate after a certain period of time. I also tried to add both handlers to logger, but the result was doubled

Why not use javascript handlers on the body element?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-17 20:21:52
问题 As an answer to the question of 'How do you automatically set the focus to a textbox when a web page loads?', Espo suggests using <body onLoad="document.getElementById('<id>').focus();"> Ben Scheirman replies (without further explanation): Any javascript book will tell you not to put handlers on the body element like that Why would this be considered bad practice? In Espos answer, an 'override' problem is illustrated. Is this the only reason, or are there any other problems? Compatibility

Is there an actual difference in the 2 different ways of attaching event handlers in C#?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-17 16:59:40
问题 In C# is there any real difference (other than syntax) under the hood between: myButton.Click += new EventHandler(myMemberMethod); and myButton.Click += myMemberMethod; ? 回答1: The second method is a shortcut to the first one, it was introduced in C# 2.0 See also this thread. 回答2: They are exactly the same, its called syntax sugar. There are a lot of things that arent needed, to get a better idea of them while programming you should try something like Resharper. It will color the unnecessary

VBA - Update Other Cells via User-Defined Function

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-17 07:38:39
问题 I have a UDF(User-Defined Function) in VBA that needs to modify cell range on Excel. Since a UDF cannot do this, I tried using Event calls. When I raise a Custom Event and try to write to cells, I get #Value error. On the other hand, Application events such as Private Sub App_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) can write to cells. My questions is how do I update other cells by calling a UDF? 回答1: Here is a way you can circumvent the restraint, you must do it indirectly.