
HackTheGame 攻略

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-15 06:28:02
游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 第六关要完成的任务如下: TITLE : Serious request FROM : Pro2Call@fake-mail-address.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Hello Tsybius! I'm convinced that you are skilled enough to do some serious business. I heard rumours of a new Windows version, and I want the first beta build before it is released. So please, hack into the Microsoft file server and send me the following files: MS_Longhorn_build5010.rar MS_Longhorn_serial.txt MS_Longhorn_readme.doc I've done some

HackTheGame 攻略

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-12-19 14:52:44
游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 第五关要完成的任务如下: TITLE : New tool FROM : chaozz@fake-mail-address.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi Tsybius, If found a new tool which I think you could use too. It's a brute force password hacker. This way you can hack into a system without knowing the login password. Getting it is a bit more tricky, because it's on a secure file server. This is what I know: IP address: Loginname : god Password : admin1234 The file is called

HackTheGame 攻略

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-05-05 13:38:38
今天下载了游戏HackTheGame,这个游戏是一个基于Windows命令行的黑客游戏,我玩着感觉挺有意思的,于是决定写一组这个游戏的攻略。 游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 游戏本身并不大,HackTheGame.exe可以进入游戏,HackTheGame.htg是游戏帮助,用记事本打开即可查看,不过其中的功能我们在后面的游戏过程中都会用到,所以说在这里就不再做过多说明了。 进入游戏后,需要先选择语言并录入一个用户名,用户名不能多于10个字符(否则系统会嘲讽你一下)。 我选择了英文语言包,Hacker名为Tsybius。 刚进游戏时界面如下: 过了一会儿,左上角的Inbox会有一封新邮件,内容如下: TITLE : Hi there FROM : chaozz@fake-mail-address.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi there Tsybius, I have high hopes for you, your computer skills are way above

HackTheGame 攻略

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-05-05 13:37:34
游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 第十一关是游戏的最后一关,任务如下: TITLE : I found it! FROM : MichelloZ@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Lately we did not spend enough time at school. But finaly our hackin' can help us, I found the IP of the PC of the principal's office: He has some ports wide open. to be able to work at home. I once saw him log in using administrator as the loginname. I couldn't see the password though, :( Since you are the best hacker of us two. you should