1、sdc文件也是要添加到Quartus 软件中,这样在执行Read SDC File命令时才能读到相应的文件。 2、在TimeQuest打开的条件下,重新编译工程之后要Update Timing Netlist,这样TimeQuest分析器会得到最新的 网表文件进行时钟分析。 转载地址 http://www.cnblogs.com/pejoicen/p/4194380.html PLL时钟约束 # Uncommenting one of the following derive_pll_clocks lines # will instruct the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to automatically # create derived clocks for all PLL outputs for all PLLs in a # Quartus design. # If the PLL inputs are constrained elsewhere, uncomment the # next line to automatically constrain all PLL output clocks. derive_pll_clocks # If the PLL inputs are not constrained elsewhere,