
Nearby Connections 2.0: Mixing different strategies?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 08:48:44
问题 I've been experimenting with the new Android Nearby Connections v2.0 API, and have some questions about the Connection Strategies used for advertising and discovery. These questions involve strange edge cases, and might not be easy to answer. But when I mentioned these potential problems in a comment on another post, a Nearby Connections developer requested that I create a separate question about these issues. This question concerns some strange (but somewhat unnatural) edge cases that I've

Is it possible to monitor discovering process when using Google Nearby Connections 2.0?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-11 07:40:01
问题 I have been playing around with Google Nearby Connections 2.0 sample program: walkietalkie. I ran the APP on several android phones and tablets. I usually put one device on advertising mode and other devices in discovering mode very close by. The devices sometimes discover successfully but also fail to discover frequently. Is there a way to monitor the Bluetooth discovering process to get more information? I suspect Bluetooth pairing issue. 回答1: You can filter for the log tags

Android Nearby not working on Android Things

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-11 07:02:49
问题 I have have the following code: OnFailureListener onFailureListener = new OnFailureListener() { @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "bum", e); } }; connectionsClient.startAdvertising("Device A", getPackageName(), myCallback, new AdvertisingOptions(STRATEGY)) .addOnFailureListener(onFailureListener); If I run in on my phone it works as expected, but when I run it on my Android Things device I get the following error

Configure Google Nearby Notification API to use Facebook App Intent

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-11 04:29:45
问题 Is it possible to pass Facebook's Android App intent while subscribing for Nearby Notification on Google Beacon Dashboard? I want to open my company's Facebook Page on the Facebook App when in proximity of the Beacon. In case it can be done, what should be passed in intent and scheme parameters? 回答1: In order to make this happen, you need to add a Nearby notification attachement url to your beacon. You can read an overview of how to do this here. Here's an example of constructing a the url to

Nearby Notifications not showing

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-06 10:23:30
问题 I've configured three types of beacons: Eddystone-UID Eddystone-UID with TLM iBeacon They are visible in Google Beacons Dashboard, I see these beacons in Beacon Toolkit App in "Registered" tab too. I've added two nearby notifications: Unfortunately, I did not receive any notification with this web page. I see my beacons in third party beacon scanner. When I've started Nearby attractions scan manually: it didn't show any beacon related web pages. However, when I turn on Eddystone-URL beacon I

Multi peer connection using Google Nearby Connection

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-04 20:52:21
I am working on my Bachelor Thesis and I have to implement an application using Google Nearby Connection API. The goal is to develop a disaster assistance app. I tested Google Nearby Connection for the past two day and I have some problems, quesitons. I have 6 devices, 4 Motorola G (2nd Generation), 1 Nexus 5X and 1 OnePlus 5T. They all are up to date. I also use the latest version of Google Nearby '' Here are my questions: The Motorola devices ask for a pairing code to connect one to another, but even when the pairing is accepted they do not

Nearby Connections 2.0: When is simultaneous advertising/discovery possible?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-04 17:09:14
I'm currently trying to simultaneously advertise and discover using the P2P_CLUSTER strategy. I believe that this should work, since the available documentation says the P2P_CLUSTER strategy supports M-N connection topology (where each device can both initiate outgoing connections to M other devices and accept incoming connections from N other devices). However, the same documentation also says that it's possible to simultaneously advertise and discover using the P2P_STAR strategy. So simultaneous advertising/discovery would seem to be possible with all strategies? But I wonder about this,

Google Nearby Messages - Cancel initial link between devices

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-04 02:13:03
问题 I'm building a app to test Google Nearby Messages API. For that test, I'm using DISTANCE_TYPE_EARSHOT. According to this thread Nearby API's Strategy.DISTANCE _TYPE_ EARSHOT doesn't seem to restrict message proximity , after the initial link between devices, they can receive messages for 10 minutes regardless of distance. I would like to know if this 10 minute limit can be interrupted (in order to prevent that a device can receive a message when its distance to another device is more than

Nearby Connections 2.0: Successful connection, immediately followed by disconnection

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-02 05:48:21
问题 I'm trying to use Nearby Connections 2.0 with the P2P_CLUSTER connection strategy, and I'm having problems getting my devices to connect and stay connected. According to my trace logs, it looks like the devices are successfully connecting and then getting instantly disconnected. Note that it also sometimes runs through the same code successfully, and then stays connected. I don't know what makes it work sometimes and fail other times, and I don't know why the nodes are getting automatically

Nearby Connections 2.0: Successful connection, immediately followed by disconnection

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-02 02:18:21
I'm trying to use Nearby Connections 2.0 with the P2P_CLUSTER connection strategy, and I'm having problems getting my devices to connect and stay connected. According to my trace logs, it looks like the devices are successfully connecting and then getting instantly disconnected. Note that it also sometimes runs through the same code successfully, and then stays connected. I don't know what makes it work sometimes and fail other times, and I don't know why the nodes are getting automatically disconnected. However, I'm certain that the "disconnect" isn't being issued in my code. It's coming from