
Not getting attachments from Nearby Messages API

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-25 09:27:47
问题 I am using Nearby messages API for android. I was getting the attachments using API before, till end of January. However, it has abruptly stopped working. I can see the request calls my app making in the google cloud console. However, I am not getting any attachment. Is there anything that has been changed on the API end? 回答1: I work on the Nearby team. We've recently discovered and fixed a problem with the default message filter, which might be what's affecting you (e.g. if you don't provide

Multi peer connection using Google Nearby Connection

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-22 01:16:45
问题 I am working on my Bachelor Thesis and I have to implement an application using Google Nearby Connection API. The goal is to develop a disaster assistance app. I tested Google Nearby Connection for the past two day and I have some problems, quesitons. I have 6 devices, 4 Motorola G (2nd Generation), 1 Nexus 5X and 1 OnePlus 5T. They all are up to date. I also use the latest version of Google Nearby '' Here are my questions: The Motorola

Nearby Message API MessageLisenter is not triggerd

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-21 23:57:38
问题 I am working on IoT project with NXP i.MX7D . In this project I used Google Nearby API to publish data from companion app to the things app . I have followed this project nearby-kotlin . I have followed almost exactly as this repo . but in my case both of my app is publishing is subscribing successfully . Here are my code for two activity first one is companion app's MainActiviy.kt and second one is for the activity running on the NXP i.MX7D class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(),

I can't see a nearby notification in association with a beacon

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-19 10:29:10
问题 My device got yesterday the update of the google services app. I have tested the google nearby notifications on Android with two beacons, one iBeacon and one Eddystone-UID. These beacons are active, and are correctly registered in the platform. (I see them as registred in the Android Beacon Tool app). I added to them an url nearby notification attachment from the Google Beacons Dashboard. My device does not receive any notifications in relation with these beacons while my device correctly

Error codes in Nearby Connections 2.0

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-18 12:32:26
问题 I've been experimenting with the new Android Nearby Connections v2.0 API. Most of my devices can now talk to each other most of the time, but I also get a lot of error codes back when trying to connect. Checking status.getStatusCode() inside my program, I can see the following return codes: STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_ENDPOINT (8003) STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR (8007) STATUS_ENDPOINT_IO_ERROR (8012) STATUS_ERROR (13) I'm having a hard time making sense of these. The first error code seems self

Nearby Connections 2.0: Advertiser restarts, but Discoverer connects using old Advertiser id

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-14 03:26:28
问题 I caught an interesting result Advertiser advertised its endpoint id 'wjys' Discoverer requested connection to 'wjys' Advertiser restarted (stopAllEndpoints, disconnect from GoogleApiClient) Advertiser advertised its new endpoint id 'PChU' Discoverer discovered Advertiser again (id=PChU) Discoverer gets onConnectionInitiated with the old id (wjys) Both devices accept Amazingly, the two devices could still communicate, even though Discoverer sent and received messages using old Advertiser id

'NSConcreteMutableAttributedString initWithString:: nil value' when using Google Nearby Messages

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-13 21:51:28
问题 I was following Google's documentation for using NearbyMessages API. I'm using Swift3. I have the following code to set up the app to publish to nearby. let messageManager = GNSMessageManager(apiKey: "someky") var publication: GNSPublication? let message = GNSMessage(content:"name".data(using: .utf8)) if let messageManager = messageManager, let message = message { publication = messageManager.publication(with:message) } I ran the app on the simulator. Then the app crashes in the 5th line (The

Nearby Messages repeated on reconnecting

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-13 21:18:13
问题 I've written a small test application which works as a simple chat room using Nearby.MESSAGES_API. When I subscribe I find that I receive a number of older Messages in my MessageListener (in onFound). If I disconnect and then reconnect (eg. switch to another application) I find that all the messages come through again. Is this meant to happen? I have changed the application to include UUIDs in my messages and keep a stash of them to check whether I have received the message, but that may not

Nearby notifications when Beacon is Inactive

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-13 17:18:47
问题 I continue to see notification's from a Google Nearby registered Beacon even when the Beacon is set to be INACTIVE in the Dashboard. Is this expected? I was hoping to not see the Nearby notifications any longer but I still see them constantly irrespective of the Beacon's state. Is this a known bug? 回答1: It's a caching issue on the local device only. Once the message for that beacon is found and cached it stays on that device and associated with that beacon id. Another device will not see that

Android BLE scan interval for Nearby Notifications?

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-12 02:14:14
问题 What is the scan interval that is currently being used by Android for the Nearby Notifications feature (app-less)? On a parallel note, does the stability value for the beacon have anything to do with this interval? How/If is the Nearby Notification affected when the stability value is changed between stable, portable, mobile & roving? 回答1: Nearby Notifications scanning is also the same as Nearby Messages background scanning. It does so at every screen on. The stability of the beacon does not